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Wellp guys, It's finally over, after 7 years and 6 months of being in college, one of the hardest institution in my country I'm finally an Industrial design engineer ... Today I presented my project, all went good, I got a really high grade and now is just a matter of papers and time to get my bachelor degree ... You can't imagine how happy I am about it :') ...

And after a good nap and some good food to celebrate I spend some time drawing what I promised you guys, Misha cosplaying Mei, this is just the sketch of course I'll fully render the piece with a NSFW version ;)

At this point I still gotta see how does my work will treat me now that I'm not under the college pressure anymore. If everything goes well I hope to bring back monthly polls ;)



Aaron Jones

Congratulations and now to go out into the workers world and make a bigger name for yourself and prosper to your fullest

Holo Wolf

Congratulations to your degree and welcome as a fellow engineer!


gratz on finishing! you did it! now go have boobs and icecream!