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New patient is not very happy with her new appliance that she will have to wear 23h/day!



Ales Muron

You really good, very good. Some clips are very realistic, this I appreciate. Some are made for fun, which I undrestand. I especially likes you videos with Milwaukee brace. I had a girfriend back in 80s, she was wearing milwaukee. I know, how is it for real to live 4 or 5 years in to this brace. But one question I have,... how you gen the models ? They really not complain to spent hours in the brace ? How they survive this ? They can not like it. I dont believe they like it.... and P.S. they are so good.

Charles Monso

Wow, she is really beautiful and the hair color matches the padding of the chin rest. The unsure expression on her face already tells a whole story. Hopefully she will answer some interview questions.