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So we went to the auction of the building we have mentioned in this post:

Only we came for the auction but we didn't bid.

They will lower the price for the next bidding but unfortunately, they also told us that they won't go as low with the starting price to what we proposed.

Some outside financing would be needed for sure. The €500 000 price tag would be actually a start only, as the building needs some heavy work inside, but that could be done in stages.

The building is more than 1300 square meters big (with cellars - which are really cool with toilets and all and could become a closed ward - the square footage goes to 1500m)

So the plan would be split the building into wings and occupy like 1/4 of the building which would hold all of our facilities, rooms for patients stay, castroom, bracing room etc. and rent out the rest, preferably also for medical or beauty use.

So the building wouldn't rely only on the rec patients and our videos.

Besides folks that already told us that would like to put their foot into this company, do we have any other potential investors on board with us? (also, spread the word if you can in the community)

Maybe we could pull this off together.




If I had a few thousand Euros to spare, I know where I would invest them


This is definitely something I'd wholeheartedly support. It sounds like a fantastic idea and I'm honestly surprised nobody has thought about it sooner. I can say with 100% certainty that if this recreational clinic were to come to be I would absolutely love to be a patient! I definitely think this idea is something you should make more public or at least push it more. If more people know, you might get more people supporting? It may also be worth diversifying what you offer. Promote more of the White Ward and Straight Jacket Shop and, as per the suggestion of another commenter maybe look at doing some ABDL stuff? It's got a much bigger audience than casting and braces sadly so maybe consider tapping that potential market? I think there may be some overlap between ABDL and casters and all that so it might be worth looking at. On the subject of looking at other interests, have you ever considered doing any amputee stuff? It'd be pretender naturally of course. I for one would love to see one of your models pretending to have one leg or arm or have lost multiple limbs and, with your high production values and style I'm sure you could make some of the best amputee content out there. I'm not even sure if amp stuff is even really all that covered and definitely not to the standard here at bracedlife. Anyway, I've rambled enough. Just some food for thought and I wish you the very best of luck in this endeavour!