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Charles Monso

Nice to get a small glance behind the scenes. Personally, I am curious to get more insight about what your protagonistas think about their job and the various kinds of casts and braces they apply and wear.


As not everyone here is equally interested in braces and in casts I think it would be great if you could at least when you upload news on a cast video or publish the full video post some pictures of ongoing work about braces and vice versa so everyone could enjoy it equally.


We try to make short interviews about the experience of wearing cast and braces in most of new videos. Some more selfies are also incoming.


We try to switch topics as much as possible with focus cast>brace>cast>brace and so on in our videos, it also will be like it with the story chain that this selfie is from. I don't like to spoil WAY ahead of what we will be releasing, as it builds up the expectations and may lead to frustration, on why that exact material is not released sooner (and often it is not because we stick to the cast>brace>cast chain)