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So in case you would wonder to what your last month Patronage went for!

The Ecru color won in the poll and I think it looks pretty nice.

It is indead  an orthopedic table designed for making of Hip Spicas.

This is the head and back rest for the patient

Patient's buttocks goes over the metal thingy, leaving enough space to plaster the hips and lumbar area.

Feet are mounted to the stirrups that are regulated and can be placed in desired position.

Lots of stuff going under the table as well.

So now time comes to baptise it in the plaster!
What would you like us to make on it first?




<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2e1PQq2Sx4hTmdva0hoaVhCZ3M/view" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2e1PQq2Sx4hTmdva0hoaVhCZ3M/view</a>


What about a DHS in a sitting position? The new foot holds should help in achieving the correst angle at the hip and knees.


Yes, this should be much easier to achieve now. Any idea for the story for such hip spica? Why patient needs to get it?