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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

I wanted to start this month with a new story format, but it started getting too long and I felt myself rushing it to have something out.

I was working on this story before though, and was able to release it sooner and without rushing myself. I should have the new story tomorrow, and I can’t wait for everyone to see my new concept! 😇

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTfHRb-30UrzAKAca_6YaKgxbdLA2PtCcpln42oATGuLdxWlnrXSF8Rrv3OsSw5ZaKv76PpAJ-5IQKP/pub

Sorry, I can’t get the file to download for this story! I’ll work on it and try to edit the post as soon as I can though! ❤️


Bayley Peters

Real excited to see this new format

Bayley Peters

How are things going, seem to be running a bit late this month. hope all is well


All is well!! Story coming soon, it’s just taking longer than I anticipated 😅