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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Please leave a like if you enjoyed, new story coming Friday!! 😇

💕I’m sending out the deleted old story files to more people in a little bit, please message me if you’re interested or haven’t received any yet! A lot of people are saying it’s going straight to spam, so I’ve added ‘2nd Attempt’ to the subject line cuz I’ve noticed a lot of junk get through to me that way… ❤️😅

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTnRKCB45-tR0NhnHDYPeohaExwOnuzvseBDR-6P2KeS8A4ZmTXlsC2yM9Eja1Mmr23Xk9ij-9y5nIQ/pub


Joshua McDowell

This was amazing!! Definitely one of my favorite stories from you ❤️ the models were gorgeous, I loved all of the huge luscious tits and how even the smaller ones are begging to pour out of their shirt. Plus the lactation here was perfect!! The intimate moment and foggy helplessness and how you used it in a really fun unique way was too fun