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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Big thank you to Mainkore and Dr Beaubourg for letting me use their Dew Girl animation!! 😘

Please contact me if you’re hoping to read older stories, I had to remove some images but I can help if you message me 🥰

Please leave a like if you enjoyed, new story coming Wednesday! 😇

For anyone having issues with below file, the following link is an easy way to view this story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTTk0J2TysTxU8uWpwC1L1ccUrY9lH93CVE9UdTHe1ZkSrf9bMdZxPcNQ9fciziSCkmZrGxCAq87A-0/pub



Do you have the drive link?


Sorry, forgot!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTTk0J2TysTxU8uWpwC1L1ccUrY9lH93CVE9UdTHe1ZkSrf9bMdZxPcNQ9fciziSCkmZrGxCAq87A-0/pub Added it to the post too, thanks! 😘