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"I have made a continuous error in judgment," Raven realized, looking down at the phone screen that displayed the picture that she had just sent. Everything leading up to this moment was one poorly thought-out decision after another due to her inexperience with dealing with people. Men specifically. Men she would like to be more than friends with. 

'Be aggressive.' That was the advice that Kori had given her and it was only now, as her mortification grew with her actions, that she realized her mistake. Kori was her closest friend. Her best friend. At times, it felt like Kori was her only friend. Which made Kori her first choice to turn to advise on what to do. 

Raven was moving on. Garfield had made his choice, and now it was time for her to stop wallowing in self-pity because Garfield hadn't picked her. No more dwelling on what could have been or anything of that nature. It was simply time to move on with her life. 

And that brought her to Kori. The alien who would fly around wearing nothing at all if Dick hadn't talked her out of it. Because when Kori gave her advice to be aggressive, that brought Raven to an obvious question. 

'How do I do that?' The next thing Raven knew, she was trying out lingerie with Kori belonging to a brand that Kori modeled for. And not once, not a single time, did Raven think about why she would be wearing lingerie. The entire point of sexy underwear was to be seen. By the person you intend to have sex with. And she sent a picture of herself wearing lingerie to Nero. 

Be aggressive? The only way she could be more aggressive was she walked around with a sign over her head that she was interested while spreading her legs at Nero every time he walked up to her. 

"I… I can probably travel through time," Raven muttered to herself, her body growing hot with embarrassment. It was in the realm of possibility. She might have tapped into the power already when she restored the planet after her father had spent some time walking this plane of existence. Her powers' limits had a high ceiling, so she could probably do it. And it wouldn't disrupt the time stream too much to stop herself from sending a horribly humiliating picture- 

Oh. He responded. Raven swallowed thickly, feeling more nervous than she did when she fought supervillains before she tapped on his message. A simple four words. 

I'm on my way.

Raven stared at them for a moment before she realized her lips had tugged upwards into a smile. He was on his way. Nero liked the picture and… he was on his way. To have sex. With her. 

Taking in a deep breath, Raven fell back on her training to suppress her emotions. Because of that, she very calmly called Kori. The ringtone didn't even manage to start before her friend answered. "Did he like the lewd photos?" Raven heard the moment Kori answered her phone. 

"I… think so. And photo," Raven corrected, playing with the hem of her panties with more than a little apprehension. Was she ready to give up her virginity? Raven never really considered the question until someone was on their way to take it. Honestly, Raven figured she would lose it in a magical ritual because some spells needed that 'purity' to be performed. 

Kori gasped, "Raven, you must send more than one! He must see you from all angles as you slowly reveal yourself to him. Then he will be unable to resist you!" It sounded like she had driving Dick wild down to a proven science. She hadn’t meant to make a pun, but it did seem appropriate regardless. 

"He'll see me alright. Nero's on his way," Raven informed, earning a high pitched squee from Kori loud enough that Raven was forced to pull the phone away from her ear. 

“I’m most happy for you Raven! Perhaps after you and Nero consummate your relationship with the passionate lovemaking, we can go on the double dates!” Kori gasped, sounding absolutely thrilled at the prospect. Raven’s face burned, but she fought it off with practiced ease. Her mind drifting and wandering, trying to picture her and Nero going on a double date with Kori and Dick. That was either going to be a cherished memory or one she suppressed. 

“Maybe,” Raven hedged, giving herself an out to not go. But maybe it would be nice to… be normal. She wasn’t, but it would be nice to pretend. Go out to see a movie, or find book series to read… Raven liked the idea of it. The only issue was that she had no idea what steps nor how many there were between where she was now and where she wanted to be. 

“Would you like instruction on how to-” Raven ended the call, knowing where that was going. She had watched porn before. She knew what to do. She didn’t need her best friend there, watching and guiding her through losing her virginity. Letting out a small breath, Raven looked over her room to find that it was as orderly as always. 

Several tall bookshelves packed with ancient tombs -- all of them either copies or fakes. Even here, she wouldn’t dare to leave truly valuable magical artifacts out in the open. Time had proven that the Titan Tower wasn’t as secure as anyone would like. The carpet was a dark grey, the lights were off and her window was blocked off with thick black curtains. 

A hand ghosted over the spine of a book that Nero had recommended. Given the life Raven lived, science-fiction got more wrong than right, but it was an interesting series for the characters. The other books that filled her shelves were the kind that she read for her amusement. Books of magic that were written that knew nothing of which they wrote of or those that debunked magic’s existence entirely. 

“I should prepare,” Raven told herself, getting out of bed. She reached out a hand and her signature dark blue cloak flew to her hand. She draped it over her shoulders with practiced ease, concealing her body. Should she get fully dressed to leave her room to greet Nero at the door. She couldn’t expect him to find his way to her room. Or worse, ask someone to lead him here. 

But… that would rather ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it? A thrill raced through Raven at the thought of walking through the tower wearing nothing but lingerie and a cloak. 

What else did she need to prepare? Shave? Already done. Her room was clean. Her bed was made. Raven hadn’t realized it at the time, but she was physically prepared to lose her virginity. Mentally? She felt trepidation and worry that he would find her unattractive, or that she would mess this up, or that Nero was coming this way to reject her, but actual nervousness about losing her virginity? 

No. There was none of that. 

Raven eyes glazed over her room one last time before her eyes landed on a mirror tucked in the corner. An ancient mirror that served as a basis for the one in the original tale of Snow White. Whatever magic the mirror once had, it was long gone. Likely because of the gemstone missing at the top of the mirror. But, that was besides the point. 

Kori’s words rang out in her head like a bell. Raven felt nervous enough about sending one picture, but… maybe… it wouldn’t hurt to send another? To confirm that she got his message? Feeling oddly excited, Raven floated to the mirror, pushing back her cloak to reveal her scantily clad body. She thought about just snapping a picture like that, but… it was too awkward. She felt awkward, but she didn’t want to look awkward. 

So she turned to her side, opening her cloak to reveal the curvature of her side profile. Her breasts were modest, and for the first time Raven wished that they would be a bit bigger. Mostly because her butt stood out too much in that regard. Raven wouldn’t call it a bubble butt, or anything like that, but… well… it was… big. Comparatively to her build. 

But if there was a popular song about men and big butts. It was worth a shot. 

Keeping her cloak spread out, Raven started to take a photo but realized that she was standing ramrod straight. Cocking her hip, and raising one leg a little, she snapped a picture and typed out a short message. With her heart thundering in her ears, Raven pressed send before she could think better of it and make the awkward pause of her late reply last longer. 

I’ll be waiting. 

Raven smiled lightly at the photo, feeling… proud of herself. Before her sixteenth birthday, the universe would have ended before she ever considered sending a naughty photo to a guy. Even after her birthday and she trapped her father in the gem residing on her forehead, she would have been too afraid to take such a risk with her emotions. 

It felt like she had overcome some great hurdle in her life. Like she had made progress. And Raven was glad for it. 

“I’m really glad I learned to block off my father’s senses,” Raven muttered to herself. Early on, she was forced to listen to him speak, whispering foul advice in her ears when she least needed it. And once she blocked his voice, she cut him off from her senses entirely. Perhaps it was cruel, but considering the vile nature of her father, he more than deserved it. 

The very last thing Raven needed, much less wanted, was her father feeling echoes of what she felt as she lost her virginity. 

Her phone beeped, alerting her to a message. Quickly checking it, her eyebrows furrowed as she read the message out loud. "I'm still on my way, but I need you to clear something up with the police when I get there?" What did that mean? There was only one way to find out, she supposed, her gaze lingering on her dresser. 

But, instead of putting on actual clothes, Raven teleported herself through the floor and reemerged at the entrance made for visitors. It was a small parking lot that overlooked a road that was raised to connect the tower with the rest of the city. Only the road, instead of being made of asphalt, was made of hard light. 

Victor was pushing for more advanced technology to enter commercial use and little displays of advanced tech like creating a bridge from nothing was how he drummed up support. Some pieces were making their way through walls of red tape, so progress was being made. Just not fast enough to satisfy anyone. 

Raven saw Nero driving down the hard light road in an expensive-looking car. Behind him was a cop car. The sirens were off, so at least Nero was running from the cops. She waited patiently for them to near, then Nero slowed to a stop before getting out. 

His hair was a different color. Instead of the bubblegum pink, which was the natural hair color for him according to Nero, his hair was black. And he was wearing those sunglasses that blocked his eyes and the beauty mark just beneath one of them. What stood out the most was the boxes that were stacked in his hands as he got out of his car. The cop pulled up behind him, blocking his way if he tried to pull out. 

"Officer McCoy," Raven recognized him, approaching the two men. The police officer offered her a nod before jumping into the explanation of what was going on. 

"Afternoon. I pulled this man over earlier for going a hundred and fifty in an eighty zone," the police officer explained, making Raven send Nero a dry and thoroughly unimpressed look. At the very least, Nero looked abashed. "But when he pulled over, he gave me this," he explained, handing Raven a blank card. 

Except she couldn't take it because she was wearing nothing but underwear underneath her cloak. It took every ounce of her self control not to die of embarrassment as she took the card with magic and levitated it towards her.

As soon as she looked at it, she realized why it was a blank card to her. It was simply because she could see through the illusion and powerful compulsion charms imbued into the card. To the untrained eye, the card would look like whatever they wanted it to look like. Or, rather, what Nero told them it was. 

"I see," Raven said, her head bobbing. She carefully gave nothing away, prompting the police officer to explain further. 

"I thought it was a bit odd -- how could donuts be so important? So, I questioned him further and he claimed to know you personally. I figured the claim was worth investigating," he said but his emotions betrayed him. Officer McCoy was young, in his early twenties, and harbored a crush on either her or another member of the Titans. He was taking this chance to speak to her, or see whoever else he desired, in a situation that didn't involve a crime scene. 

"I do know him. I invited Nero here," Raven said, deciding to cover for him. She could get his side of the story when the police left. In response to her words, Raven felt a pang of disappointment followed by resigned acceptance coming from the officer. But, at least he hid it well. 

"Oh. Well, in that case, sorry for wasting your time. Have a good night," he said with a wooden smile. Nero didn't fail to notice that either. 

"No, this is my bad. Here, take these as an apology," Nero offered a box to the officer. McCoy opened it, revealing donuts. Which was… yeah. Raven hoped that it was the thought that counted in this case. "And thanks for being willing to hear me out. I'm sorry about any trouble I caused you." 

McCoy accepted the gift… or bribe, depending on how you looked at it. "Thanks. Have a good night," he answered somewhat curtly before getting into his car. Raven watched him go and despite his soured mood, Raven felt a sharp spike of joy as he pulled out as he ate a donut. Enough so that it caught her off guard. 

But she had more pressing matters. Like giving the man she planned to give her virginity to tonight a sharp Look. "A hundred and fifty?" She questioned, her tone dry. 

"We'll… there was no one else on the road, so I figured it would be fine," Nero defended, though he looked like he knew it was a weak excuse.

"And what's this?" She asked, holding up the card that the cop had left with her. 

"I'm not sure?" Nero admitted with a small shrug. "I found it in my pocket and I've been using it to make myself not an illegal immigrant." Raven's eyes widened a fraction at that, looking back at the card. He found something like this in his pocket? From what she learned, most of Nero’s clothes came from Killer Moth, Kitten’s father. Did Killer Moth really forget a rather powerful item like this in his pants pocket?

"Is this how you set up your business so quickly?" Raven asked, wondering if she should give the card back to him. Nero reached up and took off his glasses, revealing his practically glowing amber eyes and the mole. He offered her a weak smile that did dangerous things to her as he nodded. 

"Yeah. I mean, I still paid the fees and everything. I just sped up the process," he admitted. And that… was a crime, technically. Really, it was as if Nero was trying to cockblock himself. But, Raven gave the matter some thought. Nero wasn't using the card to rob banks or force people into horrible but legally binding contracts. He used it to start a legitimate business. What's more… Raven trusted him. 

"Do you promise me that you'll only use it for that?" She asked, catching Nero off guard with the question. It was likely that he resigned himself to simply losing the card entirely. 

"I do," he agreed easily. Easily enough that Raven believed him. Nero wasn't the kind of person who would do those things. Raven floated over the card, which he gratefully accepted and stuffed into his pocket. "And I'll make sure that no one else gets their hands on it," he added, proving that he at least understood the dangers of the card. 

With that out of the way… Raven eyes took Nero in, her gaze lingering on the mole for a second too long before they flicked up to his now black hair. “Your hair looks nice. What inspired the change?” She asked, deciding that she liked it. 

Nero shrugged, “I figured if I was going to be some hotshot CEO, then I should at least look the part rather than some punk kid.” And that was a fair reason. Though, that did bring her attention to the boxes of food that he brought. “I… well, I was hoping to run something by the Titans while I was here. I’ve decided to do a promotion of Heroes eat half off, or something. And I wanted to put a good foot forward when meeting everyone else, and who doesn't like free food?” He explained, noticing her look. 

Raven didn’t have any personal experience with it, but it sounded like a lot like a brand deal. A company would send them a product with the hopes that they would wear it, then the brand would receive a passive boost in sales without any official deals being struck. Normally, Raven would refuse outright, but… her curiosity had been peaked. The spike in joy from McCoy was telling. 

“Did you use magic to make them?” She wondered, inclining her head to the door. A gesture to follow her. And it was only then that it sunk in that she was standing before Nero wearing nothing but a cloak and some underwear. Raven tried to not let it show, and thankfully Nero seemed preoccupied by taking in every detail of the tower once they entered it, even though it was a simple hallway with gray walls and blue carpet. 

“Oh, no. That was the plan originally, but I figured it would be a bad idea since it could lead a trail right to me about my magic. I’m not sure why exactly, but since I found myself here, I’ve become a pretty decent cook,” Nero answered with some pride. Raven glanced at him, trying to pay little attention to the defined lines that pushed against the tight-fitting white long sleeve he wore. In doing so, she didn’t fail to notice the look he was giving her. 

She didn’t need to sense his emotions to know what he was feeling at the moment. 

“Try one,” he offered as Raven led him to her room as she silently hoped that they wouldn’t run into anyone. Especially not Garfield or Terra. If they did… Raven had no clue what she would do.  

Raven accepted the offer, taking a simple glazed donut. When she took a bite, all of a sudden she had doubts that Nero hadn’t made it with magic. Despite appearances, Raven had something akin to a sweet tooth, and the donut was beyond perfection. Everything about it -- the flavor, the texture, how it just seemed to melt in her mouth… Nero was more than just ‘pretty decent’ at cooking. 

“Wow,” Raven muttered, only realizing that she had taken a second bite when the donut was gone. Glancing over at Nero, she saw that he seemed extremely proud of himself. All things considered, he probably should be. 

They turned a corner, and her hopes of running into no one were shattered. Raven knew she should have just teleported them both there, but it would be a lie to say that she didn’t want to show off her home a little. Especially when Nero blatantly looked star-struck, like he couldn’t believe he was actually in the Titan’s Tower. 

Walking towards them was Donna Troy, better known as Troia, and floating next to her was Kara, better known as Supergirl. The shielded S stood out on her crop top that revealed her flat stomach while it covered her chest and arms. The red of the shielded S matched her cape while the deep blue shirt matched her mini-skirt. Honestly, each time Raven saw Kara, she wore a shorter skirt. 

Of all times… of all the times that she could have run into someone with X-ray vision… 

“Raven! Been awhile! And, you are?” Kara waved over, flying over in a blur until she appeared before them. Wind brushed against her cloak and despite it likely being impossible, Raven had an irrational thought of her cloak blowing open and revealing herself to everyone. 

“Nero. Raven invited me,” he explained his presence. “And I brought gifts?” Nero pointed out, gesturing to the boxes in his hands. All the while, Donna approached at a much more subdued pace. She eyed Nero warily, apprehension rolling off of her in waves. Which… was fair, Raven supposed. No one had good experiences with reality warpers and even if Nero was rather weak in comparison to most that they had encountered, he was still a dangerous threat. 

If he wanted to be one. 

“I did,” Raven confirmed with a nod. “Until I set up the wards at his house, my room is the best place to practice his more powerful magic.” If it wouldn’t reveal that she was wearing nothing by lingerie, Raven might have patted herself on the back for that lie. Donna nodded while Kara’s eyes widened. 

“You’re a magic-user?” Kara questioned, her pale blonde eyebrows rising high. Interest and anxiety rolled off of her. Natural considering that magic was one of the few things that Kryptonians didn’t have any resistance to. Not only that, Raven wasn’t sure if it would have been any good against Nero’s magic. “Are you joining the Titans?”

“No,” came Nero’s swift reply. Then he seemed to realize how that might come across. “Being a hero… isn't for me. I’m just going to run my business and keep my nose out of the entire lifestyle.” As if to prove his point, he raised the boxes in his hands. 

Donna sent her a pointed look but said nothing. “It’s good that you know your own limitations,” Donna said, trying to appear as if she wasn’t ready to handle Nero at the first sign of aggression. If Nero noticed then he didn’t say anything. “I understand that you’re learning to control your magic, which is a good first step, but have you considered that you might not get a choice?” 

Nero’s lips thinned while Donna continued before anyone could interrupt. “We have facilities here that can run simulations of the kinds of situations you could find yourself in. I… I understand you want nothing with this life but… do you think you’re the kind of person that can stand by and do nothing when someone needs your help? When you have the power to stop them?” She pushed, making Nero look away. 

“It didn’t go so well the last time I tried,” he pointed out. Raven looked into the incident. Psimon was dead, Gizmo was crippled, and the family he landed on… the father and mother were killed, as well as two children in the backseat. Raven didn’t have the heart to tell him and she hoped that he never learned. 

“Because you didn’t have the experience. I’m not saying that you need to join the Titan’s, or anything like that. I’m saying that you proved that you’re willing to stand up despite the odds. You regret what happened, but I think you’re the kind of person that would regret it more if you did nothing when you could have,” Donna spoke. Nero didn’t argue the point. 

If anything, he looked like he was considering it, but before he could bring himself to agree to anything, Nero shook his head. “I’ll… I’ll think about it,” he responded, sounding torn between saying that to appease her and actually considering it. Perhaps she could do something to warm him up to the idea?

“Either way, would you mind if I snagged a donut?” Kara asked and for a moment, Raven’s heart went still in her chest. 

How did Kara know that there were donuts in the box? There was only one explanation and it turned her blood to ice. 

“Sure thing. That’s why I brought them,” Nero said, all too happy to change the subject and practically shoved the boxes into Kara’s arms. Kara was all too happy to accept them. Raven didn’t think it was actually possible for Kryptonians to get fat, so odds were she would spend the next few hours snacking on them with the others. 

“Thanks! Well, we should let you get to your lessons! Nice meeting you!” Kara said, offering a smile before she started hovering down the halls. Donna lingered, likely trying to think of a way to push Nero in the direction she wanted, but a look from her sent Donna following Kara with some reluctance. 

Raven watched them go for a moment before her heart dropped to her feet when Kara glanced over her shoulder and gave Raven a knowing smile. 

She wanted to die. Raven actually wanted to die. 

"This way," Raven told Nero as she quickly looked away from Kara. Her body felt hot, mortification flowing through her. She had been caught. Not only she had been caught, but she was caught by someone like Kara. Who was very… extroverty. They walked in silence as they approached her room, Donna's words clearly weighing heavily on Nero's mind since he barely looked around anymore. Then, a minute later, the door to her room slid open. 

Raven floated inside, feeling faintly apprehensive as the door slid shut behind Nero. It wasn't that she was ashamed of her room, but it would be a lie to say that she wasn't nervous about what Nero would think of it. "This is my room," she told him, turning to face him. Nero seemed like he couldn't care less because his eyes were on her. They practically glowed with an intensity that made a thrill run through her. 

"Raven," Nero spoke, his voice low. "Before we do anything, you should know that I'm involved with other girls. We're not dating or anything -- they're sexual relationships-" he continued, falling silent as she approached. 

That should bother her, Raven knew even as her hand went to the round buckle of her cloak that hung off her shoulder. And maybe it did, a little bit, but it was overwhelmed with… desire. She wanted this. She wanted him. She wanted to move on, to move forward in her life. And he wanted her judging by the obvious erection straining against his pants as Raven let her cloak fall. 

"I don't care," Raven spoke honestly. Did that make her desperate? All things considered, she probably was. "I just want… this," Raven continued, walking towards him as she reached out. 

Before she could touch him, Nero took a step forward, his head dipping down and hungrily pressing his lips against hers. He kissed her hard and where his hands roamed rose gooseflesh as electricity raced from his touch down to her core. It was so sudden that Raven was too stunned to kiss him back, bit once his tongue flicked across her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter, Raven kissed him back just as hard. 

Her blood sang in her veins as she followed Nero's lead. Hooking her arms around the back of his neck, Raven levitated to make it easier for them to kiss as she pressed her body against his. Nero wasn't a hero, but he had the body of one. Hard and defined muscles pressed against her through his thin shirt and it was long before she gave into temptation to run her hands across his defined arms and back. All the while, his tongue plundered her mouth, battling against her tongue and winning every bout. His experience showed. 

A moan escaped her when Nero's hands made their inevitable destination on her butt. Raven felt him smirk into the kiss even as he deepened it. His hands squeezed the soft flesh before one of them grabbed hold of her panties and turned them into a thong. The fingers of his free hand brushed dangerously close to her asshole, and the thrill of it was like electricity coursing through her veins. 

However, two could play at that game. Raven hands descended, trailing down his defined pecs and unyielding abs until one hand settled on her belt buckle while the other landed on the outline of his cock. It twitched underneath her hand, firm and straining against his pants as if it were trying to rip free. 

She was touching a penis, Raven realized dimly, lost in the moment. Of its own will, her hand traced the length of his cock through his pants from bast to tip. Even though she was touching it, feeling it, Raven didn’t quite believe it. Before her sixteenth birthday, the idea of romance was impossible to her. After, as she slowly explored her powers and emotions, even then it seemed foreign. Now, at eighteen, she was alone in a room, wearing nothing but lingerie, and touching a penis. 

It was a bit of a struggle to open his belt with one hand, especially when Nero was greedily exploring her body, but Raven managed it. With only a little help of magic. Nero didn’t seem to notice, too lost in exploring every inch of her body, until she pulled down his boxers as well. His cock sprung up, smacking into her with a thump now that it was free of its denim prison. 

Nero pulled his head away, breaking this kiss and it was only then that Raven realized that she forgot to breathe. Her chest heaved, taking in deep breaths as her heart hammered at her ribs. Emotions assaulted her from every angle, but Raven didn’t push them away and suppress them like she was trained to. A book fell off a bookshelf as she looked down at Nero’s cock. 

It wasn’t the first time she had seen one. A younger Garfield wasn’t in the best control of his instincts, so she and the rest of the Titans had walked in on him licking himself. As a human. And that was a memory that she had tried her best to suppress, only to come back with a vengeance. 

Slowly, nervously, Raven reached out and touched it. His cock felt warm to the touch and painfully hard. Like steel wrapped in a thin layer of flesh. A moan escaped her lips as Nero’s sweet lips attacked her neck, leaving behind a trail of kisses as he made his way down to her collarbone. He didn’t say anything, content to let her take the lead to avoid pushing her too far. 

“Nero…!” Raven moaned his name and that seemed to spurn him on, holding her that much tighter as his groping became more desperate. This… was what she wanted. This closeness. To get lost in their desires for each other. To that end, Raven firmly gripped his cock and gave it a lazy stroke, marveling at what she was doing all the while. 

She didn’t know much about penises, but Raven had a very hard time picturing his managing to fit within her. And all of a sudden, the eromancy branch of magic made a great deal more sense. “Nero, I…!” Raven moaned, her back arching as his hands found her breasts. They remained over the bra that she wore, but already his other hand traced her spine with a ghostly touch towards the hooks. “I want…!” 

The words died in her throat when another moan was ripped from her as he unclasped her bra. It didn’t fall to the floor, attached to the ring of cloth that wrapped around her stomach, but her breasts were free and Nero wasted no time. His lips descended, kissing down from her collarbone, her sternum until his lips wrapped around one of her painfully hard nipples. His fingers dragged over the sensitive nub and it felt better than words could describe.

Another book clattered to the floor, bouncing open on the carpet. Raven tried not to squeeze down on his cock reflexively but one hand curled into his hair to keep him from stopping. Her toes curled, a knot of tension forming in her stomach already. A feeling that she had only felt a few times before nearing with astonishing quickness. 

When his free hand reached down, stroking her lower lips through her panties, Raven came. The situation was just as intoxicating as his touch. Distantly, Raven was aware of an entire shelf emptying itself onto the floor but she paid it no mind. She couldn’t. Not when white-hot pleasure surged through her veins, her body trembling as every sense she had was assaulted by ecstasy. 

Nero let out a small laugh, “you’re so wet, Raven,” he told her. It took her a few seconds to gather words to respond, but she wasn’t surprised. 

“I want… to suck your…” Raven trailed off, feeling embarrassed despite how far they had come. She wanted to please him, to bring him to the same peak he brought her with his touch. But the gulf between their experience showed and Raven doubted that she would be able to make him cum with her touch along.  

To prove her words, Raven dropped to her knees, her hands resting on Nero’s well-muscled thighs until she was eye level with his dick. It seemed daunting before, but now it appeared absolutely monstrous. Even still, Raven forced herself to look away, her eyes finding Nero’s as she opened her mouth as wide as it could and stuck out her tongue -- a pose she had learned in her...research. 

Fuck Raven,” Nero hissed, lust burning in his eyes. He reached down, caressing her cheek even as his cock throbbed with want. His hips moved forward, the underside of his cock resting on her tongue before it began to inch forward. It didn’t taste like she thought it would. She was expecting a strong flavor, but his penis tasted… like skin? Raven didn’t have long to think about it because the tip of it hit the back of her throat. 

Raven expected to gag involuntarily, only for it to not happen. Nero let out a disbelieving noise, “you don’t have a gag reflex,” he told her to both of their surprises. ‘You really are the perfect woman,” he told her, placing a hand on top of her head. A thrill raced through her, hearing those words, rubbing her thighs together and finding that her thighs were soaked. 

Though, since she didn’t have a gag reflex…

Raven pushed forward, feeling his member invade her throat. It was uncomfortable, his cock stretching her throat, and she couldn’t breathe, but as she sunk further along his length until her nose was touching his pelvis… the look on his face was well worth it. Slowly, Raven pulled back, feeling his cock throb in her throat. Pulling back, his cock glistening with her spit, Raven took in a deep breath through her nose, Raven braced herself before sinking back down on his dick. 

At first, she set the pace, growing accustomed to the intrusion, before Nero’s hips began to meet the temp that she set. Nero cursed underneath his breath, keeping one hand on the top of her head as she looked up at him as he fucked her face. Heat pooled in her stomach each time his cock throbbed in her throat, her eyes growing blurry with unshed tears and spit dripping down her chin onto her exposed breasts. 

It was her first blowjob, and it was a sloppy one, but it didn’t seem to matter. Raven felt his orgasm nearing. Instead of burying his cock into her throat and unleashing his cum directly into her stomach, Nero pulled back until his dick escaped her mouth entirely. His hand jerked his cock in front of her, and she realized what was about to happen. Raven figured it said a lot about her that her reaction was to tilt back her head and stick out her tongue as she closed her eyes. 

Something thick and hot splashed across her tongue. Raven heard that semen was supposed to taste bitter and salty, but the heavy flavor on her tongue was faintly sweet. Like a fruit she couldn't quite place. Another blast slammed into the roof of her mouth with considerable force. Then the next blast hit her cheek, the one after that splattered across her forehead. Then another, and another, each blast was weaker, but it was as if Nero was using the gem placed upon her forehead as a target. 

The gem containing her father. The world eater. Trigon, who reduced entire universes to ashes. And Nero was cumming on his, hopefully, eternal prison. His cum felt hot on her face, almost too hot to be natural, and Raven only dared to open her eyes when Nero groaned out a muttered curse. 

Curiosity got the better of her. Her gaze drifted to the standing mirror tucked into the corner and she saw her appearance. The obscene amount of him covering her face, dripping downward in thick drops, the drool covering her chin, and the cum still on her tongue. The drops of both on her pale gray breasts capped with darker gray nipples...

An entire bookshelf emptied itself, the contents flying across the room as if struck by an unseen hand. The sight of it was too much for her. An orgasm slammed into Raven like a fist, stealing her breath away. Raven clenched down on Nero's thighs, riding out her orgasm in stifled silence. Or, at least she tried to. 

With surprising ease, Nero scooped her up and carried her to the bed. She sat in his lap, Nero cuddling her from behind, with his sizable cock poking up between her legs. Raven wouldn't have thought anything of it except where he sat her down gave her a perfect view of herself. As Raven shivered from her orgasm, Nero deftly unclipped her bra from the rest of her lingerie while his free hand went between her legs. A low, deep moan escaped Raven's lips as his fingers stroked her lower lips, still protected by a thin strip of cloth. 

"You're so wet, Raven. Do you like what you see that much?" Nero asked a smile in his voice as one of his hands began to grope her breasts, dragging out or orgasm as much as he could. Raven couldn't answer him, the site of herself stole her words away. She… well, she looked like she had been facefucked and had a load of cum dumped onto her face. Raven only realized that there was still cum in her mouth when she swallowed, the thick substance's taste still lingering. 

"You're wet enough we could skip the foreplay," he whispered in her ear before he nibbled on her earlobe. It was as if her heart was trying to punch right through her ribs. Her gaze landed on his still rock hard cock, making her swallow thickly again. Slowly, she reached down and grabbed a hold of it before she pressed it back so it was pressed against her skin. 

Raven clenched when she realized that his dick reached her belly button. If she had a voice between him going down on her… and that… then that was the easiest choice she ever made.

"Take me… make me yours!" Raven moaned, grinding her lower lips against his cock. The underwear served as an infuriating barrier between his dick and her clit. Behind her, Nero smiled and wasted no time pushing her soaked panties to the side, revealing he'd drenched hairless pussy. Her lower lips were parted, eager to accept Nero, and he shifted underneath her and it took her a few seconds to realize that he was getting out a condom rather than lining himself up with her entrance. 

Under normal circumstances, Raven would like that he was being responsible. Right now, she was just annoyed. 

"You don't need a condom," Raven told him with some frustration leaking into her voice. 

"I kinda do. Raven… once I start, I'm not going to be able to bring myself to stop. And I don't want you to get pregnant," Nero argued. 

"I have a spell that'll stop me from getting pregnant," Raven told him. Because… of course she did. Raven could never afford to lie to herself, at least never for long -- this exact outcome was what she wanted. Right from the very start when she went to Kori for advice. And she was prepared for it. Her hand glowed as she cast the magic -- preventing any pregnancy with a wave of her hand. "Now, Nero, make me yours," Raven ordered, her voice thick with desire. 

"Yes, ma'am," Nero said, lining the tip of his cock up with her entrance. Raven felt his cock press against her lower lips before he entered her tunnel. Her breathing hitched, her hands going to his forearms that teased her body. All the while, Raven watched with awe as his cock began to disappear within her. 

By the time she reached the halfway mark, Raven felt like she couldn't fit another millimeter, but Nero pressed on and found more room inside of her. They groaned in unison when Nero bottomed out inside of her and it felt like his dick was poking her stomach. 

And, with that action, Raven realized she was no longer a virgin. 

"You're so tight," Nero told her, giving her some time to adjust to the intrusion. His lips nipped at her neck, leaving behind a lovebite. "Are you ready for me to start?" He asked and Raven didn't think that she was. 

But what came out of her mouth was… "Yes…!" 

Nero pushed them off the bed, his pants falling around his ankles. Raven helped him along by levitating a bit, unsure what he was doing but it only took a moment for her to figure it out when one hand went between her legs to stimulate her clit. The other grabbed her throat as if to keep her in place. Instinctively, Raven's hands went to his, but he wasn't choking her. Willing to go along, Raven hooked her legs around his waist, her knees pointing down while her feet were pointed up. 

Nero pulled his hips back, and that alone nearly made her cum again. Her pitiful attempts of masturbation were nothing compared to this. Every small movement sent arcs of electricity through her while her lower lips fought to keep Nero buried as deep as he could be. Even still, he pulled his hips back until he nearly left her, making her feel incredibly empty. 

Though, only for a moment. His hips slammed forward, filling her again so suddenly her breasts swung. Raven's jaw dropped at the sensation, air refusing to enter her lungs. Like before, Nero quickly settled on a gentle and subsided pace, but it felt like he was ravaging her. It looked like it too. 

Her lower lips squeezed down at the thought, "harder." Raven heard herself whisper. Nero obeyed the command, his tempo picking up. Her breasts bounced as her room was filled with the harsh sound of flesh hitting flesh. Raven managed to keep herself still, letting herself be fucked by Nero as her eyes remained unblinking. 

"Harder," Raven whispered again, and again Nero obeyed. His cock throbbed within her. Quicker than she expected, but men were supposed to be sensitive after cumming and he wasn't wearing a condom. With the force of how he fucked her, the cum splattered across her face dropped downward, forcing her to close one eye. And despite whatever pride she had, Raven watched herself stick out her tongue and lick up the seed that dripped near her mouth. 

"Of fuck," Nero cursed, his thrusting becoming more desperate. It looked like he noticed her downright shameful behavior. Her core felt hot and needy as his cock throbbed within her once again. "I'm about to cum. You're going to make me cum," he told her. 

"Cum inside of me," Raven breathed, feeling her own orgasm- 

His cum flooded her pussy as Nero let out a low groan and the action sent Raven over the edge. She clenched down as hard as she could, her walls milking him for more cum that filled her womb and dripped out of her. Raven heard something break, and the room shook, but Raven barely heard it over the sound of the moan that ripped from her throat. 

Nero fell, his legs giving out from underneath him, but luckily he fell backward rather than forward. Raven fell on top of him, her chest heaving as every nerve ending she had was firing off, overloading her brain with pleasure. Sweat dripped off of her as both of them gathered themselves. 

It was minutes later when Raven managed to bring herself to look up to find out what had caused the noise. Her mirror had a deep crack in it. And one of her bookshelves was ripped over. 

"Woah," Raven said breathlessly, letting her head drop down so it rested on Nero's chest. His cock still within her. 

"Yeah… woah," Nero agreed, gathering his breath. 

Now the real problem began. How was she going to explain this to the team?


Akira Shrestha

Man reminding us of trigon in a sex scene.... Not very good man. I nearly puked...


Ah, a big bottomed goth girl with no gag reflex. I see you too are a man of culture. I am kind of waiting for Raven to figure out the whole love spot thing though. She saw through the psychic paper easily enough. Maybe after a hard bedroom session she'll have enough post O clarity to spot it.