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I’ll be posting a journal entry soon :)




My best visit to Canada - my hosts lived in Ottawa. I convince myself that it is a pretty nice capital city - if you don't have 500-1000 years of history ? My hosts took me to Quebec City (picked me up - flight into Montreal and delivered me back - painless trip !) I wish I might spend time there again - or just wish a return to the feelings I associated with that time for me ? A journal entry sound good - no pressure ... you impress me a good deal, Liv ! Many ways. ~ good sleep !


Ottawa is, sadly, not as interesting as Montreal. I've not yet been to Quebec City, but I've heard it is much more beautiful than Ottawa as well. There are a few nice things in Ottawa - the art museum, the small bakeries, cute shops in the downtown area. But, the weather is quite horrible and most of the buildings and areas of the city completely lack charm. I much prefer the other cities in Canada - so I'm happy to be going to them! I'm happy you had a lovely trip here! I love that feelings can get identified to a place just like with certain smells and people :)


My hosts were my girlfriend's sister and brother-in-law. The time in Ottawa was mostly a getting to know you time. When we wanted to sight see and explore we went to Quebec and also Montreal, both more long established international cities with more interesting things to do and see ?


Yes, so far being in Montreal and Quebec shows them to be more interesting cities. I'm in Quebec City currently and absolutely love it due to the old charming architecture, cute cafes, and more cultured feel. I'm excited to see things here :)