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CW: Pretty girl eats a live slime, stuffing, forced chugging, clothes splitting

“Going out on another patrol? Thanks for your hard work!”

“No thanks needed,” was Eula’s simple reply to Swan, one of the two Knights of Favonius that guarded Mondstadt’s front gate. She nodded to Lawrence, the other guard, before making her way across the bridge and into the vibrant plains of her home country. She breathed in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. She’d been planning for today for a while. It was time to put plans into reality.

Eula travelled north, walking along the route by Cider Lake until reaching the edge of Starfell Valley. The Spindrift Knight didn’t make it a habit to let her emotions affect her movement, but in the privacy of the forest, she let herself have a small bounce in her step. One wouldn’t normally be this happy when their girlfriend was out on a date with another woman. Eula and Amber didn’t exactly have an ordinary relationship, though. Amber had too much love to give for Eula to claim it all for herself.

While polygamy was certainly not the norm, Eula had no reason to oppose Amber’s preferences. It wasn’t uncommon for nobility to take two, three, or even more partners. Many members of the Lawrence clan had done this in poor taste in the past, but there she had multiple ancestors who had led happy, successful multi-partnered lives. Ergo, while Amber wasn’t nobility, Eula had no qualms with her cheerful partner having multiple partners. One step farther than that, Eula was actually slightly interested in Amber’s newest lover, Sucrose. She was respectful, educated, talented, and had close ties with the Knights. Eula hadn't previously considered wanting to emulate Amber’s lifestyle, but she might just consider it this time around…

That was a thought for another time, however. Eula couldn’t have engaged with Sucrose today even if she wanted to. The short alchemist was on a date with Amber - a date that Amber had explicitly asked to be just the two of them since Sucrose seemed to clam up around Eula. That was cause for some vengeance against Sucrose, but no matter. Amber’s happiness was more important than vengeance. Besides, it gave Eula a chance to sneak away for some… private matters.

This should be far enough. Eula took a sharp turn off of the path through the woods and trekked into the thick growth of trees. She casually cut her way through the underbrush with her claymore, wielding it as easily as a shortsword. After a short while of bushwacking, Eula reached the foot of a cliff. The vegetation stopped growing for a distance from the stony cliff, making a natural clearing. This was just what Eula was looking for. She sheathed her sword, letting it vanish from view. Then she pulled a small leather pouch out. She opened it up, and-

EUGH! Eula wrinkled her nose as a repugnant scent assaulted her senses. This substance truly was repulsive. Still, it was effective, which was the only reason why Eula tolerated using it. She quickly tied the pouch back up and put it away. The scent dispersed after a minute, then after another minute, she could hear movement. She gazed into the woods. There it was, the prey of the day - a dendro slime.

The curious blob of living green gloop hopped and wobbled out of the woods and into the clearing. It noticed Eula but didn’t seem to care. It was more interested in searching around the clearing. That was expected; it was looking for the source of the sour smell that had led it here. The leather pouch Eula had opened contained a monster attractant she’d gotten from the Traveller, who had apparently gotten it from an unusual scholar in Sumeru. The Traveller had then slightly modified it before giving it to Eula, who had requested it to aid in drawing in and exterminating large crowds of monsters. Now, however, she was using it for a different purpose.

Eula approached the slime. The creature seemed unconcerned with Eula’s approach. A bit of drool leaked out of Eula’s mouth. When Eula’s stomach rumbled in hunger just inches from the slime, it finally seemed to sense the impending danger, but by that point… it was far too late.

The tall woman had dropped to her knees and now had a firm grasp on the sides of the squishy green slime. It was normally hard to grip slimes, but a tiny bit of cryo energy made the slime’s surface stiffen up enough to be able to hold onto. Eula found that this worked not just with hydro slimes, but with any type other than pyro slimes (which refused to harden no matter what) and cryo slimes (which were immune to cryo). With this grip, got straight to work. She opened her mouth wide… and started to eat.

‘Eat’ is a strong word to describe consuming a slime, in hindsight. ‘Chug’ or ‘slurp’ would be more accurate words. While dendro slime was more solid than other types of slime, it was still slime, after all. All Eula had to do to devour the beast was press her mouth to its soft surface and suck. The slime’s body would get pulled into her mouth and down her throat, not unlike the Mint Jelly from Good Hunter. Compared to jelly, however, slime was thicker, heavier, more filling, and came in larger portion sizes. MUCH larger portion sizes.

The icy-haired woman grunted slightly as the slime tried to escape. Her fingers dug into the sides of her prey, forcing cryo energy deeper into it. It wasn’t going anywhere except for inside her stomach. She could already feel it filling her gut up, wriggling around and pressing into her stomach walls to search for an exit. There was no exit, though. Not while it was still a slime, at the very least…

Eula’s stomach was soon full of heavy slime - then more than full. She could already feel her bodysuit tightening over her gut. An extra heavy gulp made her middle surge out, pulling at her clothes. Her suit was creeping up her strong thighs and constricting her chest. Still, she didn’t rest. There was still more slime left to eat - or, rather, to drink.

Finally, the slime seemed to realize what its fate was. It then decided, like so many of its kind before it, that its best chance at survival was to force its predator to bite off more than it could chew. It stopped trying to wriggle away and, instead, began to surge in the other direction - straight down Eula’s throat. If Eula’s mouth wasn’t being forced as wide apart as it could by the desperate slime’s attack, she would be chuckling. This was her favourite part.

Eula let go of the slime’s sides and instead sat back on the grass, reclining on her arms. She happily gulped down the oncoming torrent of slime, letting out small, unbecoming moans as the pressure inside of her stomach started to mount rapidly. She moved one hand to her midriff, rubbing it in slow, practised motions. It was big enough to be clearly visible past her sizable bust now and was only getting bigger with each passing moment. The slime was half-gone, meaning the experience was already half over - but it also meant that Eula was going to be twice as big by the end.

A mixture of pain and pleasure began to radiate up from Eula’s thighs. Her bodysuit was pulling tight over her body to accommodate her inflating gut. The small shorts segment of her suit had ridden as far up her well-muscled thighs as they could and were now cutting into her lower regions. Simultaneously, it was also getting harder to focus as the suit got ever more taut over her breasts. She was able to hold her breath for over ten minutes thanks to her training, but the constricting of her suit over her chest felt like the air was getting squeezed out of her lungs. By Barbatos, this combination of constriction and suffocation - this quickly growing tension inside of her coupled with the desperate struggle of the slime forcing her ever closer to bursting… It was just… just… just…!

This was why Eula did this only on days when Amber was otherwise occupied. While she knew of Amber’s love of large stomachs, Eula still hid this from her. She just couldn’t bear it if Amber knew just how much of a pervert she was! She couldn’t just give this feeling up either, though! It was just too GOOD!

Eula let herself fall back, dragging the slime up and onto her as she did. The much smaller glob of goop rested on her swelling mound of a stomach, which twitched and wobbled as the rest of the slime inside churned around. Eula stretched out on the firm ground, swooning as the movement made her suit feel even tighter. In particular, the belt fastened just under her bust felt particularly taut as her upper stomach swelled underneath it. By the archons, she would never get tired of this feeling!

Unfortunately, the ending came all too soon. The last of the slime slid down her throat in one last futile effort to overfill her. Once it had fully packed itself into her stomach, Eula took in a long, ragged breath. A few disgraceful burps followed shortly after. Then, finally, a heavy sigh. Eula massaged the sides of her bloated stomach thoughtfully, pressing in to feel just how tight she was. The slime inside was still fighting, roiling around and distending her stomach. It felt fantastic, it really did, but…

There had been a time when doing this had pushed her to the brink, making her feel as if she were fit to split in two at any moment. For once, ‘training’ had done the Spindrift Knight a disservice as she could no longer feel that sense of euphoria. Eula had tried with more slimes before, but they must release some kind of signal to others when preyed upon like this since no others would approach even when Eula used the attractant. Large slimes were not an option since they were large enough to either cause harm to Eula or drag her around. She also felt like she might genuinely burst if she were to try and take in a whole large slime. Ugh, just how was she going to reach that moment of stomach-splitting bliss again? How could she-

Eula? What are you-   <-----------

What’s going on here?

Eula’s heart stopped as a solid *THMP!* sounded next to her. Her eyes flicked to the side and she saw… the Traveller. The blonde wanderer had, assumedly, just jumped down from the cliff above. Eula couldn’t even begin to guess what she’d been doing up there or where she was going, but that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was that she was seeing Eula in this state! She was sprawled out on the dirt with her gut jutting out above her like some common vagrant! How humiliating!

The disgraced Knight made a mad scramble up onto her feet, wincing as her overtight suit dug into her body with every harsh movement. Once up, she cleared her throat and stared coldly at the Traveller (ignoring the blatant searing heat in her cheeks). “Don’t you know how rude it is to sneak up on someone? I’ll have my vengeance for this blatant act of disrespect!”

The Traveller just raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

I wasn’t sneaking. I was falling   <-----------
with style.

I want to know what you think
sneaking is.

It was at this point that Eula looked down the Traveller’s body for the first time. What the… why was she so bloated too? Her stomach was sticking out farther than Eula’s! Granted, Eula’s gut was being compressed by tight nylon, but even still - what was she doing with a stomach that size? Eula glanced back up from the Traveller’s midriff and asked, very subtly, “The matter of your misdeed aside… what might you be doing out here sporting a stomach of this size?”

Pot, meet kettle.

Likely the same thing you are,  <-----------
if I had to guess.

“What do you mean by-?” Eula paused. Right. Just because she stood up doesn’t mean her stomach had shrunk. She tried for just a moment to suck in and- nope. It didn’t budge an inch. The ashamed Knight avoided the Traveller’s curious gaze while she stammered back, “I- I simply had a large lunch and was resting in order to avoid indigestion! A very large lunch!” Then, when the Traveller just gave her a knowing smile, Eula scrunched up her face and seethed, “Quiet, you! I spoke nothing but the truth! Do not say a word!”

The Traveller, to her credit, did not say a word… she said several.

Are you done with lunch yet?

I have some snacks…

I’m too full to finish my

‘very large lunch’, so if    <-----------

you want…

Again, Eula was taken off guard. The mixture of anger and her confusion at the Traveller’s intentions made her lock up, mouth opening and closing as she tried to decide how much vengeance she needed to declare. In the meantime, the Traveller just gave her a sly grin as she rummaged around in the folds of her dress. After a few seconds, she pulled out a strange-looking sandwich wrapped in a napkin. She then offered it to Eula.

The tall Knight’s immediate reaction was to give the Traveller a noble chewing out for her inappropriate conduct. Before the words could reach her mouth, though, a small, nasty thought started prodding Eula’s brain. She certainly wasn’t hungry, even as appetizing as the strange sandwich smelled. She had just been irked by how she didn’t feel as full as she wanted to, though. Now an answer to her woes had literally fallen out of the skies with a solution. The timing was so fortuitous that this might even be a gift from Barbatos (as mortifying as it was to imagine the Archon seeing her indulge in her… preferences). Was Eula really so prideful that she would turn down the perfect solution to her current plight?

Yes. Yes, she was absolutely that proud. Her libido wasn’t, however. The thought of how good it would feel to stuff that sandwich into her taut stomach had flicked across her mind for just a moment, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Libido or pride, libido or pride, libido… or…

What matter of choice was this? If her pride had ever stood a chance against her libido, she never would have chanced doing this so near the city in the first place. She’d simply been too eager to search for a further, more secluded area. Eula sighed and grabbed the sandwich from the Traveller’s hand. She shot her a glare as she sat down in the dirt once more. “I never would have imagined that so many people in my social circle would share this unusual proclivity for gluttony.”

Oh? And who else shares our

‘unusual proclivity’, hm?

Let’s see… Lisa, Jean, Kaya,

Amber, Albedo… who else   <-----------

could it be?

Eula gagged on her first bite of the sandwich. She swallowed it whole, spluttering while she got out, “O-Oh no, I didn’t mean- ah, I mean- I misspoke! I swear that I misspoke!”

Joking! I was joking! I already   <-----------


Sorry, I was just teasing. You


“Y-You…! Vengeance…!” Eula coughed. She shot daggers at the Traveller, who sheepishly offered the choking Knight some water. Eula snatched the canteen from her and took several heavy swigs. Then she barely managed to stifle a gasp as her stomach muscles had a small spasm. Oooh, she was so full! Just that little bit of water and sandwich had started to push her into that state of bliss Eula had missed so much. It was so nice that Eula even forgot to finish letting the Traveller know how much trouble she would be in someday. Instead, her mind cleared of any thoughts except getting the rest of that sandwich down her throat ASAP.

While Eula wasn’t particularly paying attention to the sandwich, she could tell it wasn’t of Mondstadt origin. It had chicken, cabbage, and bread, but the chicken was breaded, fried, and coated in some delicious foreign sauce. The only difference the food had to Eula, though, was how her mouth was more willing to bite into it when it was tasty. Every mouthful was swallowed after just a few chews, sending large chunks of food down into her overpacked stomach to join the slime. If it could be called a slime anymore, anyway. It had stopped struggling some time ago, leading Eula to believe that it was more likely a large mass of condensate at this point.

The sandwich was gone within a minute. Eula rested a hand on her stomach for a moment, once again feeling disappointment as she wasn’t quite full enough to be satisfied yet. That was when the Traveller offered her another sandwich. Eula contemplated the offer for just a moment before accepting the sandwich, quickly setting into it with the same gusto as she had the last.

It seemed that no matter how many sandwiches Eula put away, the Traveller had another ready for her to devour. Her stomach started to grow once again, the ill-chewed food filling up what little space there was left inside of her. The icy-haired noble’s already strained suit cut ever more into her as her stomach demanded more and more space. It cut into her armpits, making her arm movements feel stiff. It pulled up her lower body, slowly slipping up her firm rear end and digging ever deeper into her thighs. It squeezed her chest ever-tighter, making it harder and harder to breathe. None of these were detrimental to Eula, however. If anything, every bit of discomfort her ill-fitting clothing brought to her was just encouragement to keep eating.

Still, while Eula’s capacity had grown, it hadn’t become endless. By the eleventh sandwich, she was starting to struggle. Her stomach ached and trembled. It was roaring loudly enough that, had Eula not known what the sound was, she might’ve mistaken it for an angry wolf. It was getting difficult just to convince her body to swallow each bite. She groaned and huffed while chewing far more than necessary. She cradled her distended gut, which now filled most of her lap. Despite her bodysuit’s restriction. She swallowed the final bite of her twelfth sandwich against all odds, then shuddered as a ripple of tension rushed across her engorged stomach. She could swear that she could hear creaking as well. Ugh, she truly was at her limit… and it felt phenomenal

“Thank you… for the… *HURP*... meal… Traveller…” Eula panted while massaging her poor, abused stomach. She shuddered again as a wave of heat raced through her body. By the archons, THIS was the reason why she couldn’t give up her secret pastime. If only she could get over her damn pride for a moment to enjoy this with Amber…

No problem. Are you sure you’re   <-----------
done, though?

Really? You still look like you

need something…

“N-No, truly… I am fit to… burst… *HIC*...”

‘Fit to burst’ seems about right…

…out of your suit, at least!    <-----------

“Wh-What-” Eula began but was cut off when the Traveller pushed her over. Eula normally could have sprung right back up, but her overladen middle felt like it was crushing her while she lay on her back. The sudden movement stunned her while a large bubble of air rolled up and out of her throat. Right at the tail-end of her belch, the neck of a bottle was shoved into her mouth. Eula grunted, and then her eyes widened as a liquid started to flow into her mouth, which she swallowed reflexively to avoid drowning. It was wine! A whole bottle, at that! What was the Traveller trying to do!?

Nobody lets me drink this stuff,

so you can have it instead~

Here, you looked thirsty~    <-----------

The glutted Knight struggled for just a moment but just that - for a moment. Then her eyes started to roll back in her head. Ooooh, she was so full! The wine was filling up every little crack and space inside her taut midriff. She was already too tight, yet now she felt like she would split in two! She clutched the sides of her stomach and squirmed, undignified moans slipping out of her in between gulps. Her stomach’s gurgling was getting more intense! And there definitely was a creaking sound - it was getting louder with every heavy swallow!

Eula’s vision swam. T-Too tight! Too full! Her suit was stuck halfway up her sizable butt and her arms were practically locked to her sides from how much her suit was being pulled taut! It couldn’t stretch anymore - and neither could Eula’s stomach! Ooooh, her poor gut! It couldn’t take this abuse! T-Too full! Too much! Too full, too much, too full, too tight, too much, too much, too much, too much, too- TOO MUCH! TOO TIGHT! TOO-


Time hung suspended for a second. Two. Three. Eula’s back was arched, her eyes bulging, her toes curled, and her fingers digging ditches into the dirt. Then everything snapped back to the present. The overtaxed woman went limp, heaving for breath. Although it was still slightly difficult to breathe, it had become much easier since, one: the wine bottle was empty, and two: Eula’s bodysuit wasn’t constricting her chest anymore.

Luckily, her clothing had given out before her stomach had. It had split straight up the middle, unveiling her pale orb of a stomach as if it were a won prize. The bottom of her suit was still firmly wedged halfway up her rear, as the bottom of her butt was muffining out and keeping it in place, but her upper half was now back to its usual state.

For a minute, there was no thought in Eula’s head. There was just her stomach trembling, sweat trickling down her body, and heavy panting. Then her brain was restarted by one singular sound.


For the second time, Eula’s eyes quickly flicked over to the source of the noise. The Traveller had pulled out a Kamera - and was pointing it at Eula! The click - she’d already taken a picture! “Y-YOU- HOW DARE- DON’T YOU DARE-!

The Traveller stuck out her tongue, put her fingers up in the shape of a V, and then disappeared in a cloud of light sparkles.

…No. No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! GAAAAAAH! STUPID! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! EUla couldn’t BELIEVE that she’d just let herself go in front of someone else like this! Sure, she had trusted the Traveller due to her past assistance, but even STILL-

No, no, wait. Think logically, Eula. The Traveller seemed to know about Amber’s preference and yet there hasn’t been a word about it around town, nor has Amber been any less friendly towards the Honorary Knight. Therefore, there’s no sign of blackmail. Besides, as stated already, Eula trusted the Traveller. She likely had a reason for taking that picture other than cruel intentions, right?

Not that Eula could do much about it if the Traveller did have vile plans for that picture. The glutted Knight didn’t think she could even stand at the moment, and she surely wouldn't be able to once all this wine started digesting. She groaned again and gently pampered her tense stomach. She’d never felt this absurdly overfull before… it felt even better than she could have imagined. She had to do this again sometime. The Traveller had slightly scared her against repeating this particular method of scratching her itch, though.

Hmm… Sucrose created that strange remedy that caused Amber to inflate, didn’t she? The alchemist also very likely had a similar interest in stuffed stomachs based on how she was looking at Amber that day. Eula had already been considering pursuing Sucrose. Perhaps she now had the motivation she needed to move past simply considering it…


Fun fact about me: I tend to hyper-fixate on a random tum sub-kink over others whenever I write a fic these days. I think the one I focused on today might be a little obvious, lol.

So, this clearly isn't the spooky month fic I'd said I'd try to post. That's cause that fic is wobbling between needing a rewrite and just being scrapped completely, so I've just backlogged it for the time being. I don't wanna keep y'all waiting for too long (it's been long enough already for the ghouls who can't read stream fics, lol), so here we are!



Reading the title at first, I thought you wrote a controversial exposé piece lmao