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“What is WRONG with you!?”

Kazuya, face scarlet with shame, dropped to his knees and raised his hands above his head in a plea for mercy. “I’m SO sorry, Mizuhara! I was just trying to find an excuse to not go around the festival with Ruka, and it somehow turned into this! But please - SAVE ME!”

Chizuru crossed her arms under her chest and rolled her eyes. Sure she’d prefer to go around the festival with Kazuya than for him to go with Ruka, but did she really have to bail this incorrigible, impulsive liar out of yet ANOTHER problem of his own creation? Seriously? “I want nothing to do with this. Deal with her yourself; I’m going home.”

She turned to storm away, but suddenly a pair of clammy hands latched onto her ankle. She whipped around, cheeks heating up, to glare at the owner of the hands. “Please, please, PLEASE, Mizuhara! I’ll pay any extra fees or anything that I need to! If Ruka finds out that I can’t go on a date with her today because I rented you, then I might not make it home in one piece!”

“That’s not my problem!” Chizuru seethed. She yanked her leg, but Kazuya’s grip was too strong to break free. Why did this jerk have such strong fingers!? “You SHOULD be going with her instead! She is your actual girlfriend, after all!”

PROVISIONAL girlfriend!” Kazuya nitpicked. Then he continued groveling, “Come on, please! You don’t know how crazy she’s been since she forced a sleepover with that typhoon!”

“Right. The night that you DIDN’T sleep with her. I got it.”

“I REALLY DIDN’T!” Kazuya cried out. He finally let go of her leg and slumped onto the cobble path, tears dotting the corners of his eyes. “I just wanted to go to the festival with you and get a break from Ruka… Why did it have to turn out like this…?”

Chizuru stared down at the pathetic mess before her. She bit her lip. No. No. NO! She was NOT going to do this! NOPE! Yes, it was partially her fault he was in this mess with Ruka, and yes, she had gone the extra mile today in wearing one of her nicest top/skirt combos and full-detail make-up, so it was no wonder that Kazuya was having a rough time letting her go. But she couldn’t do this! Literally - she COULDN’T!

“Kazuya, I am NOT going to enter a hot-dog eating contest just because you told Ruka you were going to watch me compete! What kind of excuse is that to get out of a date, anyways!? It’s asinine!”

“But… but…!” Kazuya whimpered, “I panicked and there was an event flier posted right behind Ruka's head… so I just spat it out… You don’t even need to win… you just need to enter…”

The brunette beauty stared at Kazuya for a second. She sighed. “Listen, it’s not just about that. I have an image to uphold. What if another renter sees me on stage? How is that something that the perfect girlfriend does, huh?”

Kazuya sniveled and whined meaninglessly on the ground for a few more moments. Then he froze. While lying face-down in the dirt, he said aloud, “So… what if your ‘boyfriend’ wanted you to enter a hot-dog eating contest?”

Chizuru blinked. “Huh? What? Why would anyone want that?”

The light-haired man slowly pushed himself onto his knees, then to his feet. He had a weak and wavering smile on his face as he answered. “Plenty of people. There are whole communities about people wanting partners who do that kind of stuff.”

“Of course you would know about that.”

Kazuya gulped but still kept going, “Please. You just need to enter! You can eat one or two, then forfeit. Think of it as a free lunch!”

Chizuru frowned. She scowled. She stared down at her feet, then up at the sky. Damn it! Damn it all! “Freaking - FINE! But this isn’t to get you out of your date! It’s because you’re renting me right now, got it?”

“R-Really! Thank you!” Relief washed over Kazuya’s face. Then he grabbed Chizuru’s hand. “Come on, then! Registration is ending soon!”

“K-Kazuya, wait, I need to change into something more appropriate for- Kazuya, I said WAIT! KA-ZU-YAAA!”


Chizuru had, for just a couple of minutes, thought that this day couldn’t get any worse. Then she’d stepped backstage while the contest was set up and she found out just how wrong she’d been when she’d caught sight of a familiar blue bow adorning short black hair.

Ruka giggled as she bounced over to Chizuru. “Wow, you really DID sign up for this! I didn’t peg you for a competitive eater!”

Kazuya was SO dead after this. Chizuru awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck and forced a smile on her face. “Haha, yeah. It’s just a hobby, really. I doubt I’ll manage to out-eat anyone here, let alone win.”

“Aw, have some confidence!” Ruka exclaimed. Her grin took on a dark tint as she continued. “Though, of course, you won’t take first no matter what. I’m winning this for the sake of my love!”

Chizuru stared blankly at Ruka. “...What?”

“Oh, come ON, Chizuru! I know he rented you out today, and I KNOW that you don’t actually want to be here!”

Had Chizuru let her disgust at what she was about to do show on her face? Damn. “S-So what? He’s already yours anyways, so quit fooling around here and convince him to love you so that he can stop renting me already.”

“That’s what I’m doing here, dummy!” Ruka shot Chizuru a smug look while wagging her finger. “See, I figured it out! Kazuya… has a thing for big eaters!”

Again, Chizuru was at a loss for words. “...So… What, exactly, made you think that?”

“It all makes sense!” Ruka giggled. She did a little twirl, her cute purple blouse swirling around her matching short shorts. “Kazuya is bad at lying, but something like this is WAY beyond the pale, even for him! He also always makes sure that I get plenty to eat on our dates when my renters never did, and he stares at my middle thirty percent more when I’m full while staring at my butt and my chest ten percent less each! And, FINALLY-” Ruka planted her feet and pointed away from Chizuru at the stage where the competition was soon to take place. “-This is the ONLY hot-dog eating competition for more than a hundred kilometers around! Kazuya just happened to rope you, his rental girlfriend, into signing up for an eating competition that only takes place once a year ONLY at this festival? I think NOT!”

“That’s… a lot of circumstantial evidence,” Chizuru said, but in her head, she was frantically flicking through the memories of her dates with Kazuya. He’d also always made sure she was full, and while she’d never paid attention to where he was staring and just that he was, he HAD gotten her food for her birthday. It wasn’t a lot of food, but it was still food nonetheless. He’d also had that stupid ‘some people like people who enter eating contests’ thing at the ready, hadn’t he? Now the whole ‘only-hot-dog-eating-contest-for-kilometers’ idea, while ridiculous, was starting to hold some weight in her mind. Did that filthy pervert really like big eaters? Did he really trick her into doing this for his own sick satisfaction? Gross! That damn bastard! When this was over, she was TOTALLY going to

“Sure, it’s kinda circumstantial, but it’s good enough for me!” Ruka said, interjecting Chizuru’s thoughts. “I’m gonna win this and show off my food baby to him, win his heart for today, then go back to his place and render him catatonic by using the year’s supply of hot dogs from winning the competition to stay permanently full! I’ll gain some weight doing this, but if it’ll finally win Kazuya’s heart, then I’ll-”

“Wait, what was that?”

“Uh, what was what?” Ruka asked, tilting her head.

“What you said about winning the competition!” Chizuru said quickly, her eyes glinting. “Is it really a whole year’s supply?”

“Well… yeah?” Ruka responded while visibly confused. “It said so on the entry form. Didn’t you read it?”

Yeah, yeah, whatever, Chizuru wasn’t listening anymore. She needed to watch her weight and nutrition, so she couldn’t eat hot dogs all the time, but if she had one for dinner maybe… five times a week, then she’d be saving a hefty portion of her food budget each month. If she did that for a whole year, then…

The announcer was calling the participants to the stage. Chizuru, brushing off Ruka’s insistent words, walked confidently out. She had no shot of winning this contest, being a slim woman and a light eater, but she could at least try, right? Her wallet would thank her… and maybe Kazuya would too. Not that she cared about him. He was a dick and a perv and deserved nothing. Hmph.

“ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY! WE’VE GOT AN AMAZING LINE-UP OF CONTESTANTS THIS YEAR!” The announcer yelled as Chizuru and the other contestants walked onto the stage. The audience was yelling and cheering with much more enthusiasm than Chizuru would’ve expected for something like an eating contest. That might just be because of who was participating, though. She saw a lot of eyes tracking both herself and Ruka, who was fervently scanning the crowd. There was an oddly attractive man and a couple of curvy, motherly-looking women as well that were getting some attention. There were also three men and a woman that looked exactly like you’d expect a participant of this kind of thing to look like. Oddly enough, though, there were more attractive people than not here. Weird. Now that she was thinking, though… if there were so many people on her end of the spectrum here, maybe she had a chance after all…

The announcer continued, “While we have our eaters sit down, I’ll take a moment to explain this year’s rules! First, we have the usual! Contestants may not leave the stage or vomit! Either of these will result in disqualification! And now, we have this year's special twist!”

Chizuru stopped in place while taking a seat near the middle of the long buffet table that had been set up in the center of the stage. Special twist? What was this? Chizuru hadn’t read the rules of the contest closely since she’d been planning on forfeiting immediately. Please don’t be something weird, please don’t be something weird, please don’t be something-

“This year, we’ll be going big! Big! BIG! You might have noticed that there was no ending time for the contest on our fliers, and that was NO mistake! We’ve got more hot dogs than the average family in Kyoto could eat in a year ready and waiting for our ravenous eaters to devour! The sky’s the limits, folks - the sky and their belts!”

There was a fresh eruption of cheers while Chizuru bit her nail, thinking. There was usually a time limit to these things? She DEFINITELY would have lost is she’d been timed. Another piece of luck in her favor. Still, though… just how much was she expected to eat if they had THAT many hot dogs prepared for this small group of people? It was a bit intimidating…

“With this endless ordeal ahead, we do have a few new restrictions!” The announcer continued once the crowd had quieted down again. “Eaters who fall asleep or have ‘accidents’ will also be disqualified! I hope you all stopped by the little boy’s and girl’s rooms before stepping on stage since you won’t be going again until you’ve eaten your fill!”

The announcer waited a moment while the crowd drank that in, then gestured to the sides of the stages. “Bring in the hot dogs!”

A loud rattling reached Chizuru’s ears over the roaring of the crowd. She turned and her stomach did a summersault. What the hell was THIS!? Carts were being rolled out with massive platters of hot dogs. MASSIVE platters. Each one probably held at least twenty hot dogs! TWENTY! Chizuru had never had more than three in a sitting without regretting it. She’d been taking this too lightly! What had she been THINKING considering actually doing this!? This was INSANE!

Chizuru swallowed hard as one of these gigantic plates was set in front of her. They looked cheap, as she’d expected. A huge glass of water was set in front of her as well, and then the carts started rattling away. The skittish woman glanced left and right. All the other people at the table had the same things in front of them as Chizuru, so how the hell was none of them panicking like her? Some of them were standing up and had their hands over the piles like they were about to start scooping them into their mouths even though they were each way more than a mouthful. Even Ruka wasn’t put off by the sheer quantity - if anything, she seemed eager to start!


Wait, what? No, Chizuru WASN’T ready! She needed to decide if she even wanted to participate anymore, let alone-


The crowd began cheering anew as the table shook. Caught up in the moment, Chizuru hastily picked up a hot dog and bit into it. It wasn’t good. Not awful, but not good. She quickly gulped the bite down and took another big one. A few more bites and she’d eaten a whole hot dog already. She grimaced as she looked at the pile in front of her. She already felt full, but there were so many still there… and a quick look around showed that she was by far the slowest eater. Everyone else, even the slim handsome guy and Ruka, were already on their second hot dog. The two large guys and one of the motherly ladies were even further, making a horrific mess everywhere as they horfed hot dogs at a disgusting speed.

Ok. This was easy now. Chizuru absolutely, positively, could NOT do this. No amount of free dinners were worth trying to compete here, especially if they were this quality. She’d eat one more just for show, then tap out with dignity. She took a light-hearted bite of her second hot dog and looked out at the crowd while she ate. She wondered if Kazuya really was- oh hey, there he was. He was watching after all. He was…w watching…

Ruka. He was watching Ruka.

Chizuru’s eye twitched. Damn it. Why did she care that he was watching her!? That little virgin bastard was finally getting eyes for her. That was good! So then WHY did it bother her so much that he was ogling Ruka eating instead of Chizuru when he said that he was going to watch HER? It shouldn’t matter! It SHOULDN’T! So then WHY- freaking WHY-


The boiling brunette shoved the rest of her hot dog into her mouth and quickly chewed it up. She ignored the heavy lump she felt in her stomach as she grabbed a third hot dog and started ripping into it. It tasted gross now that she was full, but she didn’t care anymore. She was past the point of caring about taste. For whatever dumb reason, she just wanted to pull Kazuya’s eyes back to her. Shit, she was so dumb!

Chizuru blazed through hot dogs faster than she’d thought she could. Before long, she was holding her sixth hot dog and was tearing into it. Her red top was covered in crumbs and her stomach was rumbling angrily, but she could keep eating! She just had to focus on the hot dog and nothing else! Easy!

Not easy. Chizuru groaned unhappily as she swallowed the last bite of hot dog number nine. She slumped against her chair and grabbed at her stomach, which was aching awfully. God, she was so bloated! She worked hard for her figure, yet now she had a belly big enough that it was making her skirt feel tight. She wasn’t even halfway through the plate yet, though… how was she sizing up to the others…?

Not well. Not well at all. The hot dogs were stacked like a pyramid on each platter, making it easy to see where everyone was at. While Chizuru still had two whole rows to go plus one more, everyone else was at least halfway through their second-to-last row. Hell, the three messy eaters were on their last hot dogs already! And the staff were bringing out MORE platters!

Chizuru shook her head. The others didn’t matter! All that mattered was how Ruka was doing! She was- was… already on her last row. DAMN IT! HOW!? She was even smaller than Chizuru was! How was she eating so much so quickly!?

The rental girlfriend steeled herself, then started on her tenth hot dog. She just had to match Ruka. She just had to match her! As soon as she quit, so could Chizuru! Easy! She could handle that!

As the minutes passed, Chizuru kept hoping that it’d get easier. That she would pass some magic threshold and be able to quickly catch up to Ruka. There was no magic here. Only pain. Pain and indigestion. She huffed and panted as she shoved half of her fifteenth hot dog past her teeth. She was barely even chewing at this point, which… might be part of the problem with the indigestion thing. Her stomach was rumbling and groaning something fierce. Chizuru was thankful for the long white tablecloth that was hiding her middle from the crowd so that she could rub her pained belly to soothe it while she kept eating. It was so tight and she was starting to feel sick… but… Ruka was just finishing her first platter and looked like she was going to keep going… so… Chizuru had to… keep… going…!

Chizuru announced her finished platter with a disgusting belch. She groaned and rested both hands on the top of her distended belly. The fact that she even could rest her hands there was a problem, but her top had started riding up her swollen gut as well. Her skirt was cutting across her tight belly, making her even more uncomfortable. She waited while the staff set a fresh platter of hot dogs in front of her, then, while discreetly checking around her, carefully unhooked her skirt. She sighed in relief as her skirt solid off her tight gut. So much pressure, gone! She still felt ill and stuffed to her gills, but at least now she didn’t feel like she was going to split at the seams anymore. She could probably eat a few more, in that case. Ruka had started slowing down finally, so maybe Chizuru could finally catch up…

A loud buzzer sounded while Chizuru was suffering through her twenty-fourth hot dog. She looked around, part of a bun hanging from her lips. The portly woman was standing up, her face green and her stomach notably more round than it had been earlier. The announcer cried out, “We have our first drop-out, folks! Kiki from Aikito has thrown in the towel after twenty-eight hot dogs eaten! That’s an impressive feat, audience, but it may just end up being last place at the rate her opponents are going!”

Someone like that had dropped out at twenty-eight? But Ruka was almost certainly already past that based on how many rows she had left and Chizuru wasn’t far behind. Did size not mean anything in this type of thing…?

Hot dog twenty-nine was the worst one yet. Chizuru felt like vomiting more than once as she forced her way through the disgusting meat bite by bite, but she couldn’t lose yet! Ruka was still ahead of her! And Kazuya was still WATCHING her! She had to… keep eating… just… a… few… more

The thirtieth hot dog. That was when it all changed.

Chizuru, on the brink of needing to ask for a bucket, used a finger to force a big ball of hot dog into her throat. She groaned painfully and clutched her belly, which was gurgling sickeningly, and tried to convince herself that she wasn’t going to burst. She was failing miserably. The gurgle grew louder and louder and she stared up at the open sky, sucking in as much fresh air as her lungs would let her. Breathe in, breathe out. Distract from the nausea. In, out, in out, in… out… in… o u t …?

Chizuru stopped her breathing exercise. She didn’t feel sick anymore. Her stomach was still noisy and she could feel it rumbling, but… it wasn’t trying to evac. She wasn’t making a bucket of saliva a second. She was… fine. Incredibly overfull and regretting her life choices, but still, fine.

The glutted woman sat still for a moment, then two. Then she jolted. THE MAGICAL THRESHOLD! SHE HAD REACHED IT! YESSSSS! RUKA, YOU LITTLE WITCH, HERE COMES CHIZURU!

Chizuru started eating as she had back when she’d first decided to fight for Kazuya’s stare. Two big bites would send each hot dog down her throat while she was already reaching for another. Her belly felt heavy and tight, but she wasn’t feeling sick anymore! She could DO this! HA!

Another buzzer sounded, quickly followed by a second. Without missing a beat, Chizuru glanced around. Handsome guy and the slower-eating milf were out, with the guy having grossly distended abs and the milf beating out her chest with the size of her belly. “The next two drop-outs are seconds apart, but their rankings are much wider! Tanaka from Tokyo ate only thirty hot dogs while Aika ate a whopping forty! It seems that Aika didn’t choose to quit, however! Look at her rush off the stage! It’s a shame, but it seems that one of our big eaters didn’t have a bladder to match their appetite!”

Again, Chizuru scowled. Now Ruka was beating both men and older women! Just quit already! Chizuru might not be in agony anymore, but she could still feel her ass dimpling from how many calories she was forcing into herself. She needed her tight body for work, damn it! She was too far in to quit now, though - not when she was so close to showing Ruka up and getting Kazuya to look at her instead!

Soon enough, Chizuru bypassed Aika’s record. She paused before her forty-first hot dog to let out a long, low *uuuuuuuuurp* before continuing. She put a hand on her stomach again to pull her skirt up since she felt a draft near her panties, then froze. She couldn’t pull her skirt up anymore. Her lower belly was pushing out and around, forcing her loose skirt down. Her panties were exposed. Her hands shot up the side of her belly, which was now becoming round as well, to her top. Her bra was still safe. Her top was settled around her belly button, but wouldn’t be for much longer. She tugged it down, but it shot right back up her smooth skin again.

Chizuru bit her lip. SHIT. She couldn’t get up like this! Kazuya - no, EVERYONE would see her! Her enormous gut aside, she couldn’t let people see her panties like this! But… what could she do…?

A series of three load buzzers woke Chizuru up from her hesitation. “Well, folks, watching them eat was a treat, but our three regular competitors are all out! Mitsuru quits at sixty hot dogs, Hitori at sixty-one, and Funabashi at sixty-four! Each of these titans has beaten their previous records by at least five hot dogs thanks to this year’s lack of time limit, but it seems that they’ve now reached their personal limits instead! We’ll have to see if any of our three remaining competitors have what it takes to summit this record!”

There were only three left!? On top of that, two of them were petite rental girlfriends!? What was this MADNESS!? She looked over at Ruka and found that she’d stopped eating entirely. She was on her third platter now but hadn’t touched it yet. She was just sitting there, eyes squeezed shut, while she rubbed her belly. All of the people in between them had dropped out, so now Chizuru could see that Ruka was in the same boat she was. She’d unbuttoned her shorts long ago and her panties were peaking over the tops of her shorts, and more of her belly was being exposed than was being covered by her blouse. She’d mentioned food babies before, but now she really did look like she had-

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. She wasn’t eating. What was more, Chizuru was just two hot dogs away from finishing her second platter. She was just two hotdogs behind Ruka! YES! FINALLY! She just had to get ahead of her, STAY ahead of her, and drop out as soon as the black-haired menace did! Actually, now that she was on the topic, was Kazuya-

YESSS! He was looking! He was staring at her, red in the face and bewildered! She’d stolen his gaze! YES! Eat it, Ruka! She didn’t know why she felt so superior, but she did! So HA! Ha-HA!

Chizuru gleefully ripped through two hot dogs, then waited impatiently while a fresh platter was placed in front of her. She ate one without slowing down, then casually checked and saw that Ruka had eaten one as well, and downed a second at the same speed. She. Was. AHEAD! HA! Now she just had to keep it that way!

The chair creaked under Chizuru as she leaned back, patting the sides of her belly. The giant gut felt just as tight as it looked, with her skin perfectly smooth and feeling like a drum under her fingers, but she still felt like she could keep going. And, honestly speaking… she didn’t mind how this felt. She didn’t like the thought of how much pudge she was going to get after all this digested, but this tight and sleek skin? The weight in her belly? The rumbling? The *hUUuuUUuurrrp* burps? It all actually felt kinda nice. It was different and weird as hell, but… it wasn’t bad. She could see why people did this now and why Kazuya might enjoy it. It wasn't as weird as she-

She glanced over at Ruka and found that she was tearing through hot dogs at a mad pace. She was ahead again by a whole hot dog! What the hell!? What had happened!? Chizuru stopped rubbing her flank and snatched up a hot dog, cramming it into her mouth and going for another.

It seemed that Ruka had hit a threshold of her own. Now that she was scarfing down hot dogs again, she didn’t seem to be slowing down. Chizuru was managing to keep up, but she was starting to have… issues. Her top was inching closer and closer to her bust. Once it finally did, it would be high enough for the crowd below to see, which would be mortifying. She was also starting to feel more than just full and tight. Her stomach was starting to ache again, though a much deeper ache than before. She ignored the discomfort and kept going. Ruka had to be feeling the same things as her, so if she just kept pace, then eventually…!

Fifty-three hot dogs had disappeared into Chizuru’s gut when she had to take a moment. She rubbed her belly gingerly and panted in between small belches. Ooooh, her poor belly… it was rumbling even louder now and felt hard to the touch. If it’d been a drum before, now it was a rock -  a solid surface with no give despite how much pressure Chizuru put on it. But… she was so close…! Kazuya had been looking between Ruka and Chizuru, but if she stopped now… he would be looking at only Ruka…! She… just a bit more…!

Chizuru kept eating despite feeling more like an overstuffed taiyaki with every bite. Ruka was pulling ahead, but that was fine for now. Chizuru just had to have patience. Patience and… a strong will…

Another buzzer. “Folks, this is INCREDIBLE! Goro from Tokyo has just dropped out as well at fifty hot dogs even, which is still behind our two remaining contestants! I don’t think ANYBODY here was expecting these young ladies to do as well as they have! Will one of these beautiful underdogs rise up high enough to overcome our rotating champions!? What do all of you think?”

The loudest roar yet came up from the crowd, but it didn’t reach Chizuru’s brain. Ruka, HOW!? Just stop already! Just - freaking - STOP! How far was she going to go!? How far was Chizuru going to have to chase her!? She was already starting to feel her limits, but the shorter woman was still going! This was too much! UGH! WHY!?

Sixty. Sixty-freaking-hot dogs. Chizuru covered her mouth as a sickly *UuuUuuooooOOOrrrr-HURP* dredged its way up from her gut. She still didn’t feel like vomiting, but she DID feel fit to burst at any second. She wasn’t even spying attention to Ruka anymore. All she needed to know was that the little bottomless pit hadn’t quit yet, so she was still eating - which meant Chizuru had to keep eating too. She had to keep going for as long as she could, but she was so full… so much pressure… uuuugh…

“N-N-Nooooo!” Chizuru managed to barely hear over her stomach complaining. She looked over at Ruka, the source of the quiet squeal, for the first time in a while and burped in surprise. She was HUGE! Her blouse had given up completely, just like Chizuru’s was about to, and had bunched up just under her chest. Her belly was nearly reaching the table from how distended it was and Chizuru could tell how much it stuck out to the sides even while getting a side profile view. Even more of her panties were on display, but that wasn’t important. What was important was that Ruka was squirming in her seat. She wasn’t eating and just had her eyes shut and her knees pressed together. “No, no, NO! I don’t need to! Think of deserts! Mesas! Summer! Shaved ice- NO, NOT ICE! NOT- EEEEH! NOOOOOOO!”

Ruka shot up. Her giant gut wobbled in place, shocking the crowd into silence. Then, as she clutched the bottom of her stomach with one hand and pulled her shorts up with the other, Ruka darted off the stage while yelling, “IGOTTAGOIGOTTAGOIGOTTAGOOOOOOO!


Ruka was… done! DONE! FINALLY, Chizuru could see the light at the end of the tunnel! She was at sixty, so just a few more! Come on, belly! Just three more to beat Ruka! Just three more!

Chizuhara didn’t let the pressure of being the only one onstage get to her. She was an actress. A few eyes staring at her wouldn’t break her, even if she felt like a beached whale. She took her time, slowly chewing up and swallowing each bit of hot dog before moving on. Her stomach was throbbing and her breathing was shallow, but… she could do this! She could… do… this!

Her hand brushed against something on its way to grab hot dog sixty-two. She looked over. Oh yeah, her water. She had only taken a few sips here and there when her throat felt dry. Was that why she was still fine? She felt s bit of pressure on her bladder from being so full, but it was bearable. Now that she was at the end, though…

Knowing that it was likely a mistake, Chizuru closed her eyes and crammed in a bunch of hot dog at once. She nearly gagged but held it in. Then she grabbed her water and took a huge swig. The water instantly made the bread go down easy while the hot dog was quickly mashed up. Her belly rumbled violently as the extra bunch of food quickly went down, but Chizuru didn’t care. Her goal was in sight! Just a bit more!

The rest of the sixty-second hot dog went down the same way. Then, the sixty-third! One bite, huge gulp… two bites, gulp… three… ooooh, her belly felt so tight! She was too full! She rubbed it frantically while encouraging her throat to swallow. This was it! The last bite! Do it! She wouldn’t burst! She WOULDN’T! She-!


Chizuru laughed out loud as she slumped in her seat, clutching her trembling belly. It was so tight… so heavy! She really had sixty-three hot dogs inside of her! She probably looked like she had food twins by now! Oh lord, it felt so strange… and so… so…


“I… I concede…”


“Kazuya… Th-This is all your fault…” Chizuru panted.

“Eh? How?” The confused man, redfaced and clearly avoiding looking at both Ruka and Chizuru, was stuck in between a hard place and another hard place. With Ruka grabbing one arm and his arm wrapped around Chizuru’s waist to help hold her up, he was constantly being crushed between their two massive guts. Chizuru scowled. That perv was definitely getting off to this.

Chizuru belched, not even caring that it was in Kazuya’s direction at this point, and growled, “Y-You made me enter… and then… you kept watching Ruka instead of me… when I only did it since… I’m supposed to be your girlfriend right now…”

“And I’m his REAL girlfriend!” Ruka cried out, pressing harder against Kazuya’s size with her belly. She scowled at Chizuru. “He SHOULD be looking at me! Besides, you shouldn’t be having your customer walking you home! It goes against the terms of service!”

“W-Well, Mizuhara can’t walk right now, and I can’t just leave her at the festival, s-so-”

“She TOTALLY can!” Ruka interjected. “She only ate one more hot dog than me and I can walk fine! It’s awkward and my tummy keeps throwing me off balance, but I TOTALLY can! So she can too!”

Chizuru grimaced. “N-No, I really *URP* can’t. It’s hard to breathe, and it *HNG* -it’s so tense and heavy…”

She really hoped that she wasn’t letting how excited all that stuff was making her… she really, REALLY hoped she wasn’t…

“SO’S MINE!” Ruka seethed. She made puppy-dog eyes at Kazuya. “Ka-zu-ya, carry me home! My belly’s too heavy to walk anymore!”

“E-Eh!? B-But-”

Chizuru held Kazuya’s arm tight around her. “Y-You said that you can walk! If anything, I should get carried!” She froze. Then she turned her head away. “Not that I want Kazuya to *HURP* carry me! I’m fine just being helped like this!”

“What? What’s going on?”

“Kazuya, carry me!”

“Don’t you dare let go of me, Kazuya!”



The man, sandwiched between two rock-hard bellies, audibly gulped. “How did it end up like this…?


So I DID end up being late. My bad. Real life really kicked my butt yesterday, and it's going to keep doing so for many days still. Such is life, though.

This fic ended up being pretty long, so hopefully that helps make up for the lateness! I also added in some Ruka tum since I thought it made for a good scenario and a REALLY good scene at the end. I really like how this one turned out!

I also apparently like 'Rent-a-Girlfriend' in general, which is an awesome contrast to Black Lagoon and Highschool DxD, which I didn't like at all. Also, all the characters are of-age! It's awesome! Thanks a ton for picking Chizuru, Sphinxes! You made this fic fun to write even if I had a lot of pressure on me IRL while writing it!


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