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{Mythra, what are you doing?}

{Uh, baking a cake? What else could I be doing?}

{Well, if you don’t mind my asking… where’s the baking soda?}


{If you don’t add baking soda, the cake won’t rise. You can also use baking powder as a substitute if Corrine doesn’t have any.}

Mythra, chef extraordinaire, scoffed and picked up a wooden spoon. She started stirring her carefully prepared mixture of ingredients. {Pyra, please! I know what I’m doing!}

From inside of Mythra’s head, her second consciousness persisted. {I’m… not sure you do…}

{What? Don’t be rude! I cooked YOU up, technically speaking, so I think I know a thing or two about making things!}

{Making a separate personality isn’t really the same thing as baking, though…} Pyra protested softly.

Mythra fumed silently as she kept stirring. She had everything a cake needed! Flour, sugar, some milk, a whole bunch of eggs, and some lemon to make it a lemon cake! She’d even taken the eggs out of their shells! She knew what she was doing!

Yet, for SOME reason, Pyra’s voice was still nagging at her inside her head! {I’m sure the others will appreciate your intentions, so can’t we make something simpler instead? How about… rice balls! I’m sure everyone will be happy with rice balls!}

{What? That’s boring. Besides, who said I’m doing it for them?}

{You can’t hide your intentions from me when we share the same head, Mythra.}

{Tch.} Mythra shook her head and stopped stirring. She started to pour her perfect batter into a cake pan. It was still a little lumpy in places, especially where the lemons were, but that would smooth out while cooking. {Here we go! In just an hour, we’ll have an awesome cake! It’s gonna be great!}



The blonde Aegis stared down at where her perfect cake should have been. This wasn’t a cake. This was a burnt glop casserole. “But… how…?” she said aloud.

{I told you this was going to happen.}

{But… But…!} Mythra sank to her knees in despair. {But I tried so hard! I put in EVERYTHING a cake should have - and a lot of each! So why does it look and smell like Tora after we rescued him from the gut of that Brog!?}

There was a brief flash of light. The blonde blade’s body had shifted forms, becoming Pyra’s scarlet-clad form instead. She stood up and wrinkled her nose at the mess in front of her. {If you want, I can make a cake and let you give it to everyone.}

{Don’t - Don’t patronize me!} Mythra huffed at Pyra internally. {Just get rid of that thing and I’ll try again the next time we’re here.}

Pyra sighed. Her lips pulled into a small smile as she dumped the ‘cake’ out into the compost and she started to scrub the cake pan. It was a shame that Mythra’s cake hadn’t worked out, but at least she was trying to get closer to everyone instead of staying shut away inside their head again.

{I said don’t patronize me!} Mythra hissed. {And I DIDN’T make this to get closer to ANYONE!}

{Right, right,} Pyra giggled. {I think I’ll make a cake anyways to share once this is clean. What flavor do you want?}

{... Chocolate…}

{Really? I thought you might want lemon since you were trying to make a cake for yourself and only for-}

{GAH! Shut UP! You are SO annoying!}



I tried to work around what I thought would well-convey internal dialogue, so hopefully it turned out well. I normally fall back on changing fonts when I wanna convey weird dialogue things, but Patreon doesn't allow different fonts, soooo...

Lord knows when I'm gonna get around to doing the next one. Yeesh.

Exclusive still on the 31st. See yaaaaa! 


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