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Chapter 121

"Host, there's an elder-level vampire outside the door." Although Ling Chunann might have already noticed, 098 dutifully reminded him, "It seems not dangerous, but you still need to be cautious."

The vampire's knocking was soft, ceasing after three taps.

Opening the door, Ling Chunann was greeted by a lean young man in a black coat and a duckbill cap, offering a smile, "Sir, your parcel."

"Thank you," Ling Chunann accepted the box, signing the delivery slip.

"You're welcome. Farewell," the vampire said, closing the door behind him.

As the door shut, the vampire's respectful and polite smile broadened with excitement. He took several photos of Ling Chunann's unremarkable door and the corridor with his phone, lingering before leaving with a smile.

Unpacking the box, Ling Chunann found a smartphone identical to the one he had broken earlier that day, even the SIM card was installed. Powering it on, he was greeted by a screensaver of a man's beaming smile.

Ling Chunann and 098 simultaneously commented, "So silly," after seeing the wallpaper set to a photo of Yuan Congshu.

Despite contemplating a change, Ling Chunann left the wallpaper untouched.

He checked the dialer, which had only one contact labeled "My Man". As he was about to change it, he noticed a message notification from a chat group he had been quietly added to a month earlier by Yuan Jiuyi, which had suddenly become lively.

The group burst into excitement with Ah Qi's claim of having seen their prince, sparking a flurry of questions and demands for proof. Ah Qi shared photos of the corridor and community where Ling Chunann lived, boasting about the prince's kindness and good looks, even claiming to have his autograph.

Unbeknownst to them, Ling Chunann was observing their discussion, amused by their wish for him to divert Yuan Congshu's attention to ease his stern demeanor.

"Such an interesting bunch of vampires," Ling Chunann mused, considering sharing the cheerful photo with them just as another knock sounded.

"Yiheng, are you there?" Su Zijing stood outside with a bowl, "My mom sent me to bring you this noodle soup. Eat it while it's hot."

Noticing the generous amount of meat over the sparse noodles, Ling Chunann thanked her and suggested she join her family for the meal. As Su Zijing left, she mentioned seeing someone suspicious descending from the upstairs, which Ling Chunann clarified was a delivery man.

Returning to the chat group, Ling Chunann found all messages erased as if the previous interactions were a dream, cleaned by the elder vampire after Yuan Jiuyi revealed Ling Chunann's presence, possibly out of embarrassment.

The next day, Ling Chunann and Su Zijing heard about Yang Mingxuan's hospitalization with broken ribs after a date with Zhang Cuiflower, a story Ling Chunann had already seen in the group, including photos shared by Yuan Jiuyi bragging about assaulting a prince.

Following the visit to the hospital, Ling Chunann's counterattack value mysteriously increased by 5%, which he attributed to the female lead's preference for looks.

For the next month, Ling Chunann had no contact with Yuan Congshu, who often spied on him. Ling Chunann noticed but pretended otherwise, explaining to 098 that he had calculated his sustenance needs for a month post-meal.

Amidst this, Yang Mingxuan remained in the hospital, compliant due to Yuan Congshu's "secret weapon," amidst rumors of nurses fainting from anemia.

Ever since her date with Yang Mingxuan, Zhang Cuiflower seemed to have taken a hit to her confidence and embarked on a weight loss journey. However, she sought out Ling Chunann the very next day he returned, requesting a new piece of paper with his phone number, as the previous one had mysteriously disappeared.

On the last day of Ling Chunann's planned escape from home, Yuan Congshu had the estate thoroughly cleaned early on and drove enthusiastically to Ling Chunann's school.

At that time, Ling Chunann was shopping with Su Zijing and Zhang Cuiflower. Despite their vastly different personalities and appearances, the two girls had become fast friends, bonding over topics like clothes, handbags, makeup, and weight loss methods. Ling Chunann mused that they would be sharing a room if not for their different majors.

While he pondered this, Su Zijing suggested to Zhang Cuiflower, "How about we rent a place outside and move in together? You're not happy in the dorm anyway."

Zhang Cuiflower agreed excitedly, leaving Ling Chunann puzzled by the enigmatic nature of female friendships.

Eventually, Ling Chunann took on the task of helping the two find an apartment. While collecting their ID photocopies, Su Zijing's matched her appearance, but Zhang Cuiflower's took him by surprise. Her real name was Zhang Yunya, a beautiful name matching the elegant face in the photo, which was a stark contrast to how Ling Chunann knew her. Only a tear mole by the eye allowed him to connect the photo to Zhang Cuiflower.

"This ID was made four years ago. I gained a lot of weight due to illness within a year, and that's when they started calling me Zhang Cuiflower," Zhang Yunya explained, sensing Ling Chunann's disbelief. She then turned to Su Zijing with renewed determination to lose weight.

Su Zijing supported her with a promise to start calling her "Xiaoya" instead of "Cuiflower."

Feeling left out, Ling Chunann checked with 098 whether "Male Lead No. 3" had made an appearance yet. 098, trying not to laugh at the host's expense, informed him that while Male Lead No. 3 hadn't appeared, Male Lead No. 2 was on his way.

A month had passed, and Yang Mingxuan had mostly recovered from his injuries, though still somewhat weak and craving energy. Just as they were about to cross a small alley, Ling Chunann received a call and signaled the girls to wait as he answered.

Zhang Yunya observed Ling Chunann's gentle expression upon seeing the caller ID and teased Su Zijing about whether Shu had a girlfriend, to which Su Zijing denied. Deciding to move ahead, they entered the alley without Ling Chunann.

On the phone, Yuan Congshu asked where Ling Chunann was so he could pick him up. Ling Chunann teased him for not being able to find him on his own, to which Yuan Congshu responded with eager anticipation.

Meanwhile, 098 warned that Su Zijing and Zhang Yunya had encountered Yang Mingxuan, who seemed poised to attack. Ling Chunann decided to wait before intervening.

As the girls met Yang Mingxuan in the alley, Zhang Yunya sensed something off and protected Su Zijing, refusing his invitation to join him. Just past him, Su Zijing felt a chilling presence and turned to meet Yang Mingxuan's blood-red eyes and sharp fangs inches from her skin. A projectile struck the vampire, causing him to vanish, leaving behind only a bloodstained fang.

Shocked, Su Zijing realized the attacker was Yang Mingxuan. Zhang Yunya, having suspected his identity from their date, was terrified by his daylight assault.

Their counterattack value increased by 10%, reaching 50%. Just then, 098 informed Ling Chunann that Yuan Congshu had arrived.


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