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Chapter 122

"Shu, Shu Yiheng," Zhang Yunya finally spotted Ling Chunann, her eyes widening at the sight of the stone and blood-stained fang on the ground. "Did you just drive him away?"

"Yes, it's all settled now," Ling Chunann confirmed without denying her question. Turning to Su Zijing, whose face had gone pale from fear, he asked, "Su Zijing, are you alright?"

Su Zijing managed a weak smile in response, "I'm fine, thank you, Yiheng."

Noticing the lingering fear in Su Zijing's eyes, Ling Chunann remarked to 098, "With Male Lead No. 2 handled, I think moving forward, just revealing the identities of the male leads to the heroine should suffice to complete our tasks."

"Indeed, host. The heroine seems quite terrified of vampires," 098 agreed.

"It seems like an easy task then. All that's left is finding a new boyfriend for the heroine," Ling Chunann concluded, observing the tight grip between the two girls, to which 098 remained silent.

During their conversation, Yuan Congshu arrived at the alleyway and approached Ling Chunann with a bright smile, "Darling, Yiheng, I'm here." Under Ling Chunann's gaze, the man was forced to correct himself, "And who might these two be?"

"Such a handsome man!" Zhang Yunya exclaimed under her breath to Su Zijing.

Zhang Yunya's comment brought some color back to Su Zijing's cheeks. She squeezed Zhang Yunya's hand and introduced herself to Yuan Congshu with a surprised heart, recognizing him from Ling Chunann's phone screen, "Hello, you must be Yiheng's uncle. I'm his good friend, Su Zijing," pointing to Zhang Yunya, she added, "And this is Zhang Yunya."

"Hello," Zhang Yunya greeted shyly.

Yuan Congshu, whose attention had been on Ling Chunann, nodded in acknowledgment, "Hello, I am Yuan, his... uncle," glancing again at Ling Chunann.

Ling Chunann kept a straight face but laughed inwardly, "He's just too adorable."

098 silently reflected on its fear of being reported again by Yuan Congshu for any misstep.

After dropping the girls off at their school, Yuan Congshu, worried Ling Chunann might change his mind about returning, eagerly drove back to his estate. He tentatively suggested, "Darling, how about you stop living on campus? I'll drive you to school every day."

"Why?" Ling Chunann inquired.

"The school is too noisy, and the dorm environment isn't great."

"I live alone, it's not noisy, and the dorm is clean," Ling Chunann replied.

Yuan Congshu's expression stiffened, then he continued, "There are many bad people outside. I worry about you being deceived. You've encountered danger twice this month already."

Leaning back, Ling Chunann mused, "They can't beat me. Besides, are you sure they're more dangerous than you?"

Yuan Congshu was speechless.

Seeing Yuan Congshu's despondent look, Ling Chunann couldn't help but burst into laughter, "I'll come back when I have fewer classes."

"Really?" Yuan Congshu, who had memorized Ling Chunann's timetable, nearly yanked the steering wheel off in his excitement.

Staring at the damaged steering wheel, Ling Chunann was speechless.

Half an hour later, they returned to the estate on foot.

Yuan Jiuyi, tasked with driving, abandoned the idea upon seeing the steering wheel's condition and decided to carry the car instead.

Upon reaching the estate, Ling Chunann sensed something was amiss. Yuan Congshu explained, "Some of my men heard you were coming back and wanted to meet you. They're very useful; feel free to command them for any tasks."


The subordinates, lined up to welcome their new prince, were unaware they had been sold out by their boss, full of anticipation.

Upon their appearance, the vampires bowed in unison, "Welcome, Your Highness!"

With nineteen people present, including Yuan Jiuyi, Yuan Congshu's entire council of elders was assembled. Ling Chunann, seeing Yuan Congshu's smile, left the vampires stunned and rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

After entering the house, the lingering vampires outside began to buzz with excitement.

"I must be seeing things; did the boss actually smile?"

"I've been with him for a thousand years and never seen him smile. Did I wake up too early?"

"Right, but Yuan Qi was correct; the prince is indeed very handsome, and his level is indiscernible."

"If you could discern his level, you wouldn't need to be an elder; you'd be competing for the prince's position. And look at you, bringing down our race's overall attractiveness."

The vampires laughed together, then one seized Yuan Qi, previously in contact with Ling Chunann, demanding to see the autograph.

"Show us, it's said the prince has beautiful handwriting," Yuan Qi said proudly.

After a brief exchange of glances, they decided to believe Yuan Qi's claim.

"What should we do next?" asked Yuan Yi.

"We came back on our own initiative, and the prince has seen us. Are we waiting for the king to invite us to dine?"

The thought of Yuan Congshu treating them sent shivers down their spines, and they quickly excused themselves with various reasons, eager to leave.

... ...

A collection of solitary vampires scattered in all directions with various absurd and embarrassing excuses, leaving Yuan Qi standing alone. Just as he was about to leave, he froze at the sound of Yuan Congshu calling his name, "Yuan Qi."

The vampire, unable to flee, forced a smile uglier than tears, "Your Majesty, do you have any commands for me?"

That evening, Ling Chunann noticed the elder's chat group, which had been quiet for some time, suddenly came alive.

Yuan Qi: "Who's still in Jiangcheng? Show of hands."

Yuan San: "1"

Yuan Ba: "2"

Shiwu: "3"

Yuan Jiu: "4"

Yuan Qi: "Excluding Yuan Jiu, the traitor who wouldn't back me up."

Yuan Qi: "So, it's Yuan San, Yuan Ba, Shiwu, and me. We four will meet tomorrow outside Jiangcheng University at Runfeng Hotel. His Majesty has tasked me with a significant mission, so I'll be the team leader for this operation."

Yuan San: "Why you? I'm the oldest, I should be the leader!"

Shiwu: "I want to be the leader too!"

Yuan Qi: "The mission was assigned to me by His Majesty, so I'm the leader!"

The trio argued over who should be the team leader through hundreds of messages until Yuan Ba, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

Yuan Ba: "Stop arguing, will you? How childish. Let's settle this with a game of rock-paper-scissors tomorrow. The winner will be the leader."

Yuan San, Yuan Qi, Shiwu: "Agreed!"

Ling Chunann, who had been watching the whole conversation: "......"

098 was laughing uncontrollably.

At that moment, Yuan Congshu walked in, "Darling, what are you looking at?"

Ling Chunann asked, "What task did you assign to Yuan Qi?"

Yuan Congshu replied, "Today's rogue prince falls under the elders' jurisdiction. I've instructed him to capture and bring him back." Adding, "Do you have any orders, darling?"

"No, it's nothing," Ling Chunann paused before showing Yuan Congshu the chat, "Are they always this... lively?"

Yuan Congshu glanced at the phone and chuckled, "Living for so long, they need to find some joy in life, though they are quite serious in front of me."

He swiped to the phone's desktop, seeing his own photo there made his smile even brighter, becoming the doting look Ling Chunann described, "Darling, let's take more pictures so we can change them daily."

As Yuan Congshu went on a photo-taking spree, Ling Chunann snatched the phone, browsed through the album full of identical smiling faces, and asked, "Can you tell me what's different about these photos?"

Yuan Congshu: "......"

Despite his comment, Ling Chunann didn't delete any photos. He switched to the camera mode, aimed it at himself, and instructed Yuan Congshu, "Lean in."

Understanding the cue, Yuan Congshu eagerly moved closer, afraid Ling Chunann might change his mind.

With a click, their portrait was captured in the frame.


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