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Chapter 107

Li Yi leaned forward eagerly, "What condition?"

At this moment, Chu Yu happened to be walking into the restaurant from the doorway. With slightly long hair tied up in a high ponytail, clad in a leather jacket and nonchalantly sucking on a lollipop, Chu Yu's casual demeanor caught the attention of the receptionist, who easily let him in, captivated by his mature yet charming face and flirtatious peach blossom eyes. Although many people glanced at him, hardly anyone recognized him as the world-renowned director.

Pointing towards Chu Yu, who had just taken a seat beside Ye Chufeng, Ling Chunann asked, "See him?"

Li Yi: "He looks familiar, who is he?"

Ling Chunann: "You mentioned him just now. He has been sending me a lot of emails recently, ranging from one to five per day."

Li Yi seemed to recall something, widening his eyes, "Ah... Chu...," he lowered his voice, "Chu Yu?"

"Recruit him to your company, and we have a deal."

"How is that possible? Mu's Group and our company are not on the same level," Li Yi subconsciously replied, but quickly changed the subject, "But our company is not bad either, I will work hard."

"Okay, hope to hear good news from you soon." Ling Chunann stood up, "It was a pleasant meeting today."

As they looked towards Chu Yu, he was also observing their table from the corner of his eye. While responding to Ye Chufeng's warm hospitality, his gaze lingered on each of the three individuals for a while. When he glanced at Fu Xianzhi, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, marveling at the perfection. Then, he completely focused his attention on Ling Chunann, his eyes becoming increasingly eager.

Seeing them about to leave, Chu Yu stood up abruptly to follow, but his attention was suddenly caught by a girl with a pleasantly surprised expression, "Director Chu! You're really here!"

The girl was Dongfang Ying, who had just returned from the restroom. Having seen Chu Yu a few times before, even with his current appearance, she recognized him at a glance.

Chu Yu, eager to chase after someone, was about to go around her, but she happened to take a step sideways, blocking his path. The collision caused Dongfang Ying to fall to the ground with a cry. By the time Chu Yu looked towards the door again, Ling Chunann had already left with Fu Xianzhi. He took a deep breath and looked down at Dongfang Ying on the ground.

"Ying'er, are you okay?" Ye Chufeng quickly helped up the still dazed Dongfang Ying.

Dongfang Ying leaned weakly against Ye Chufeng, "I'm fine, just accidentally fell."

"Is she with you?" Unable to catch up with Ling Chunann, Chu Yu sat back down, and his gloomy expression returned to calmness.

"Yes, she's my assistant." Ye Chufeng said.

Glancing at the two of them, Chu Yu chuckled, "Assistant, I'd say she's your girlfriend."

Dongfang Ying blushed and lowered her head, while Ye Chufeng did not deny it, "We confirmed our relationship a few days ago."

"Well done, a perfect match of talents and looks." Chu Yu nodded, resting his legs lazily on the ottoman in front of him, "Mr. Ye, I've read your novel, and the plot is excellent, fitting my ideal storyline. I believe if I direct it, there should be no problem making it to the Golden Forest Awards."

"Really? That's great! Afeng, if we make it to the Golden Forest Awards, you'll be famous." Dongfang Ying exclaimed.

Ye Chufeng didn't show an excited expression, but he held Dongfang Ying's hand with more strength, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

"You know, I've only won the Best Director at the Golden Forest Awards, and none of my films have won awards yet. This time, I'm sure to win." Chu Yu accurately flicked the lollipop stick he had finished into the white plate on the table, "To win the Best Picture award, you must have a script that can bear its reputation."

"There are still eight months until the Golden Forest Awards," Ye Chufeng's eyes lit up. He was going to say it. Chu Yu must be anxious now, but he was not in a hurry at this moment, "I'm available anytime to discuss the script."

Chu Yu nodded, "Yes, this indeed requires time, and also actors, costumes, locations, all need time, eight months is indeed a bit tight."

Ye Chufeng and Dongfang Ying glanced at each other, seeing the joy in each other's eyes. There was a chance.

After calculating for a while, Chu Yu slammed the table, "Since time is tight, I won't talk to you about it now, we'll have another chance to meet. I have something to do, I'll leave first."

Watching Chu Yu hurry out of the restaurant, the two of them looked puzzled.

"Director Chu, Director Chu!"

Realizing it, Ye Chufeng hurriedly followed.

Chu Yu frowned, "Is there anything else?"

"You said you really liked my novel, right? I don't know when we can sign the contract?"

"Contract? When did I say I wanted to sign a contract with you?" Chu Yu chuckled, "I do admire your novel, but I think I've never said a word about wanting to sign a contract with you. I came to see you this time just to clarify that, oh right, I forgot to tell you just now, please don't promote your novel in my name anymore, it's bothering me."

At this moment, the two stood at the entrance of the restaurant. Although Ye Chufeng's call to Chu Yu wasn't particularly loud, Chu Yu, being a director, was still a public figure. Those familiar with the entertainment industry easily matched his name with his appearance, promptly taking out their smartphones to record the scene before them.

Chu Yu, however, remained unfazed, greeting the surrounding people with a smile before continuing, "Since that's the case, Mr. Ye, we'll have another chance to collaborate."

Just as Ye Chufeng was about to speak further, the onlookers suddenly surged forward, including a reporter. "Director Chu, is your visit today about discussing scripts? What's your next movie about?"

Chu Yu replied, "Everyone, calm down. I just came out for a simple meal today, nothing related to scripts. As for my next movie, I already have something in mind, but I'll keep you guessing for now."

The reporter pressed on, "Is it the new work from Tianxia Youfang?"

Chu Yu glanced at Ye Chufeng and shook his head, "I can tell you clearly, it's not."

Chu Yu's words left no room for ambiguity. Ye Chufeng's face turned pale and then flushed with anger. If not for the crowd around, he would have almost rushed forward to punch him.

The reporter opportunistically turned to Ye Chufeng, "Tianxia Youfang, you're hailed as the most popular author at Fengyun Culture this year. What are your thoughts on this?"

"Reversal value +10%, current reversal value is 65%, please continue to work hard."

"I never expected to gain so much from one outing," 098 sighed as it watched the footage broadcasted by Ling Chunann.

The scene showed Ye Chufeng and Chu Yu surrounded by a crowd. The clever reporter had livestreamed the encounter between the renowned director Chu Yu and Tianxia Youfang, allowing countless viewers to witness it.

"But, Host, do you really think Li Yi can lure Chu Yu away from the Mu Group? After all, they offered him a special contract to keep him." 

"Well, as long as he's clever enough, there shouldn't be a problem."

Fu Xianzhi adjusted the floating car to autopilot. "Darling, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Give me a massage," Ling Chunann pointed to his waist, which was still sore.


Li Yi was undoubtedly a smart person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to rise from a relatively unknown junior editor to an editor-in-chief within Fengyun, such a large cultural company, in just five years. However, this didn't mean he had enough confidence to handle matters outside his industry scope. So, since agreeing to Ling Chunann's request, he had taken a week off and meticulously planned at home, repeatedly going over his plans.

Therefore, when Chu Yu came knocking, he was greeted by a pale-faced, black-eyed man with bloodshot eyes, looking worse than when he was busy shooting day and night. Li Yi awkwardly raised his hand and waved, "Hello."

Li Yi blinked, then took a step back.

The door slammed shut.

Chu Yu, almost hit on the nose, muttered to himself, "..."

Since winning the Golden Forest Award, this was the first time he had been shut out by someone. But thinking that he had finally found out where Xiaoxiao rested her responsibilities, he couldn't just leave without saying a word. So, he started knocking on the door again.

A minute later, the door opened, revealing a neatly dressed man who had been disheveled in his pajamas earlier. Apart from the tiredness that couldn't be concealed, everything else was perfect. "Director Chu, please come in."

"Host, Chu Yu is here to see you for editing," 098 reported in real-time, activating its gossip attribute.

"Mm," Ling Chunann was enjoying Fu Xianzhi's attentive service from all angles, lazily squinting his eyes as he asked, "What did they do?"

098 was not surprised by the scene at all. As for whether Fu Xianzhi could hear their conversation, he had never shown any indication. It had long since forgotten about the old wounds, quickly replying after Ling Chunann's inquiry, "It seems like they went to inquire about your information. The reason he accepted the male lead's invitation last time was mainly because he got the news that your editor was trying to schedule a meeting with you and wanted to go see you. Unfortunately, you left too quickly."

"Good, it gives our editor a chance to shine," Ling Chunann nodded.

"Is here a suitable place?" While Ling Chunann and 098 conversed, Fu Xianzhi's hand had already slipped under Ling Chunann's clothes, roaming around his lower back.

Ling Chunann suddenly felt a slight weight on his body, and before he knew it, he was pinned down.

...He had already done it a few times this morning, didn't this guy's kidneys hurt at all?

If 098 heard its host's question, it would surely sympathetically add, "Host, you forgot, he's not human at all."


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