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Chapter 100

Mu Linke actually had a quite attractive appearance. After losing some weight, his originally chubby contours deepened. With big eyes, long eyelashes, and notably smooth skin, Ling Chunann wiped the water off his face and casually rubbed his cheeks. Then, he flashed a big smile at his reflection in the mirror.

098: ...So cute. Those little tiger teeth and dimples are just cheating.

After tidying up, Ling Chunann opened the bathroom door and walked out. There was no delivery person at the door; instead, the household robot was waiting there beside a large box. Upon hearing Ling Chunann's footsteps, the robot's round head turned 180 degrees to face him. "Master, your package has been received."

"Host, you haven't bought anything these days." 098 quickly reminded, "There must be something fishy going on. Maybe it's a scheme by the male lead!"

Ling Chunann nodded. "I got it." Then, he found a small note on the box.

"Hello, Master Mu, this is the exclusive contract companion you ordered from our company three years ago. Wish you a pleasant time together. - Yinsong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd."

"Check what 'I' ordered three years ago." Ling Chunann looked at the note with interest.

"Okay." 098 quickly checked the previous purchase records of the original host. "He did order a companion robot three years ago when he came of age and left home." Thinking this, 098 felt much relieved.

In this world, if someone has defects or is unwilling to marry a human, they can apply for their own exclusive companion after coming of age. This artificial intelligence robot serves as a lifelong partner. Of course, the premise is that they must pay enough credit points.

Compared to ordinary household robots, these robots shed their metallic shells and have appearances identical to humans. They possess flesh, blood, and thoughts like humans, with the only difference being that their brains and hearts are made of metal, lacking human emotions. The only emotional program they input is loyalty.

In the original description, one of the male lead's harem members was such a robot, so Ling Chunann didn't find it surprising. He reached out and began to unwrap the package.

Watching Ling Chunann unpacking the box, 098 asked in confusion, "I remember Mu Linke used to be heterosexual. Why would he order a companion?"

"Maybe he was intercepted halfway." Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow, swiftly unwrapping the first layer of packaging.

Hearing Ling Chunann's words, 098 didn't dwell on it further. Its attention quickly shifted to the person inside the box. With its aesthetic sense, it could hardly find words to describe the person in front of it. Then it heard its host's exclamation, "So handsome!"

"Activation method: A kiss." 098 read from the manual, "Host, I remember the male lead's robots weren't activated like this. This clearly seems like an attempt to take advantage of you."

"Yeah, he's so handsome. Who's taking advantage of whom is still uncertain." Ling Chunann casually responded, but his gaze remained on the other's face, looking somewhat puzzled.

Surprised by his host's focused gaze, 098 subconsciously began to detect the soul fluctuations in the body. "Host, there are no soul fluctuations in this body, nor heartbeat or breathing." In other words, it was no different from other robots.

As 098 was speaking, Ling Chunann had already approached the person and kissed him on the lips.

...Host, have you changed your mind? You wouldn't kiss someone so casually before.

One second, two seconds, half a minute passed without a response.

After evaluating his own stamina, Ling Chunann gave up trying to take the person out of the box. Instead, he sat on the man's waist and leaned over to unbutton the man's clothes, then bit his shoulder.

Meanwhile, 098, who had been keeping an eye on the uninvited guest, suddenly felt soul fluctuations within him... The host is truly remarkable to recognize this.

However, host, you'll regret this. Although companion robots are artificial intelligence, they are physiologically no different from humans, especially when facing their own contract holders; they are much more passionate than ordinary humans toward their partners.

Fu Xianzhi just opened his eyes and saw a dark head next to his neck. Subconsciously, he reached out and touched the soft hair of the other person.

Feeling the man's movement, Ling Chunann finally stopped, licked his lips, and looked at him. In this cramped box, the two breathed in sync, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

Feeling the man's reaction under him, Ling Chunann smiled at him. "Call me Master."

"Master." The man's voice was deep and magnetic, especially when he pronounced these two words, making people's ears tingle.

Ling Chunann took a deep breath and then bit the man's Adam's apple. It was a light bite, followed by a lick, with a teasing taste. This time, it was the man who gasped.

Ling Chunann didn't know how he ended up on the bed, but when he realized it, he was lying naked under the man, who was also naked. With one hand pressing down the man's hand reaching towards him, he said, "How come you're so skilled?"

"Automatically imported by the intelligent system." The man looked innocent. "Master, are you uncomfortable?"


"Host, were you jealous just now?" 098 interjected.

"Do I look like I was jealous?" Ling Chunann asked.


"Then I guess I was."

"...?" Why does it feel like the host is acting a bit strange, actually admitting it so easily? Before, Ling Chunann's style was to stubbornly deny caring about men, even to death.

Just as 098 was in a tangle of confusion, Ling Chunann spoke up again, mustering a bit of energy amidst his busy schedule. "Well, actually, I was just curious."

"Okay, got it." That's better. 098 breathed a sigh of relief.

The next afternoon, Ling Chunann woke up leisurely, and Fu Xianzhi happened to come in with a tray. "Master, it's time for your meal."

After finishing the meal, Ling Chunann called out to Fu Xianzhi.

"Does the master have any other orders?" Fu Xianzhi had the demeanor of a standard butler.

Ling Chunann opened the page of his article on the light screen and enlarged the name of the top reader, "Linyuan Xianyu." "Is this you?" Although he used a question, Ling Chunann's tone was affirmative.

"Yes, master." Fu Xianzhi naturally admitted to it. "The first time I saw you, I saw you looking at someone else's hegemony votes, so I thought you wanted them too, so... Did I do something wrong?"

"No, thank you, I really like it." Ling Chunann replied, "But the companion robot I ordered three years ago was a girl with a baby face and big breasts. How did you end up here?"

Whether it was 098's misconception or not, when Fu Xianzhi heard the words "baby face and big breasts," his expression seemed to twist slightly, and his tone became a little sour.

"Sorry, darling, I took the liberty of changing the gender and appearance you needed, and then used your light brain to connect with this body." Fu Xianzhi apologized sincerely.

"What are you, then?" Ling Chunann nodded and continued to ask.

"Me?" Fu Xianzhi frowned. "Since I became aware, it seems that I've always been in that world. I can control everything there. They call me the main brain. Until I met you, I didn't feel any different from the ordinary people in that world."

Only after Ling Chunann appeared did Fu Xianzhi realize that he was different from him. He searched for a lot of information and finally understood that there was another world of humans, and he was just data that had developed self-awareness.

"I want to accompany you forever." Fu Xianzhi gently kissed Ling Chunann's corner of the eye. "So I came out."

"Host, according to his statement, he should be the overall controller of the virtual network world of this world, equivalent to artificial intelligence, but probably much more advanced." 098 suddenly thought of the main god of all systems. In this world, Fu Xianzhi is also equivalent to the main god, right?

"If you come out, what if no one is there to manage it?" Ling Chunann asked, "And what if they find out you're out..."

"Don't worry, I've left part of my consciousness in there. Nothing will happen." Fu Xianzhi looked moved. "Darling, I love you."

"Actually, I think I prefer you to call me master." Ling Chunann changed the subject.

The man leaned over to Ling Chunann's ear and whispered softly, "Okay, master."

Ling Chunann, feeling all tingly, said, "...How can just a term of address make you react like this?" Seeing that he might not be able to get out of bed again today, Ling Chunann compromised, "Okay, let's stick with darling."

"Okay, darling." The man's laughter was deep and sexy.


For the host who brought it upon himself, 098 maintained a good spectator status, after all, he usually bullies it so much.

Although Fu Xianzhi said he liked Ling Chunann's chubby appearance and was determined to restore him to his weight when he first met him, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Ling Chunann every time. He held Ling Chunann and pinched him here and there, lamenting the soft, thick flesh that was disappearing. But when he found that while Ling Chunann's weight was decreasing, his health was improving, Fu Xianzhi finally stopped blaming himself so much.

After a shameless period of time passed, just as 098 hesitated whether to remind Ling Chunann that he had lost his draft, Ling Chunann finally remembered the task he had forgotten.

During this time, Fu Xianzhi continued to use the alias Linyuan Xianyu to vote for him after each update, coupled with the unique theme of his new book in this world, which was truly groundbreaking, and naturally gained immense popularity. His writing style was transitioning from Mu Linke's elegant and graceful style to Ling Chunann's relatively straightforward and concise style. However, in order not to change too drastically all at once, he still incorporated some elegant elements into his own style.

And perhaps for these reasons, his writing became popular.

For Ling Chunann, his popularity was well-deserved, but for some people, it was simply shocking.


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