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Chapter 455: Mortan: We shattered the invincible myth of wizards!

Lynn's move to gradually sell off batches of grain puzzled the members of the parliament present. To resolve the current crisis, the safest approach would be to flood the market with a large quantity of cheap grain, forcing the nobles and grain merchants to back down.

"Are you trying to empty the pockets of nobles and merchants?" Raphael guessed.

"You could say that," Lynn nodded. In his view, this might be a rare opportunity.

If these people continued to stay quietly on their estates, content with being landlords, he wouldn't have a good reason to clear out these remnants of the old era.

"But, won't the soaring grain prices affect the stability of the entire kingdom?" a parliament member frowned, noting that the price of a loaf of bread had already risen to five times its original price.

If it rose to ten times or twenty times, there would definitely be trouble.

"Don't worry too much about that. As long as we increase the food supply from workshops, mines, and academies from one meal to three meals a day, it will be enough!" Lynn said firmly. "The kingdom won't fall into chaos!"

Now, the vast majority of the kingdom's subjects were already integrated into the urban magical operation system, with the army, railway construction, various workshops, and civilian academies covering over ninety percent of the population in the eastern, central, and southern territories under the wizards' rule!

The remaining nobles and merchants were not under their control, but they also had substantial assets, so they didn't need to worry about them.

Lynn's bold plan for universal rationing left Raphael speechless.

If workshops ensured three meals a day, who would buy wheat and bread?

Certainly those who tried to raise grain prices...

Raphael suddenly realized this.

Lynn's approach was like controlling the intensity of the grain war within a certain range, or even completely disconnecting from ordinary civilians, directly turning it into a direct confrontation between the parliament and nobles and merchants!

"But do we really have enough food in our hands?" Grand Wizard Alade expressed his concern.

On one hand, the parliament was responsible for supplying food to the entire kingdom, and on the other hand, it had to provide enough food to compete with those noble merchants.

"If we rely solely on wheat, it won't be enough," Lynn smiled slightly, then continued, "But fortunately, we can use magic to make bread!"

Making bread with magic?

This statement astonished the members of the parliament present.

"Lynn, this is not the time for jokes!" Alade couldn't help but interrupt.

Although magic could do many things, even simulate various elements, it could not replace real existing material!

Relying on magic to directly solve the food problem was simply absurd!

The parliamentarians, however, understood that this star of magic was conducting research on material and energy transformation, so solving the food problem with magic was not entirely impossible.

However, according to Lynn's own words, the energy required to transform one gram of material was equivalent to a nuclear explosion, so it seemed unlikely that he could feed the three million people in the kingdom with it.

"In any case, I already have a spell model for the art of bread. With at most a week, I can perfect it completely!" Lynn said confidently.

To meet the requirements of the star voyage, the Federation had invested a lot of effort in technologies such as artificial starch synthesis and cell culture meat, and various studies were very mature. It was not too difficult to turn them into magic, and the raw materials were simple and readily available.

Seeing Lynn's confidence, Raphael and others looked at each other.

Creating food with magic, which completely contradicted common sense, seemed to be something that could be developed with just a little research in the mouth of this star of magic.

The members of the parliament were also somewhat speechless.

It can only be said that someone's speed in developing new magic was really too fast.

For example, the magical transformation equation to legendary promotion, starting from when they captured Judge Joshua, took just over a month, and even found time to create a blueprint for an artificial sun...

Really don't know how his brain works...

Harof sighed inwardly, then decisively spoke up.

"Since you have full confidence in solving the food problem, let's do it this way!"


On the second day after the meeting ended, under the operation of Laud, the first batch of fifteen tons of wheat was sold at a price slightly lower than the market price, eight copper coins per kilogram, and was sold out in just half an hour!

Next came twenty tons, thirty tons... fifty tons, and the price kept rising, eventually settling at twenty copper coins!

But even so, the wheat would still be sold out in various cities after being transported, because the current market price of grain was much higher than Laud's selling price. As long as it was resold, it would be a double profit!

The kingdom's wealthy merchants and nobles, one by one, went crazy, and many people even put all their savings into it!

In just a few days, the price of wheat had increased to fifty copper coins per kilogram, a full twenty-five times the original price!

And the price of a bag of white bread also skyrocketed to one silver coin!

Even the black bread that dogs wouldn't eat a few days ago cost forty copper coins!

That is to say, a laborer working hard in a magical workshop could only buy a few bags of white bread with a month's salary, barely enough to support themselves.

At the same time, in the fortress of the capital, Count Mortan raised his wine glass, looking at the nobles who came to attend the secret meeting, and said spiritedly.

"Gentlemen, we have now achieved a comprehensive victory. I believe the Wizard Council is now in a panic, right?"

Count Held quickly echoed, "Lord Mortan's wisdom is unmatched by those wizards who study dark arts. These peasants probably don't even understand what economics is..."

The other nobles also praised Count Mortan's ingenious plan, and some even secretly regretted that they were too cautious. If they had exchanged all their properties for grain earlier, they would have already made tens of times their current wealth!

In a flurry of praise and applause, Mortan's face beamed with a proud smile, took a sip of the red wine in his glass, and then asked about the current situation of wheat procurement.

A nearby attendant replied excitedly, "Report to Lord Mortan, we have spent seventy thousand imperial gold coins to purchase enough grain for the entire kingdom for two months. In addition, other merchants who followed suit or wanted to make a profit have also been buying grain on a large scale. Even with the most conservative estimate, enough wheat for three million people to eat for half a year has been bought out!"

"Very good, excellent!" Mortan nodded in satisfaction.

"However, Lord Mortan, contrary to what we expected, it seems that the commoners in the capital are not showing signs of unrest," Viscount Sk hesitated to say.

According to their previous predictions, the poor who could not afford to buy wheat should have been restless long ago.

"I don't think even if they starve to death, those peasants will dare to stand up against wizards who possess magic. Even if they can't afford white bread, they can still buy a few pieces of black bread mixed with grass to get by, or even gnaw

 on the bark of trees. They won't rebel!" a noble sneered.

"Yes, but it's better to be careful. We must find a way to make the people in the city panic, and then let the parliament and the Wizard Council confront each other!" another noble said meaningfully.

Mortan nodded slightly, showing approval.

After the meeting, Viscount Sk bowed slightly to Mortan and said, "Your Excellency, don't worry. I have a plan that can make the entire kingdom tremble with fear!"

"Good, good! Remember, as long as the people are panicked and the Wizard Council and parliament are in conflict, we nobles will be the biggest winners in the end!" Mortan said with a smile, clinking glasses with Viscount Sk.

"Of course, as long as we nobles stand together, the commoners' lives and deaths are not worth mentioning!" Viscount Sk also laughed sinisterly.

At that moment, the attendants who were serving on the sidelines felt a chill run down their spines.

It seemed that something big was about to happen in the kingdom.


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