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Chapter 453: Let those wizards see the wisdom and power of the nobles! - Part 1

"We can't go on like this anymore!"

Amidst the arguments and discussions, Count Herlram slammed the table and stood up, looking at the people present with resentment. "I believe it is necessary to take some measures to stop these wizards from acting recklessly within the kingdom!"

However, Herlram's impassioned words did not garner cheers from the crowd; instead, they were met with laughter.

"Measures? What do you intend to do, Count Herlram?" Viscount Wally mocked mercilessly. "Gather your guards and knights to the City of Fire Oil for justice?"

Nowadays, those wizards were truly in the ascendant, defeating the crusader armies and penetrating into the territory of the empire!

Even if they were unwilling to believe it, they had to face a fact: their power as nobles was simply not enough to shake the wizards' rule, and they couldn't even defeat the kingdom's guards!

The fate of Grand Duke Rickman was the best proof of that.

Three thousand musketeers, together with those airships, routed tens of thousands of elite troops of the kingdom. In Skew's view, confronting the wizards head-on was not a wise move!

In a sarcastic tone, Herlram's face flushed red, and he retorted angrily, "Should we just sit back and watch these minions of evil encroach upon us, turning the entire kingdom into their private property?"

"Don't forget why those wizards are punishing the eastern nobles..."

At this, the faces of those present changed slightly.

Indeed, the lords in the eastern part of the kingdom had made a big mistake by choosing to stand with the empire and the church in uncertain times. But no matter what, the wizards should not be allowed to judge and convict them privately!

Moreover, many of the accusations they provided could only be described as outrageous!

Since when was it a crime to kill a few errant serfs?

And the so-called excessive taxes were nothing but a joke!

According to the empire's laws, all subjects were the private property of the lords, and how much they paid in taxes and how they were punished were decided by the local lords themselves. Unless it involved matters of faith, neither the king nor the local church could interfere!

By their standards, wouldn't they themselves be subject to judgment?

Thinking of this, the nobles in the chamber felt a chill in their hearts.

Herlram turned to Viscount Wally and, without hesitation, exposed his wound. "Don't think I don't know, Skew, your chief knight defected from his oath and joined the embrace of those wizards a few days ago, didn't he?"

The latter's face immediately turned ugly.

A week ago, his chief knight suddenly disappeared, and it took Skew's men several days to find out that the fellow had secretly gone to the workshops in the capital to blow glass for those wizards!

It nearly drove him mad!

A knight with a title, actually doing the menial work that only peasants would do, was simply a disgrace to the noble status!

It was only after asking for the reason that he found out that the workshops paid twice the wages he gave, provided three meals a day, and even offered housing...

Angry Skew immediately wanted someone to take his chief knight back, to avoid embarrassing himself here, and was ready to punish him severely for sullying the noble identity.

However, the wizards managing the workshops arrogantly refused his reasonable request because his chief knight was extremely talented. Despite being there for only a week, he was the best glassblower in the entire workshop and had already become a supervisor responsible for guiding newcomers.

Recalling the arrogant and contemptuous gaze of the other party, endless anger and humiliation surged into Skew's heart.

A mere wizard, who used to cower in the corners of the city like a mouse, relying on their breath to barely survive, had now climbed onto their heads and acted arrogantly...

Herlram persisted, after exposing Skew's wound, he turned his gaze to the other nobles present and mercilessly touched on each one's sore spot.

Although the wizards' influence had not yet expanded to their territories, the derived effects had already threatened everyone's interests.

For other matters, even if they failed to confront the wizards head-on, they still had something that could affect the kingdom's survival.

The nobles in the chamber were stunned for a moment, even Count Herlram was very surprised.

Fortunately, Count Mortan did not intend to beat around the bush and directly revealed his meaning.


"You mean..." Herlram's eyes lit up suddenly, and he had already vaguely understood what the duke meant.

"Now, the eastern region of the kingdom has just suffered a war, and it's not easy to restore production. I don't know if you've noticed, but those wizards are buying up wheat in large quantities!" Count Mortan sneered and said coldly.

In order to please the lower-class subjects, dismantle the foundation of the church, and use the plundered wealth to hire those peasants at high prices, the wizard council used the new alchemical inventions produced by them to make huge profits to maintain the status quo.

It had to be said that the wizards were very generous in spending money, and this move was indeed clever!

In just a year, the citizens of the capital went from being deeply afraid of the smoking workshops to now eagerly flocking to them, even taking pride in working for the wizards!

But there was one problem: with more money in the hands of the commoners, they would no longer be willing to endure hunger. The black bread that used to sell out quickly was now being shunned even by the dogs on the roadside...

And this thing used to be the main staple of the poor.

To reduce costs, merchants usually added some sawdust and grass inside, which wasn't very tasty but could fill the stomach...

But now, even the lowly miners in the capital would not hesitate to buy a delicious loaf of white bread.

This also led to a several-fold increase in food consumption. Just conquered territories in the eastern part of the kingdom had millions of people. It wasn't easy to feed so many mouths.

The passing grain teams were enough to prove that the parliament's grain was not enough.

At this time, as long as they came forward to buy wheat on a large scale, they could shake the entire kingdom's grain trade, further reduce the already insufficient food on the market, and raise prices.

The commoners with extra money would start hoarding out of fear, causing a chain reaction!

"Now, the kingdom under the wizards' rule is like a fortress with a strong appearance but a crumbling interior. As long as we give it a strong kick, it will collapse!" Count Mortan said firmly.

The nobles present showed expressions of shock.

This move was ruthless, to say the least!


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