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Chapter 73

Yuan Zhengxing wore a wry expression. "Young Master Bai, where are you planning to go?"

Ever since being assigned as Ling Chunann's personal physician by Mo Yuzheng, Yuan Zhengxing had transitioned from a prominent esper to a nanny. Lately, he even felt like he was turning into a motherly figure, all due to Ling Chunann's constant demands in Mo Yuzheng's absence.

Take this watermelon juice, for instance. Ling Chunann insisted on hand-squeezed, refusing to drink anything made by a machine. Yuan Zhengxing had once watched Mo Yuzheng do it and thought his elder nephew had remarkable patience. Now, tasked with the chore himself, he found no difference between machine and hand squeezing and opted for the former, only for Ling Chunann to end up spitting it out...

"My uncle's birthday is coming up, and I want to buy him a gift." Ling Chunann looked up at Yuan Zhengxing, his expression unusually innocent.

Yuan Zhengxing hesitated, struggling to find the right words, but ultimately couldn't bring himself to refuse. "Just wait here, I'll go get the car ready," he said, placing the watermelon juice he had been holding next to Ling Chunann. "Five minutes."

Turning his wheelchair slightly, Ling Chunann asked, "098, when did you say my leg injury would fully heal?"

"Host, five years," 098 replied. "But considering your current condition, which seems quite unique... Your esper ability appears to be nearing the second level, and according to calculations, a second-level esper should be able to heal your leg." It hadn't even been a year yet!

098 could hardly believe it. How could the host's esper ability level up so quickly?

"I'm naturally gifted."


Five minutes later, Yuan Zhengxing arrived punctually to escort Ling Chunann out. Waiting in the garage were two burly guards in black sunglasses.

"Young Master Bai, these two are the guards Mr. Mo assigned to you," Yuan Zhengxing explained to Ling Chunann.

"Host, both of them are espers," 098 reported. "And they're both second-level espers." The implication was that they were even more powerful than Ling Chunann.

After Yuan Zhengxing's introduction, the two guards spoke in unison, "Greetings, Young Master Bai! I'm Mo Qi, and I'm Mo Jiu!"

"Hello," Ling Chunann nodded, and the four of them got into the car, with the guards taking the front seats and Yuan Zhengxing and Ling Chunann in the back.

The interior of the car was spacious, and once the guards removed their sunglasses, Ling Chunann could see their faces clearly. Both appeared to be around seventeen or eighteen years old, looking particularly youthful. It was no wonder they had worn sunglasses earlier. The twins looked identical, and the one in the passenger seat occasionally glanced back at Ling Chunann, his eyes sparkling.

On the fifth glance, Ling Chunann suddenly spoke up, "What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing," Mo Jiu stammered, clearly surprised to be caught, and then quickly turned away, looking somewhat shy. After a moment, his gaze drifted back to Ling Chunann, brimming with curiosity. "Um, Young M... I mean, Young Master Bai, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"How old are you this year?"

"Nineteen," Ling Chunann replied. "Why?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. We're the same age, what a coincidence," Mo Jiu chuckled nervously, having previously assumed that their boss had hidden away an underage individual.

The car slowly pulled into a mall in the city center, and accompanied by the three men, Ling Chunann leisurely strolled around the mall before leaving empty-handed.

No matter the man's status or abilities, shopping always left them feeling exhausted, including these espers. However, Ling Chunann didn't fit into this category. He didn't walk, and he wasn't a normal person.

"Young... Young Master, is there something specific you want? Perhaps we could go for custom-made items?" Yuan Zhengxing kindly suggested.

"I'm good, let's keep browsing," Ling Chunann said.

Yuan Zhengxing's hopeful expression at the suggestion immediately fell flat.

"Host, weren't you here to buy a birthday gift for Mo Yuzheng?" 098 interjected, noticing that it was already getting late, and it felt a bit sorry for their companions.

"Yes, I'm here for a birthday gift," Ling Chunann replied. "Don't you think it would be better if he came to pick it out himself?"

098 instinctively checked Mo Yuzheng's whereabouts and found that he was indeed on his way here. It felt like it was becoming obsolete as a system; why was it always slower than the host?

"Feeling hungry?" Ling Chunann glanced at the time and said to the group, "I noticed a nice restaurant down that street."

All of them breathed a collective sigh of relief. It was exhausting to accompany this ancestor on a shopping trip.

The restaurant Ling Chunann had chosen was down a narrow alley. He refused the offer to drive there, insisting on walking with his bodyguards. As they reached the mouth of the alley, Yuan Zhengxing suddenly halted, exchanging a glance with Mo Jiu. Mo Jiu smiled at Ling Chunann, then stealthily made his way into the alley.

"What's wrong?" Ling Chunann asked Yuan Zhengxing.

"Nothing. I just asked Mo Jiu to check if this route is clear. I remember it was under repair before," Yuan Zhengxing said with a sincere expression.

Finding someone who could lie as smoothly as their own host was a marvel, 098 mused. Then, it activated its system function. "Host, it's the protagonist and his lover from the esper novel fighting some magic beasts." Lately, Ling Chunann had been focusing mainly on Bai Zishu, so 098 almost forgot it was a parallel world.

In this urban esper novel, the protagonist had risen in the ranks within the Dragon Group, befriending several lovers due to his successful missions, gaining attention from the higher-ups, and being considered for a mission to explore ancient ruins. Both love and career flourished, making him exceptionally proud.

Realizing that the host was truly committed to the task, 098 couldn't help but feel guilty for its recent negligence. It was because of this successful mission in the plot that the protagonist finally gained recognition and obtained the ticket to the ancient ruins. And it had forgotten about it!

Feeling remorseful, 098 said, "I'm sorry, Host."

Knowing its system had a peculiar tendency for self-reflection, Ling Chunann wasn't surprised by its sudden apology. And indeed, it had been negligent. Ling Chunann didn't correct its admission of fault but occasionally glanced towards the alley entrance, listening to 098's live broadcast.

"The protagonist spotted Mo Jiu. He seems to recognize him. He abandoned the magic beasts and started fighting with Mo Jiu. Ouyang Qian is left alone battling the magic beasts." The harem girl was in a pitiable state. "Host, why did the protagonist choose to fight Mo Jiu?"

"Probably because he seemed more resilient," Ling Chunann casually replied. "What happened next?"

"...They're still fighting," 098 replied. After a few more minutes, it suddenly perked up. "Host, the protagonist has forced Mo Jiu into the magic beasts' midst. He's about to be bitten!"

At that moment, Yuan Zhengxing, who had been behind Ling Chunann, said, "Young Master Bai, it's been a while. I'll go check." Then, he swiftly disappeared down the alley.

098 was nervous. "The protagonist's abilities have advanced too quickly. It's been less than a year, and he's already nearing level three. Yuan Zhengxing might not stand a chance."

As expected, fifteen minutes later, under the combined attack of the magic beasts and the protagonist, Yuan Zhengxing and Mo Jiu found themselves in dire straits.

It was then that Ling Chunann acted.

"Host, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to save them, of course," Ling Chunann said with a smile, then slowly turned his wheelchair and moved towards the alley.

"But your esper ability is only at level one, not even level two yet, and there are several magic beasts inside," 098 tried to persuade its stubborn host.

"I can't fight them, but someone else can," Ling Chunann said before entering the alley without looking back.

Just as 098 thought Ling Chunann would engage in combat upon entering, Ling Chunann suddenly exclaimed, "What are you doing? Fighting is illegal. I've called the police!"

Watching their host's terrified expression and the phone that had suddenly appeared in his hand, 098 was speechless. If it didn't know the truth, it might have thought he was just an innocent youth passing by, scared out of his wits.

Although it had been a long time since it acted, Ling Chunann's acting skills seemed as excellent as ever, 098 marveled.

Seeing the wheelchair-bound youth who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, Xu Lingyang, under Ouyang Qian's signal, had to stop his attack on Yuan Zhengxing. 

"Little brother, we're on a mission," Ouyang Qian said, casting a glance at the beasts nearby. Ordinary people couldn't see them, but they were still vulnerable to the beasts' attacks. So, she lowered her voice. "We're not fighting."

"You...you're assassins?" Ling Chunann's eyes widened in further fear. His fingers on the wheelchair's armrest turned white. "Please don't kill me. I didn't see anything."

Xu Lingyang: "..."

Ouyang Qian: "..."

The two underlings, shocked by their prospective sister-in-law's acting skills, barely managed to get up after hearing this and nearly fell down again.

"We're from the Security Bureau." Ouyang Qian was clearly displeased at being equated with assassins, but she didn't speak harshly to Ling Chunann. Instead, she showed her credentials.

"Really not assassins?" Ling Chunann looked at them cautiously. "Then why were you trying to kill those two just now?"

"They..." Xu Lingyang interrupted Ouyang Qian and said icily, "They're actually terrorists." Little brother, now that you know our identities, if you stay here any longer, I'll report you for obstructing official duties."

At this moment, there were still four living magic beasts in the alley. Two were eyeing Yuan Zhengxing and Mo Jiu, seemingly ready to pounce at any moment. The other two,

 sensing fresh blood, were menacingly heading towards Ling Chunann. Seeing Yuan Zhengxing and Mo Jiu about to make a move, Ling Chunann stopped them with a glance and, pretending not to notice the two magic beasts, focused on Xu Lingyang, saying timidly, "Okay, okay, I'll leave right away."

At this moment, the two magic beasts were only two or three steps away from Ling Chunann.

With his arms crossed, Xu Lingyang looked at him coldly, making no move to help. Ouyang Qian was also motionless, halted by his actions, standing at a distance, puzzled.

"Host, they're trying to see if you'll leave them to die!" the protagonist is so wicked; the harem girls seemed fine just now, why would they listen to the protagonist like this?

"They're testing me," Ling Chunann replied leisurely.

With Yuan Zhengxing and Mo Jiu now lacking in fighting strength, Ling Chunann's sudden appearance naturally raised suspicions. Given the protagonist's suspicious nature, he wouldn't easily let go of the opportunity to test him, even if it meant an innocent person's life.

But Ling Chunann was confident. Ouyang Qian would definitely not stand idly by.

Sure enough, just as the magic beasts' jaws were about to close on Ling Chunann, Ouyang Qian took action. However, her movements were clearly slower than someone else's.

With two loud bangs, the two magic beasts that had almost reached Ling Chunann were sent flying. If Xu Lingyang hadn't moved quickly, he might have been crushed into a pancake. Such strength, enough to instantly kill two level-two magic beasts with one move, indicated an esper of at least level three. Xu Lingyang was astonished. "Who are you?"

After carefully checking Ling Chunann and seeing that he was unharmed, Mo Yuzheng's gaze fell on Xu Lingyang. He raised his hand, but Ling Chunann grabbed his sleeve, hesitated, and finally said to him, "Go away!"

The overwhelming pressure from the powerful esper nearly made Xu Lingyang lose his footing. He pulled Ouyang Qian along, and the two retreated from the alley.

For some reason, the two magic beasts that had been eyeing Yuan Zhengxing and Mo Jiu also quickly followed the two people fleeing.

Half an hour later, the "terrified" Ling Chunann was nestled in Mo Yuzheng's arms, almost falling asleep.

"Side task completed. Please continue to strive, Host."

"Host, what did you do?" How did the protagonist suddenly lose the chance to go to the ancient ruins?


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