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Chapter 64

"098, what are you thinking about?"

"The posture of the host." 098 replied subconsciously.


Suddenly realizing that it had said something it shouldn't have, 098 quickly apologized, "Sorry, Host."

Just when 098 thought Ling Chunann was angry, he heard his host speak up. He said, "Actually, I feel more comfortable lying down."

Then he actually started to discuss seriously with it which position was more comfortable. Although 098 was a system, facing such an open host, it actually felt a bit embarrassed. It thought its mental strength was strong enough, but apparently its level of embarrassment wasn't high enough.

"So, lying down is the most comfortable." Ling Chunann concluded, "But for riding, it's more suitable for eating meat."

"..." 098 had nothing to say.

Bai Zimu's small nest was a moderately sized duplex apartment. Ling Chunann had seen the appearance of this room in his memory. The decoration was very simple. The original owner was a bit of a neat freak and cleaned everything himself, so it always maintained a cleanliness rarely seen in young people.

However, after spending a few months in the hospital this time, there was inevitably more dust in the room. As soon as Mo Yuzheng entered, he started cleaning non-stop.

"I didn't expect him to be such a domesticated good man this time." 098 sighed. Regardless of the past, this man had always been dominant and indifferent. Apart from being attentive to the host, he had never done anything like cleaning before. In the last life, although he didn't allow anyone into his private territory, with magic, everything was simple. Now he was doing it by hand!

Watching the man earnestly sweeping the floor and wiping the table with an apron tied around him, 098 felt that the world was changing too fast.

"Don't think too much. Although I don't have memories, he's the same in every world." Ling Chunann said, "Obviously, he must have investigated Bai Zimu."

People with cleanliness issues usually don't like others entering their space. Bai Zimu was such a person, otherwise, as the young master of the Bai family, he wouldn't have refused to hire even a nanny.

Ling Chunann didn't have cleanliness issues, but since the other party thought so, he couldn't be bothered to deny it.

At this time, Mo Yuzheng had already gone to the bedroom. Ling Chunann held his phone, and the earphones played the radio drama downloaded by Bai Zimu before. As a good little brother, his phone naturally wouldn't lack dramas where the male lead was the bottom.

"I have to say, the voice of the male lead being the bottom is quite pleasant to listen to. No wonder it's so popular now." Ling Chunann praised, "But unfortunately, it's not the type I like."

The voice of the male lead being the bottom was sweet and melodious, with a large audience. Coupled with his good popularity and well-done publicity, playing likable characters, it wasn't surprising that he became popular.

Just as Ling Chunann was sighing, the doorbell rang, "Xiaomu, open the door."

"The doorbell should be changed." Ling Chunann frowned. The original owner's taste was really unique. He actually used the voice of the male lead being the bottom for the doorbell.

When the doorbell rang for the second time, Ling Chunann felt for the doorknob.

With a click, the door opened, and outside stood a delicate young man in white casual clothes, holding a bouquet of lilies. Seeing Ling Chunann, he showed a concerned smile, "Xiaomu."

"Brother?" Ling Chunann looked surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Sorry, Xiaomu, brother went on a trip before and didn't hear about your accident. Why didn't you call me?" Bai Zishu's face was apologetic, then his gaze fell on Ling Chunann's legs, "Your legs..."

"Compound fracture, I may never be able to stand again in the future." Ling Chunann looked a bit desolate.

"Hiss..." Bai Zishu hissed, "Don't be afraid, you still have me. Xiaomu, come home with me. Brother will take care of you in the future."

"Okay." Ling Chunann agreed simply.

Bai Zishu: "..."

"Phew!" 098, who had been observing the expressions of the male lead being the bottom, laughed out loud, "Host, you can't see his expression, but it's really strange."

"What expression?"

"It's like a tender little white cabbage suddenly twisted, and then twisted back, looking wrinkled." 098 described vividly, but the adjectives seemed quite abstract.

Ling Chunann could probably imagine how forced Bai Zishu's expression was now. He couldn't help but laugh, "Just kidding, Brother, as you know, I'm not used to staying at home. But if you're willing, you can come to my place. I have plenty of room here."

"No, thanks. I'm busy with the unified examination lately, and it's closer to school from home." Bai Zishu visibly relaxed, rejecting Ling Chunann's invitation.

"Host, this person is really hypocritical. He obviously doesn't sincerely want to take care of you!" 098 had encountered many protagonists with hidden motives, but such an annoying male lead was rare, and the key was that he still had a fake concerned look on his face.

"That's a pity. I've missed my brother a lot these past few months." Ling Chunann sounded a bit disappointed, but still smiled at Bai Zishu, "Good luck with your exams, Brother."

"Aren't you going to invite me in for a while?" Bai Zishu, who had been standing at the door for a long time, reminded.

"Ah, I forgot. Come in." Ling Chunann smiled awkwardly, then moved the wheelchair to make room for Bai Zishu.

At this moment, Bai Zishu seemed to remember what he was holding. He handed the large bouquet of lilies to Ling Chunann, "These are the flowers brother bought for you."

"I feel more and more sorry for the original owner." Ling Chunann shook his head as he smelled the increasingly strong fragrance of lilies. "He adored his elder brother so much, but his elder brother didn't even know he was allergic to lily pollen."

"Indeed, the original owner was too pitiful."

"Do you think he noticed that I'm blind?"

"No." 098 was very sure about this. "After you opened the door just now, he looked everywhere, but didn't look at your eyes. Maybe he felt guilty."

"If feeling guilty means he still has a little conscience," Ling Chunann said, "I'm afraid he doesn't feel guilty."

Hearing Ling Chunann's words, 098 felt a chill down its spine. "You... what do you mean?"


Although Ling Chunann was not Bai Zimu, this body belonged to Bai Zimu. Naturally, he also inherited the other party's physical condition. His nose started to itch when the bouquet approached. "Achoo!"

Bai Zishu looked puzzled, "Xiaomu, do you have a cold?"

Just then, a force snatched the bouquet from Bai Zishu's hand, then slammed it into the trash can with a snap.

"What are you doing?" Bai Zishu's face turned pale, holding his red hand, "Who are you? Why are you in my brother's house?"

Mo Yuzheng just glanced at him, then carefully lifted Ling Chunann and placed him on the recliner by the French window, reached out to open the window for ventilation, and then asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, whispered to the nervous man, "I'm fine." Then added, "The person by the door is my brother. He just wanted to give me flowers."

"Brother?" Mo Yuzheng finally looked at Bai Zishu, his gaze scrutinizing, "Bai Zishu?"

Bai Zishu's sweat trickled from his forehead down to his chin, under the man's gaze he dared not wipe it off. Just a moment ago, there was that instant when he even felt like his actions had been completely exposed by this person. A chill ran up from the soles of his feet, but then he thought again. He hadn't acted directly, and the person who had driven the car to hit Bai Zimu was already dead with no evidence against him. No matter what, no one would trace it back to him. With this in mind, his complexion immediately improved a bit. "Hello, I'm Bai Zishu, Xiaomu's older brother. I'm currently a third-year student at Lixia University."

"Mm." Mo Yuzheng nodded. "Got it. If there's nothing else, you can leave. Mumu is hungry."

"... " Bai Zishu didn't expect this person to be so dominant. His expression stiffened slightly, then he regained his smile. "I can help with cooking. Xiaomu used to love the sweet and sour spare ribs I made the most. Isn't that right, Xiaomu?"

Ling Chunann: "I..."

"His body hasn't fully recovered yet, so it's not suitable for him to eat too greasy food." Mo Yuzheng's palm pressed against Ling Chunann's shoulder, directly vetoing Bai Zishu's suggestion. Seeing him still wanting to continue, he added, "Mumu just got discharged from the hospital today, there are still places at home that haven't been tidied up, it's not suitable to entertain guests. Please don't mind any inconvenience."

Bai Zishu's smile became extremely awkward. "Then, I'll come to see Xiaomu next time."

"Mm." Mo Yuzheng neatly laid a blanket over Ling Chunann, his voice softened a lot. "Darling, I'll go and see your brother off."

Ling Chunann nodded obediently. "Go ahead."

Watching the door close, Bai Zishu's heart trembled. Under the man's imposing gaze, he forced himself to stay calm. "What do you want?"

"You're Mumu's brother."

"Yes, yes." Although the other party's voice was very flat, Bai Zishu was sweating coldly. "We grew up together since childhood, and our relationship is very good." As if to conceal something, Bai Zishu's voice became louder, but he became more confident as he spoke. "Xiaomu has always liked to follow me. His doorbell and phone ringtone are still ones I recorded for him."

"Mm." Mo Yuzheng nodded. "Do you know he's allergic to lilies?"

Bai Zishu suddenly choked up, opening his mouth, "I..."

"Host, Mo Yuzheng told the male lead not to come see you anymore." 098 reported to Ling Chunann in real time.

"He said that explicitly?" Ling Chunann asked.

"... No." 098 sounded a bit embarrassed. "But that's the message he conveyed." It was enough to scare the male lead into trembling.

Ling Chunann nodded. "If the male lead can listen, it's best. Besides, I don't really like seeing him either."

"Host, you can't see now."

"I forgot." Ling Chunann shrugged.

"The congestion has subsided, it'll be fine in a couple of days." 098 rechecked Ling Chunann.

At this moment, the door opened from outside, and Mo Yuzheng walked in. "Darling, are you hungry?"

Ling Chunann shook his head. "Not yet." It had only been a little over two hours since he last ate; he wouldn't get hungry so quickly.

However, Mo Yuzheng's expression became somewhat distressed. He affectionately stroked Ling Chunann's hair, then his hand stiffened. "Darling, are you angry?"

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann lifted his head, turning towards Mo Yuzheng. "Why would I be angry?"

"I just drove your brother out." The man's voice was a bit anxious.

"Why didn't you ask me when you drove him out?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Sorry, I was wrong. I was just a little angry earlier." Mo Yuzheng's tone was sincere.

"Host, he was clearly very angry." Since meeting this man, he had always had a good temper, being extremely considerate towards the host, and was always careful, fearing that he might accidentally hurt him.

"How do you know he wasn't like this originally?"

"..." The host seemed to have a point.

"I'm not angry." Ling Chunann reached out to hold the man's hand, his expression somewhat downcast, but soon he smiled. "Thank you, Uncle."

Mo Yuzheng paused at the corner of Ling Chunann's lips, inexplicably leaning in.

"Host, he wants to kiss you." 098 was a bit excited.


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