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Chapter 62

Glancing at the huge dragon beside him, eagerly waiting for him to return to the Dragon Clan, Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow. "No."

The coronation ceremony continued, but the one ascending to the throne was now the Crown Prince. After the Archbishop declared the ceremony complete, the Crown Prince turned to Ling Chunann, only to find his spot empty.

In the following two years, the Crown Prince, now the new emperor, dispatched many to search for Ling Chunann, but to no avail. Karalana also searched various possible places, but found nothing.

"Big brother, where do you think the third brother went?" Karalana sat in front of the mirror, her gaze falling on the lilies dripping with dew outside the window. "It's been three years. Where is he?"

"Don't think too much. He's clever and his magic level is high. He must be fine." The king's finger traced the now exquisitely beautiful girl's hair. "Today is your wedding day. You should be happy." He glanced at the sky. "It's almost time. General Kurus is waiting for you. I'll take you out."

On the streets of the royal city, the citizens celebrated joyfully, as if it were a festival, to celebrate the marriage of their only princess.

Among the crowd, two figures in cloaks, their fingers intertwined, were not conspicuous.

"Darling, aren't you going to say goodbye to them?" The dragon glanced at the wedding procession. "The Dragon Clan's barrier opens only once every hundred years." Considering that the lifespan of ordinary humans is mostly around ninety years, it meant that after Ling Chunann left this time, he might never see these people again.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll say goodbye and then hesitate to leave?" Ling Chunann looked at the dragon.

The dragon's face twisted in conflict, and after a long while, he replied reluctantly, "If you're not ready to leave, then I'll stay here with you."

After these years, 098, who had a deep understanding of the dragon's eagerness to sign the marriage contract with his host, couldn't help but develop a deeper understanding of him. He was probably truly in love with his host.

As for Ling Chunann, 098 still hadn't figured out what he was thinking.

By now, the wedding procession had passed through the street, and the crowd followed, gradually moving away. Ling Chunann withdrew his gaze and looked at the somewhat nervous dragon. "Let's go."

The Third Prince's last wish was for his beloved little sister to have a good home, and now that wish had been fulfilled.

Realizing his darling's decision, the dragon couldn't help but hug Ling Chunann tightly and kiss him on the forehead. "Darling, I love you."

There were still many pedestrians on the street, and everyone cast surprised glances at the two of them. Among them, one gaze was particularly uncomfortable. After letting go of the dragon, Ling Chunann followed that gaze and saw a beggar with disheveled hair and a missing leg.

"What's wrong?" The dragon glanced at the beggar. "Is there something wrong with him?"

"No, let's go."

"Host, he's the male lead!" 098 reported its discovery to Ling Chunann with a excitement that was two degrees higher than usual.

"I know." Ling Chunann's calm voice extinguished 098's excitement like a bucket of cold water.

Rod's attempt to ascend failed. The new king, mercifully, only stripped him of his power, leaving him with the chance to rise again. However, he happened to encounter the former Second Prince, who was now equally destitute. When enemies meet, they are particularly envious. The two fought, and in the end, Rod killed the former Second Prince at the cost of his own leg.

At the time of the new king's ascension, in order to demonstrate mercy, the death penalty was waived for a year, so Rod was not sentenced to death but was imprisoned.

Three days ago was the princess's wedding. To celebrate, the king declared a general amnesty, so Rod appeared here today.

His eyes were full of resentment. What went wrong? Wasn't he the protagonist of this world?

This question was finally answered when he saw Ling Chunann again. Everything changed when this person appeared again.

Watching the two figures gradually disappear, Rod buried his face in his hands, full of despair. It was over, everything was over.

Returning to the system space once again, Ling Chunann took a while to regain his composure.

"Are you not settling the account?" Seeing 098 remained silent, Ling Chunann reminded.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task. This task has gained a total of 12,000 energy points, and the current energy points are 23,000. The system store is open. Would you like to buy items, host?"


"Huh?" 098, who thought the host would refuse again, was suddenly at a loss.

"098, does the system also age?" 

"...There's no concept of aging for the system," 098 replied helplessly, hearing Ling Chunann's unexpected question.


Finally, Ling Chunann spent 20,000 energy points in the system store to purchase a newly unlocked supernatural ability associated with the soul.

098 hesitated for a moment. "Host, are you... finally tired of that man's flesh, so you're planning to abandon him?"

"Just in case," Ling Chunann said. "Start the next task."


Ling Chunann opened his eyes to darkness. He blinked, but there was still no light, so he stopped making futile efforts. "098, the plot."

"Yes, host." 098's voice came through.

This is a text about a transparent and pure web novel.

The protagonist is a new fan of web novels in the fan circle. The protagonist's aggressor is a big shot in the cover circle, and also a big shot writer on a certain literary website. The protagonist's aggressor is a brain-dead fan of the protagonist's aggressor.

"Why are all the protagonists men this time?" After reading the beginning, Ling Chun

ann asked.

"Cough," 098 cleared its throat. "I'm following the romantic plotline this time. Maybe because the male protagonist's aggressor attribute is a bit special, so there was an accidental crossover."

Ling Chunann nodded and continued reading.

The male protagonist entered the fan circle to get closer to the male god, but unexpectedly, both of them got drunk at the first meeting organized by the crew and were then sent to a room by the crew for the sake of convenience.

And undoubtedly, the two hot-blooded young men, with raging hormones, ignited a fire.

The next day, the male protagonist woke up first and left quietly.

Up to this point, Ling Chunann had no reaction, but the following plot made him unable to help but be surprised. "...Why would a man get pregnant?"

"Medically, this is called hermaphroditism. He has an extra set of reproductive organs," 098 explained. "Don't worry, host. This is a normal world, and the male protagonist has a special physique."

"I see," Ling Chunann said. "It's just the first time I've seen it, so it's a bit surprising."

The pregnant male protagonist initially thought he was just ill. He hastily took a few cold pills to deal with morning sickness until his belly became unnaturally large after five months. It wasn't until his roommate noticed the alarming size of his stomach that they went for a check-up.

With his delicate appearance, the protagonist's gender wasn't immediately apparent to the doctor, who, after feeling his belly, promptly ordered an ultrasound.

Upon hearing the news of the baby's health, the protagonist nearly collapsed on the spot.

Although the doctor was surprised by his unique situation, he quickly provided a solution: the child couldn't be terminated.

In the end, the protagonist took a half-year leave from school and gave birth to the child.

"A typical male version of 'running with the ball,'" Ling Chunann remarked. "If the male lead were to change professions, it would be similar to my world."

"But this male protagonist is much worse than that female lead," 098 added.

While Yang Qingya also 'ran with the ball,' she was at least an independent and strong woman. However, this male protagonist's character was truly unspeakable.

"Am I Bai Zimu?" Ling Chunann went through all the supporting roles mentioned in the text, ultimately confirming his identity as the most miserable supporting role in it, also known as a villainous character.

The overall tone of this text is somewhat refreshing, so there isn't much barrier between the two male leads. They only encounter some minor troubles and misunderstandings, all of which are easily resolved.

Bai Zimu was one of these minor troubles. He was personally dealt with by the male protagonist, resulting in a car accident. He spent over ten days in the ICU before silently passing away.

If that were all, it wouldn't be so tragic, but when coupled with his identity—he was the younger brother of the male protagonist Bai Zishu, whom he deeply admired since childhood—his life became truly miserable.

His only mistake in life was falling in love with the male protagonist and confessing to him, only to be rejected.

"Yes, host," 098 replied. "It's currently the third day after your accident."

"So, I'm not blind, but my eyes are covered?" 

"No, you really can't see," 098 answered. "I just scanned this body, and your current condition is due to blood clots in the brain pressing on the optic nerve, temporarily causing blindness. There are varying degrees of internal organ damage, with three ribs fractured and fused, both legs with compound fractures. Although they weren't amputated, given the medical level of this world, it's highly likely that you won't be able to walk again."


Hearing Ling Chunann's calm voice, 098 thought for a moment and comforted, "Host, although the supernatural ability you exchanged for is currently at a low level, it's still effective for minor wounds. With some practice, you might be able to heal your legs in a few years."

"A few years?"

"Based on the experience of previous task completers who exchanged for this ability, yes, within five years," 098 said with optimism. "With your talent, you'll definitely be able to upgrade the ability to level two within five years."

"Can I return it?" Ling Chunann suddenly said. "I think your healing potion was pretty good."


098 remained silent for a while before finding its voice again. "Host, my healing potion has been used up by you. Moreover, this healing ability is bound to your soul and may be very useful in the future. I suggest the host practice it well."

"Oh." Ling Chunann blinked again, still surrounded by darkness. "I'm hungry."

Although he said that, his body was too weak. Amidst the faint hum of medical instruments, Ling Chunann quickly fell asleep.

In the following days, Bai Zimu's parents visited him once and left in a hurry. The male protagonist never came. 098 expanded its energy and infiltrated the network surveillance of several cities where the plot unfolded, attempting to find that man before the host recovered enough to move, but to no avail.

It searched every possible place but failed to detect any fluctuations in that man's soul.

Could it be that they were together for too long in the previous life, causing him to be fed up? So, did that man not follow him in this life?


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