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Chapter 57

The top 100 students of the academy had half a month of rest before being led by their mentors to the frontlines for training.

On the eighth day, Ling Chunann kicked the dragon who had come to him out of bed and lay there for half a day before finally getting up. "This man is truly incorrigible."

098: "Host, aren't you quite... fond of him?"

"My waist can't take it anymore. It's a good thing my constitution has evolved, or I would have been ruined by now." Ling Chunann sighed.

"I see you're quite comfortable." 098 wanted to say this, but then thought better of it. If the Host got upset, it wouldn't be worth it. So it kept quiet.

"Darling, let me dress you." The satisfied man approached again with a look of great solicitude, assuring Ling Chunann repeatedly when he looked over, "I promise not to lay a finger on you."

In the end, Ling Chunann still dressed under the dragon's service, and half an hour later, they left together.

"Host, are you going to stop Karalana and the male lead from getting together?" 098 asked.

Today was Karalana's birthday, the same day as in the original story when the male lead took advantage of her intoxication to be intimate with her. This was why, even after discovering Rod had other women, Karalana still stuck by his side. So it wasn't surprising that 098 would think this way.

"No," Ling Chunann denied 098's speculation. "I'm just going to see my defeated subordinate."


It was already dark when they arrived at the palace hall, which was brightly lit. The nobles who had come to attend the young princess's coming-of-age ceremony politely presented their gifts and found their positions, waiting for the main figures to arrive.

Rod straightened his clothes once more, handed over a gift box, and then slowly entered the hall.

After half a month of rest, Rod's injuries had basically healed, but his spirit seemed to have suffered a great blow. Although he had dressed himself up seriously, that air of confidence had not returned. Fortunately, there was no more hysteria as before.

When Ling Chunann and the dragon arrived, Rod was standing in a corner, surrounded by a few people, seemingly having a pleasant conversation.

"What is my darling looking at?" The dragon's tone was a bit sour.

At that moment, Rod happened to look over, and upon seeing Ling Chunann, his expression twisted slightly, then he instinctively looked away.

Ling Chunann shifted his gaze back to the overly handsome man beside him. "Looking at other men."

The dragon: "I'm going to kill him!"

098: *chuckles*

Rod felt a chill from head to toe. The sudden killing intent made his face pale instantly. He instinctively turned around, but saw nothing.

"What's wrong?" A nobleman who had been trying to cozy up to Rod, considering his identity as a mage-warrior, looked worried.

Rod, who hadn't found anything, turned back and forced a smile at the young nobleman. "Nothing, Sir Will, thank you for your concern."

"The male lead seems quite sensitive." Ling Chunann said to 098 while holding Monashus's hand as they walked to the other side of the crowd.

This was the first time the dragon had been openly held hands with in front of others, making him silly with happiness. He completely forgot about holding the male lead accountable.

Seeing Ling Chunann and Monashus approaching, the Crown Prince hurried to greet them. "Third Brother, Brother-in-law, you're finally here."

Ling Chunann: "Brother-in-law?"

The Crown Prince looked at the dragon, who smiled innocently.

Before he could say anything, the king's attendants entered, standing solemnly on both sides of the hall. Then a voice announced, "His Majesty the King has arrived! Her Majesty the Queen has arrived! The young princess has arrived!"

Everyone in the hall bowed respectfully.

Karalana quietly glanced over the crowd and saw Ling Chunann standing with the Crown Prince. There was a hint of joy in her eyes.

Rod followed Karalana's gaze and saw Ling Chunann, his expression becoming even uglier.

As usual, after the opening remarks, the banquet began. As the banquet was about to end, the king dropped a bombshell, "Karalana is now of age. According to the imperial tradition, it's time to choose a husband for her."

The implications were clear. The ministers who had eligible young men at home looked excited as they looked at the princess's beautiful face and figure.

After a few words, the king announced the start of the dance and left with the queen, followed by the Crown Prince and the Second Prince.

As the once suspected and neglected Third Prince, Ling Chunann couldn't be bothered to join in the festivities. When the music started, the once silent and solemn hall exploded.

As young people danced gracefully, Ling Chunann ignored the eager gaze of the man beside him, holding a glass of red wine and casting his eyes on the male lead in the far corner. "098, see where Karalana is."

098 replied, "Host, the young princess is in the backyard."

Setting down his wine glass, Ling Chunann looked to the corner and unsurprisingly found that Rod was nowhere to be seen.

In the backyard, the two stood on a path behind the blooming rose garden, with a beautiful fountain behind them.

Karalana's tone was cold. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Karalana, don't you remember what you promised me? Don't you hate arranged marriages the most?" Rod looked deeply into her eyes.

"Do you forget what you promised me during those months you kept me captive? Do you forget what you promised me when you were lying next to other women? Now you remember?" Karalana sneered. "If it weren't for my older brother finding out something was wrong, you probably wouldn't have planned to let me go now. I never expected you to be like this. I didn't expose you to Father out of consideration for our past, but you have the audacity to stand before me again."

"Karalana!" Seeing Karalana actually planning to leave, Rod panicked. "I don't know how things turned out like this. You used to love me so much, don't you remember? I love you too. Don't marry someone else. I'll marry you, just you, okay?"

"What about Maralin and Maru?" Karalana looked back at Rod.

"They followed me voluntarily. I don't love them. I only love you. If you're with me, I don't need anyone else." Rod hastily assured her when he saw Karalana relenting.

"Trash." Karalana's eyes, which had shown some warmth when she looked at Rod before, suddenly turned disdainful and contemptuous. "Guess what expression they would have if they heard what you just said."

Karalana turned towards the rockery behind the nearby pool. "Come out and see what kind of man you're interested in."

"What did you say?" Rod looked towards the rockery, feeling a sense of foreboding.

When Ling Chunann led the dragon here, they happened to see the sisters emerging tearfully from behind the rockery. "Hmm?"

"What's wrong, darling?" The dragon stepped forward and embraced Ling Chunann's waist.

"Nothing, just find my sister quite interesting." Ling Chunann smiled at the dragon, then turned to 098. "Looks like we're not needed here."

Unaware 098: "Huh?"

Just then, the conversation among the group had ended, and the sisters left the backyard in tears. Rod followed, leaving Karalana standing alone, her smile gradually fading, looking a bit desolate.

"Resilience value +10%, current resilience value is 80%, please continue to work hard, Host."

"Let's go," Ling Chunann said to the dragon.

"Aren't you going to comfort your sister?" the man asked.

"Why would you think I'm so kind-hearted?"

"I see you quite like that little girl." Even if he didn't like her now, he definitely did before, otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed her to come and go in his yard as she pleased.

Ling Chunann didn't deny it, after all, the original Third Prince really liked Karalana, his darling sister. "Someone will come to comfort her."

Back in the hall, the two happened to run into General Kurus, who was looking around. Ling Chunann patted his shoulder. "Karalana is in the backyard."

"Thank you, Third Prince." The young general smiled gratefully at Ling Chunann and then strode out of the hall.

"Third Prince, His Majesty the King requests your presence in the study." At this moment, a eunuch hurried over to Ling Chunann and then glanced at the dragon. "And Mr. Monashus, please come along."

"Well, lead the way." Ling Chunann nodded.

"Host, everything alright?" 098 was worried. "The king doesn't seem to like you very much."

"It's fine. Last time, he didn't catch any evidence of my attempt to betray him, so he might feel guilty."

"...This seems a bit untrustworthy. I think he might have seen you bring the dragon to the banquet and suspected your relationship, and now he's trying to test you," 098 said.

"098, you've gotten smarter." Ling Chunann said. "And there's definitely my good second brother's guidance behind it."


"Knock knock. Your Majesty, the Third Prince and Mr. Monashus have arrived." The eunuch knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Ling Chunann and the dragon entered together. They saw the worried look of the Crown Prince and the smug look of the Second Prince. The king was reading a document with his head down. Ling Chunann greeted him and stood for a while. He then slowly raised his head and paused his gaze on the hands of the two men, then dropped it on Ling Chunann himself. "You're not planning to participate in the competition for the throne?"

Ling Chunann's tone was calm, but his words were sharp and unkind. "Have you ever thought about letting me participate?"

The king's expression suddenly turned angry. "What do you mean by that? When did I say I wanted you to withdraw from the competition?"

"So, you're willing to let me be the next heir to the throne?" Ling Chunann remained calm.

The Crown Prince covered his mouth, seeming afraid he might suddenly burst into laughter. The Second Prince's face became very ugly. He never expected his usually quiet Third Brother to be so cunning.

"You!" The king's face turned red with anger. "Forget it!"

This conversation ended in failure. Ling Chunann left the palace safely, and the man who had been silent and not allowed to speak finally spoke. "Darling, why didn't you let me speak just now?"

Looking at the man's angry expression, Ling Chunann said, "I was afraid you would scare them."

"I'll only speak the truth." The dragon hugged Ling Chunann. "Darling, if you want to be king, I'll make him abdicate right now."

"I don't want to be. It's troublesome." Ling Chunann said. "If you're worried about trouble, you can go be the Dragon King. The old man of our dragon clan is quite old now, being the Dragon King is very simple."



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