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Chapter 391: Are We Left with No Room to Maneuver?

As Lynn, the illustrious star of magic, arrived, the assembly of wizards gathered around made way, especially the familiar grand wizards like Raphael, who eagerly stepped forward to greet him.

"Master Lynn, our star of magic, any progress in your recent research on elemental construction and new elements?" Raphael inquired with a wide grin.

"I've had some minor breakthroughs," Lynn replied casually. "I'm aiming to harness this new element for spellcasting, but there's one crucial obstacle I haven't overcome yet."

He had delved into research for three days and was only a step away. His attendance at this gathering was to harness the collective power of the wizards to achieve this!

"Developing new magic isn't something rushed!" Raphael reassured with a smile. "Your electromagnetic separation of elements was brilliant, extracting two new elements from the devil stone. That alone merits a Morning Star Medal."

When the devil stone was brought to the council, several grand wizards immediately tested it. They discovered this peculiar element couldn't be decomposed by the Advanced Material Deconstruction spell. Even the council couldn't replicate or mimic it.

This revelation ignited the entire wizard community, escalating the council's interest in this new element.

Whoever could detach new elements from the devil stone and analyze their properties would have the honor of naming the new elements—a feat worthy of history books, even more prestigious than a Morning Star Medal!

However, just as they were about to commence research, news arrived that Lynn, the star of the wizarding realm, had used electromagnetic separation to extract two elements from the devil stone, named Uranium and Radium, and conducted initial data tests.

Upon hearing this, Raphael and others were flabbergasted.

"Just one day, how is that even possible?"

Are we left with no room to maneuver?

So, when they learned that Master Lynn hadn't made significant breakthroughs in the research on new elements, the wizards present breathed a sigh of relief. Their biggest concern was their research coinciding with the star magician's. That would render their efforts in vain.

"Master Raphael, it seems your recent research has made some progress," Lynn naturally noticed Raphael's pleased expression, indicating a new discovery.

"Indeed, while it may not match your element separation technique, I believe it's enough to stir up some new trends..." Raphael said, somewhat smugly.

Earning a Morning Star Medal with one's research was a breeze. Perhaps even a windfall, solving the problem of insufficient research funding.

"Well, congratulations!" Lynn congratulated with a smile.

"It's merely luck," Raphael waved modestly, not elaborating further but teasingly holding back, intending to steal the spotlight during the discussion.

Amidst mutual praise and eager discussions, Lynn maneuvered through the crowd to the front rows—the exclusive seats for grand wizards, undoubtedly securing the first spot!

"Everyone, let's quiet down for a moment," Harof, presiding over the meeting, cleared his throat. His booming voice resonated throughout the meeting hall.

The bustling atmosphere gradually subsided. The wizards turned their attention to Harof, anticipating the agenda ahead.

"It's been a week since our last discussion on elemental divisibility, and about three to four days since the discovery of new elements. I assume you all have some results by now," Harof surveyed the room and continued, "This isn't a formal academic conference. Anyone can freely express their thoughts, even untested academic theories or educated guesses are welcome..."

Seven days were still a bit short. Constructing a comprehensive theory in this time was challenging. Hence, Harof lowered the expectations for this symposium, encouraging everyone to speak freely. Even some speculation might serve as inspiration for others.

If it weren't for the urgent need to find breakthroughs in these aspects, Harof wouldn't have been this eager.

He had received confidential reports suggesting movement within the Holy Church. Another war seemed imminent. They had already leaked too much information about new weapons; this time, the other side would surely be prepared.

Harof sighed inwardly, but he didn't let his worries show. He swiftly called upon a junior wizard to present their theory.

It was also a way of taking care of the newcomers, providing more opportunities for lower-ranked junior wizards. Because the research topic was limited to the internal structure of elements and new elements, some overlap in research findings was unavoidable.

With the power of grand wizards, deeper research was often possible, and they could offer supplementary information later. But if it were the other way around, most junior wizards might not even get a chance to speak.

A young witch in her twenties ascended the platform. After bowing to the council and the grand wizards, she nervously began, "Esteemed council members, my research revolves around the properties of Uranium. Through experiments, I've discovered that this new element reacts with boiling water and steam, producing a dark brown crystal with potent toxicity. When broken down into powder, it even poses a risk of spontaneous combustion..."

As she spoke, the witch displayed the peculiar crystalline substance wrapped in cloth and repeated the experiment before the audience.

The wizards in the assembly looked at the experiment, discussing among themselves. Many weren't surprised by the toxicity of Uranium compounds; several had already experimented with it. That might be why this substance was named the devil stone.

Wearing something so highly toxic regularly would undoubtedly have an effect.

After the witch finished, applause erupted in the assembly. Though her findings were basic and nothing particularly exceptional, considering the limited time, verifying these aspects was already commendable.

Moreover, the devil stone brought by Yoland was only about the size of half a fist, divided into more than twenty parts.

Every grand wizard remaining in the capital received a sample, and the remaining pieces were given to several officially recognized wizards with strong research talents.

Each sample varied in size; the higher the rank, the larger the sample received. For instance, Lynn's sample wasn't much smaller than the portions received by several council members, while the officially recognized wizards received samples no larger than the size of a pinky finger...


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