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Chapter 384: Methods of Atom Destruction and the Devil's Stone!

Harof's words instantly stirred the wizards' enthusiasm.

This was the Crown of Sun, the highest honor in the wizarding world. Whoever obtained it would be etched in history, becoming the next highly anticipated magical star. And now, this opportunity lay right before them!

Raphael and the other grand wizards began contemplating how to divide and destroy elements.

The official wizards, however, didn't aspire to the Crown of Sun. They quickly set their sights on the elemental ranking table.

You see, there were a whopping forty-nine basic elements. Just by studying data on two or three elements, one could secure a nomination for the Morning Star Medal!

After about ten minutes of discussion, the first to speak up was Adela, who developed the theory of 'fire element.'

Despite Lynn's previous unveiling of the Everlasting Flame that severely damaged his 'Three Laws of Flames,' Adela didn't falter. Instead, he absorbed some of Lynn's theories on combustion and proposed a more rigorous "Three Elements of Fire"!

His idea was simple: using intense heat to break down atoms!

While studying flame magic, Adela discovered that high temperatures could disassociate matter into its basic atomic forms. Even steel could have its structure disrupted at temperatures of several thousand degrees. So, if the temperature continued to rise, perhaps atoms could be disassociated too!

"We can use magic to confine a large number of elements in a fixed space, continually increasing the temperature. If ten thousand degrees don't work, try fifty thousand, even a hundred thousand, maybe two hundred or three hundred thousand degrees!"

Adela, filled with excitement, clenched his fists, pounding the table heavily. "Every element has a limit, no matter how robust it may seem. Our goal is to find that limit and break it!"

"A brilliant idea!" Raphael and the others felt a surge of inspiration. Since there hadn't been a known upper limit to temperature, Adela's proposal held great promise.

The advantage of this method lay in its ability to harness the collective power of several grand wizards, enough to raise the temperature to an unimaginable extent.

"I think perhaps we can experiment with thunder!" Anthony, nearby, suggested.

Thunder elements were much smaller than basic elements, making it a good choice to use thunder to break down fundamental elements!

Under collective brainstorming, numerous bizarre ideas surfaced rapidly, such as applying pressure to an incredibly resilient substance to crush atoms, using magic to accelerate collisions between two elements, or even spatial segmentation and more...

"Lynn Master, what's your take?" As the discussions intensified, Sanchez turned to Lynn, who had yet to speak, and inquired.

This renowned magical star, famous for his ingenious approaches, had astonished them previously with beam calculations and gravitational constant experiments!

His current silence surprised Sanchez.

At this prompting, everyone present also turned their attention to Lynn.

Under the spotlight, Lynn pondered before speaking, "I believe each of your proposals holds certain viability. However, to actually disassemble atoms, further experimentation and validation are necessary."

"Yet, as important as deconstructing elemental structures is the quest for new elements!"

Lynn didn't believe that the world had just those few types of atoms. The previous belief among wizards that there were only forty-nine basic elements was due to the limited scope of the wizarding world. Now that they were in the kingdom, perhaps they could discover newer elements!


Driven by threats from the Holy Church, the pursuit of magical truths, and the allure of endless glory, the wizards erupted with unimaginable fervor. Upon returning home, sleep was forsaken, and they diligently put their brainstorming into practice!

Firstly, measurements of atomic mass became the focus. Harof led a group of wizards skilled in force-field magic to create a vacuum domain and used spatial awareness to calculate through formulas.

Meanwhile, Victorio was invited by Adela to set up a powerful alchemical array to generate vast amounts of heat for atom disintegration.

Anthony also gathered scholars of magic, aiming to start with thunder magic. Apart from that, his interest was piqued by why there was repulsion between atoms and the minimum separation distance between them, akin to the repulsion caused by magnetism.

This notion led him to contemplate the phenomenon caused by magnetic forces.

Amidst this research fervor, almost every day saw novel academic papers published in the Magical Daily. Even the citizens of the capital city rejoiced.

They couldn't necessarily comprehend these novel magical theories, but a new decree within the capital allowed wizards to seek out new elements. Anyone discovering anything peculiar could present it! If selected by the wizards, they could receive up to fifty Imperial coins as a reward!

Such a hefty reward drove people mad. The citizens rummaged through their homes, and some even picked up random stones on the roadside, hoping to pass them off. If lucky to slip through, they could earn a fortune they'd never otherwise attain.

Within two days, Yoland, in charge of finding new elements, received an abundance of miscellaneous items, leaving him overwhelmed. He had to put up a sign outside, requesting no more everyday items like pots, wooden stools, etc. Those attempting to deceive were harshly penalized!

Just when Yoland thought today would yield nothing, a peculiar 'stone' was placed before him.

It was an irregular spherical object that, from its shine, seemed to be a certain metallic substance.

Yoland exclaimed softly, lifting it and realizing it was much heavier than an equivalent volume of iron!

Recognizing this, Yoland's expression turned serious. He attempted to sense and disintegrate it with magic, but it failed.

Was this an undestroyable and unmanipulable metal element?

"What is this? Where did you find it?" Yoland hurriedly turned to the citizen who presented this 'stone,' eagerly asking.

This might very well be a new element beyond their understanding!

The nearby fifty-year-old miner, bowing lowly, tremblingly replied, "Reporting to the esteemed wizard, this is... the Devil's Stone... that's what those priests called it!"


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