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Chapter 494: You Might Die

The same idea spreads like wildfire, and soon, it becomes exceedingly easy to incite a disturbance.

As the turmoil erupts, the swarm of insects continues to ravage, but numerous examinees jump out.

They are not specifically targeting Luo but are trying to take advantage of the situation, hoping for a lucky chance to retake the exam.

The bald examiner stands up, arms crossed, coldly glaring at the rowdy examinees, and shouts, “What are the eliminated trash still doing here? Get lost as far as you can!”

His harsh words stir up a thousand waves, and the group of eliminated examinees becomes agitated.

A small portion of them, disregarding the consequences, attempt to interfere with the other examinees still undergoing the test, while more directly rush towards Luo.

There is no prearranged agreement, no prior warning.

Because Luo was not bothered by the insect swarm, he becomes the trigger for the chaos.

Before the test began, the bald examiner couldn’t have anticipated this. He suddenly recalls past examiners mentioning a troublesome person appearing during the test. Could it be this guy?

There’s no time to think it through or consider how to respond. Seeing the examinees' increasingly reckless actions, he immediately lets out a roar.

The sound reverberates like a lion’s roar, startling a large flock of birds.

The examinees attempting to take advantage of the chaos are stunned into stopping, the commotion temporarily halts, and only the rustling sound of the insect swarm can be heard.

Moments later, a defiant examinee, while brushing off the insects from his body, points at Luo and accuses, “He must have known the test questions in advance, which is why he applied some kind of insect-repellent powder on himself.”

Luo glances at him out of the corner of his eye and sighs inwardly.

If he were cheating, would he be so blatant about it?

Since the test prohibits talking, Luo does not bother to explain. Even if he could talk, he wouldn’t bother to explain.

Maintaining order in the exam room has nothing to do with him.

The defiant examinee’s question is also something the bald examiner wants to figure out.

First, he needs to determine if it’s a coincidence.

“What do you have to say about this?” the bald examiner looks at Luo.


Luo shows a deadpan expression.

Tonpa watches gleefully.

Words, once spoken, are like water poured out; they cannot be taken back.

The bald examiner suddenly recalls that one of the test requirements is no talking, feeling a bit awkward, he feigns a few coughs and says in a deep voice, “As the examiner, I give you the right to explain.”

Luo sighs lightly and says, “Your test question is too low-level.”

Each Hunter Test examiner is a member of the association and can only serve as an examiner once. The test questions are set by the examiner.

In past tests, there have been many bizarre questions, and there have even been instances where all examinees were eliminated in the first round.

Luo participated in the test to convert book pages, but seeing the bald examiner’s question, he felt that this year’s plan to convert book pages was doomed.

This examiner only considered testing the examinees’ endurance and patience, lacking rigor in the rules, and didn’t think much about it. The only advantage was a high elimination rate.

The most crucial point is that he couldn’t convert any book pages in this first question.

Hearing Luo’s words, the bald examiner’s face twitches. The test was going well until you showed up, causing all this trouble.

“These insects are called itching bugs, a unique species in this forest, attracted to human sweat, while the tree you’re standing on is a Sangui tree, which produces a sap that repels these bugs.”

Luo had already decided to abandon this year’s book page conversion plan and prepared to leave with Tonpa after a few words.

“The environment here is unsuitable for human habitation, but there are a few indigenous people. If you’re willing to spend some time, it’s not difficult to get this so-called insect-repellent powder.”

Luo takes out a bottle, balancing it on his fingertip.

“Lastly, why did the examiner specifically cut down a tree to stand on, and why did he specifically choose a Sangui tree?” Luo looks at the defiant examinee and says calmly, “Even if you lack insight, aren’t these two points enough to catch your attention?”

The defiant examinee’s expression changes, just about to say something when Luo continues.

“In the end, it’s still the fault of this lousy test question. If you have any complaints, go find the examiner.”

Luo opens the bottle and sprinkles the last bit of dried tree sap powder on Tonpa.

The powder slowly settles on Tonpa, and the swarming insects scatter from him as if seeing a ghost.

After helping Tonpa drive away the insects, Luo grabs his collar without a word and leaves the exam room under the complicated gazes of the other examinees.

The bald examiner rubs his temples, not stopping Luo.

At this moment, he is almost certain that this black-haired young man is the super troublemaker the predecessors mentioned.


Being dragged out of the exam room by Luo, Tonpa doesn’t dare utter a word.

Luo walks briskly for several kilometers before letting Tonpa go.

“Can I leave now?” Tonpa asks cautiously.


Luo looks at him and smiles, “Didn’t I say I had something good to share with you?”

“I don’t want it.” Tonpa forces a smile.

Luo places a hand on Tonpa’s shoulder and says seriously, “It’s not up to you.”

Before he finishes speaking, he channels his aura into Tonpa’s body, gently opening all his aura nodes with precise control.

Silently, Tonpa’s body feels like it’s releasing a flood, and his aura rushes out uncontrollably.

Helping someone open their aura nodes gently carries certain risks. If they can’t learn to close their nodes or wrap their body in aura quickly, excessive aura loss can severely harm their body.

In severe cases, they might even deplete their life force and die.

“What did you do?!” Tonpa watches the white light surging from his body, feeling his strength being drained.

With his aura nodes opened, he can see the aura raging within his body.

“This is called aura. You can think of it as life force. I forcibly opened countless small nodes in your body, so your life force is leaking out.”

Luo doesn’t explain Nen, showing a dangerous smile, “If you don’t learn to close those small nodes or suppress the leaking life force quickly, you might… die.”

Things that threaten life can always push people to their limits.

Tonpa, seeing Luo’s dangerous smile, feels like he’s in an ice cave, shivering all over.

Luo, unconcerned, watches from the side. If Tonpa has any talent, it’s his instinct to sense danger.

Nen users develop their Nen based on their needs, integrating their talents to enhance the effects.

So, Luo is looking forward to seeing what kind of Nen Tonpa will develop.

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