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Chapter 262: Clues

Guang Toutuo relied on his sharp movement skills, moving unrestricted in the Dahei Mountain. His capture was entirely due to the disgusting Water Prison Technique, which severely restrained his movements.

The person who performed the technique possessed strong spiritual awareness and exquisite skill, both swift and precise.

Guang Toutuo initially thought that even if this person wasn't a Foundation Building cultivator, they must be a chief enforcer of the Dao Court or an experienced spirit master.

They didn't kill him but repeatedly trapped him with the Water Prison Technique, toying with him like a cat with a mouse.

It wasn't because of a personal grudge but likely due to the Dao Court's bounty.

Over the years, he had committed countless evil deeds, creating many causes and effects. Anyone wanting to deal with him was possible.

But he never expected that the one toying with him would be this kid?!

Where did this little monster come from?

Guang Toutuo's gaze was both vicious and incredulous.

Mo Hua looked at him with a smile, "Now you know who I am?"

"I remember."

Guang Toutuo forced a bloody smile, "I remember your face. If I ever escape, I will definitely come back to kill you!"

Mo Hua was unafraid: "Entering the Dao Prison and sentenced to death, you might as well stop dreaming. Just wait for your death."

"If you do escape, just run as far as you can. Coming back for me? Are you courting death?"

Mo Hua's tone was indifferent, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Guang Toutuo was furious, his face twitching, but he had no words to refute.

He knew that the kid was right.

He couldn't escape from the kid's grasp now, and it would be even harder in the future.

Moreover, in his impression, this kid had excellent movement skills, was slippery, had deep spiritual awareness, and precise and eerie Water Prison Techniques.

It was hard to kill him, and even harder to escape from his hands.

Guang Toutuo thought for a moment, then suddenly sneered: "You came here to ask me something?"

"Yes." Mo Hua didn't hide it.

Guang Toutuo sneered, "I've fallen into your hands, wanting to kill you. Now, being doomed, why would I answer your questions?"

Mo Hua indifferently said, "I'm just here to humiliate you. It's fine if you don't answer. I'll just ask someone else."

"By the way," Mo Hua continued, as if remembering something, "I'll let it be known that the notorious Guang Toutuo fell into the hands of a thirteen-year-old cultivator like me, being toyed with for a long time, running around like a rat, unable to escape..."

Guang Toutuo spat out a mouthful of blood, "You dare?!"

"Why wouldn't I dare?"

"You're asking for trouble. Other criminals will come after you for revenge," Guang Toutuo said hatefully.

"You fell into my hands, let alone other cultivators."

Mo Hua formed a Water Prison with his right hand, smiling: "Then I'll just wait for them, catching one after another. Anyone who dares to provoke me won't escape!"

Guang Toutuo gritted his teeth, "I'm doomed anyway..."

"Death isn't the end," Mo Hua continued, "If I spread this, you'll become a joke. The nearby Dao Court, demon hunters, and even other criminals will make fun of you."

"They'll ridicule you, calling you a waste for falling into the hands of a child, calling you stupid, a pig-brained fool."

Guang Toutuo coughed up blood repeatedly.

Mo Hua sighed, "See? Even in death, you won't find peace. Being scolded for evil deeds might not bother you, but being scolded for stupidity and incompetence is unbearable..."

Mo Hua's eyes lit up, "I forgot to tell you, there's a storyteller in Fushan Tower. I'll have them make your story into a tale, telling it every day..."

Guang Toutuo shouted, "Shut up!" After a while, he compromised, "I'll talk..."

Mo Hua seemed unsatisfied, "I wasn't finished..."

Guang Toutuo angrily said, "Ask, I'll tell you everything!"

He was doomed, but becoming a laughingstock for other cultivators to mock was unacceptable!

The enforcers holding Guang Toutuo were stunned, looking at Mo Hua with shock.

Zhang Lan wasn't too surprised but still felt a bit amazed.

As expected of someone who followed Elder Yu. His words were sharper than a knife, directly breaking the spirit.

While others used knives to kill, his words killed hearts...

Seeing Guang Toutuo becoming obedient, Mo Hua asked:

"Did the merchant caravan you recently robbed have any pills?"


"How many pills?"

"Not many, just dozens of bottles. They dealt in various goods, not just pills."

Mo Hua exchanged a look with Zhang Lan, both feeling a bit surprised.

That caravan indeed wasn't robbed by Guang Toutuo.

"Do you know Kong Sheng?" Mo Hua asked.

"Who is Kong Sheng?"

"The young master of the Kong family."

Guang Toutuo sneered, "What good can come from the Kong family? Never seen him."

Mo Hua was momentarily speechless. Criminals and the Kong family were both equally bad, yet they still looked down on each other...

"The young master of the Kong family might have died at the hands of your gang of criminals."

"So what?"

Mo Hua asked, "Didn't you have dealings with the Kong family?"

Guang Toutuo coughed, "We criminals work for spirit stones. Whoever pays, we listen to. No spirit stones, who cares about the Kong family or their young master? If they anger me, I'll kill them too."

Mo Hua nodded, roughly understanding, and then asked:

"One last question, this map, where does it point?"

Mo Hua took out a roughly drawn map from his storage bag and spread it in front of Guang Toutuo.

Guang Toutuo looked up in shock, "You found the secret compartment?"


Guang Toutuo murmured, "How is that possible..."

Mo Hua curiously asked, "Why not? The secret compartment wasn't hidden deeply."

"It was hidden in a cave, with an array outside..."

"That array was broken by me," Mo Hua said casually.

Guang Toutuo paused, almost spitting blood, "You're also an array master?"

He then understood. No wonder his spiritual awareness was so strong.

And the arrays he encountered were all drawn by this kid.

Mo Hua looked at Guang Toutuo with a displeased expression.

If he cursed again, Mo Hua would take out the Qianjun Stick and smash his mouth.

Guang Toutuo didn't dare curse anymore, his eyes twitching, then gradually showing despair.

The cave was discovered, and the treasures inside were gone.

Those were his savings from decades of robbery and murder. Even if he escaped now, he'd have nothing left.

Mo Hua waved the map, "Ready to talk now?"

Guang Toutuo was completely disheartened.

At this point, there was nothing worth hiding.

Guang Toutuo sighed, "This map belonged to a good brother of mine from years ago..."

"We were all criminals, drinking together, eating meat together, killing together, and being wanted by the Dao Court together."

"He treated this map like a treasure. I wanted to borrow it, but he wouldn't give it. So, I poisoned his wine, killed him, and took the map."

"After killing him, I regretted it. The map was rough, with unclear directions. I didn't know what it pointed to. I studied it for decades, but it was useless. The most painful thing was losing a good brother for this worthless thing..."

Mo Hua was speechless after hearing this.

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