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Chapter 253: Pursuit

The next day, they entered the mountains to capture Guang Toutuo, while also attempting to rescue Kong Sheng, whose fate was uncertain.

The Dao Court of Tongxian City dispatched ten enforcers, led by Zhang Lan. From Qingxuan City, Lu Hui was in charge. From the Demon Hunter side, only three were present: Ji Qingbai, Mo Shan, and Mo Hua.

Mo Shan had a good relationship with Ji Qingbai and was also worried about Mo Hua, so he joined them in entering Dahei Mountain.

Lu Hui was initially indifferent to these arrangements, but upon seeing Mo Hua, he frowned.

"Zhang Dian Si, what is this young cultivator's role?" Lu Hui asked Zhang Lan with a sharp look.

"We rely on him to guide us through the mountains," Zhang Lan responded calmly.

"Guide us? Rely on him?" Lu Hui's expression was one of disbelief, tinged with a hint of disdain.

Zhang Lan glanced at him, "Does Lu Dian Si have any objections?"

Lu Hui smiled faintly, "I wouldn't dare."

He said nothing more, but inwardly sneered, "I don't know if it's because the Demon Hunters are short-staffed, or if your Dao Court is incompetent, but to rely on such a youngster for guidance?"

The group left the city and entered Dahei Mountain, passing the outer mountains and moving into the inner mountains.

The terrain became perilous, the forests eerie, and the miasma much denser.

Everyone took a Miasma-Repelling Pill and found a campsite to rest temporarily.

"What are your plans, Zhang Dian Si?" Lu Hui asked.

Zhang Lan initially didn't want to deal with him, but since they were working together, he had to explain.

"The inner mountains are arrayed. If a fight breaks out, we will know."

"Elder Yu has also instructed that the Demon Hunters should avoid hunting in the mountains these days. So, if there's a fight, it's likely Guang Toutuo committing murder and robbery..."

Lu Hui was taken aback, "Such an array exists? Whose handiwork is it?"

Mo Hua remained expressionless.

Zhang Lan glanced at him, thinking silently, "It's the handiwork of the 'master' beside you."

But he didn't say it aloud, only remarking, "You will know in time."

Lu Hui looked puzzled.

Zhang Lan, not wanting to continue the conversation, said, "We will split into two teams, each with a Sima Compass Array. If a fight breaks out, we will investigate. If we encounter Guang Toutuo, don't act rashly. Wait for everyone to regroup."

Mo Shan and Mo Hua each had a Sima Compass. They divided into two teams and spent the next few days patrolling the mountains, searching for signs of the criminal cultivator, and meeting at the camp each night.

Several days passed without sighting Guang Toutuo or any criminal cultivators, leaving everyone puzzled.

However, like hunting in the mountains, patience was required.

A few days later, after a fruitless morning search, Mo Hua was resting by a dense forest.

With him were Zhang Lan, Lu Hui, and a few other Dao Court cultivators. Mo Shan and Ji Qingbai were in the other team.

Mo Hua drank some water and remarked to Zhang Lan, "It's strange that we can't find them."

Zhang Lan frowned, "It is peculiar."

"Maybe Guang Toutuo is no longer in Dahei Mountain."

"It's possible," Zhang Lan mused.

"If that's the case, young master Kong is probably dead," Mo Hua said with a hint of schadenfreude.

Lu Hui shot him a cold look, "Young brother, mind your words."

"Alright," Mo Hua changed his tone, sighing, "Young master Kong may be in grave danger."

Lu Hui's eyelids twitched.

Zhang Lan sighed; Mo Hua still had the energy for banter at such a time.

But then he thought, this matter had nothing to do with Mo Hua. He would be glad if Guang Toutuo killed Kong Sheng.

Zhang Lan felt the same, but he couldn't shirk his duty.

After a rest, they continued following the light points on the Sima Compass, mostly indicating beast fights and some external Demon Hunters hunting, with no sign of criminal cultivators.

In the afternoon, they encountered a group of Demon Hunters, about four or five.

Judging by their attire, they were from Tongxian City, but Mo Hua hadn't seen them before.

"Where are you from?" Mo Hua asked.

A Demon Hunter replied, "We are from Tongxian City."

Mo Hua inquired about the route and asked if they had seen any unusual cultivators.

The Demon Hunters replied, "We haven't seen any other cultivators."

Mo Hua nodded and they parted ways. After a few steps, Mo Hua signaled to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan's eyes narrowed, and he nodded slightly, signaling the other Dao Court cultivators. They secretly followed the Demon Hunters to a valley.

The Demon Hunters entered the valley and disappeared.

Mo Hua said, "Their lair is here."

Lu Hui asked, "How do you know they're not Demon Hunters?"

"Because they claimed to be from Tongxian City, but I've never seen them."

Lu Hui frowned, "There are nearly a thousand Demon Hunters in Tongxian City, and you recognize them all?"

Mo Hua ignored him and said to Zhang Lan, "Let's prepare to act."

Zhang Lan nodded, "I'll gather everyone."

The Dao Court cultivators followed Zhang Lan's orders and quickly got into position.

Lu Hui's gaze at Mo Hua turned sinister.

Night fell, with faint firelight and the sound of cultivators talking from the valley.

Zhang Lan's group gathered outside the valley, hiding behind a large boulder and tall grass.

Zhang Lan whispered, "I've been watching all afternoon. There are about twenty of them. Guang Toutuo and a one-eyed cultivator are inside."

This was more than expected, either previously hidden or newly gathered criminal cultivators.

They didn't have the numerical advantage, so an ambush was necessary.

Ji Qingbai suggested, "They're likely drinking. We can attack now, but it's dark, and some might escape. It's best to strike at dawn."

Mo Shan agreed, "Attack at dawn when they're drunk and sleepy. It's the best time."

Zhang Lan nodded, "We'll follow Mo's plan."

He discussed details with Mo Shan and Ji Qingbai, while Lu Hui remained silent, occasionally eyeing Ji Qingbai, plotting something.

After the discussion, Zhang Lan said, "We need to block the mountain pass."

The valley had only one entrance, easy to defend but also easy to trap.

Zhang Lan looked at Mo Hua.

Mo Hua nodded, "I'll block the pass."

He scanned the valley with his spiritual sense, ensuring the criminal cultivators were intoxicated and unaware, then approached quietly.

Using the night for cover, he hid in the grass. Even if spotted, his Concealment Technique would protect him.

His technique wasn't perfect, but it worked better at night. With strong spiritual sense and concealed aura, he wouldn't be detected.

With limited time, Mo Hua began drawing a Molten Fire Array on the valley's rocky entrance.

Zhang Lan's team was accustomed to this, but Lu Hui was shocked to discover that this youngster was an Array Master!

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