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Chapter 670: The Extinguished Sun

We will build cities on distant stars, turn basins into oceans, transform deserts into oases...

Knowledge is our strength, courage is our guiding star. We wield miracles called magic and aim to create a wizard's paradise in fifty years...

As a gigantic spaceship traversed the horizon, a melodious chant echoed in the sky above.

This song, born in the era of grand construction, has become the most popular trend, spreading across the five planets and seven moons of the galaxy.

Though the lyrics speak of fifty years, in reality, they have spent sixty-seven years in the Quantum Sea! Few understand why they have not yet returned to the greater cosmos.

Harof, Aurora, and Victorio, responsible for maintaining the protective shield, had long been struggling. At fifty times the normal time flow, their divine domain could hardly sustain such immense consumption in the greater cosmos.

Fortunately, within these sixty-seven years, two more Star Gods were born—Anthony and Boulder. With their joining, they managed to maintain the shield and even take turns to rest.

The new generation, born during the grand construction period, had accepted that there were only four stars, one moon, and one extraordinarily bright sun in the sky.

In these sixty-seven years, the remaining four barren planets in the galaxy had all been developed, establishing vast city clusters as the song predicted.

At this moment, on the Wizard Star, 45 million kilometers from the sun, within its towering architecture, a crowd bustled, and several children gathered in the alleys, listening to an old bard recounting tales of the past...

These children did not know the bard's name or where he lived, but they were captivated by his legendary adventures.

Although these histories were recorded in the Magic Web, the cold, written words could never compare to the lively, vivid narration.

Especially the stories of the Star of Magic, which they had heard multiple times yet never tired of.

However, today, the bard was not telling thrilling wizard adventures but rather ancient tales of the empire before the wizard's liberation of the continent.

These stories were not exciting, depicting the nobility's indulgence, the church's indifference, and the common people's suffering.

"Are you saying that only nobles could eat meat before? And commoners like us were only allowed bread? Maybe some stewed beans and wild vegetables?" The tallest child exclaimed in disbelief, thinking it would be extremely boring to eat the same thing every day...

"To be precise, black bread, harder than stone, sometimes mixed with wood chips and straw, chewing it felt like gnawing on bark..." The bard's voice was low, but everyone could hear it clearly.

The children exchanged puzzled looks, struggling to imagine bread harder than stone since the bread they bought was always soft and fluffy, like clouds in the sky.

"Who would use bark and straw to make bread? That would never sell." The tall child pouted, suspecting the old man was fooling him. "And how do you know black bread tastes like bark?"

"Because I've eaten it..." the bard said. "Both black bread and bark!"

"Even with water, that bread was hard to swallow, but it filled the belly, keeping people alive... During famines, we ate bark, fern roots, soil, or even... people." The bard spoke earnestly.

The children were terrified, speechless, unable to imagine such a hellish scene.

Suddenly, the bard's solemn expression turned into a smile. "So, be grateful, you were born in a good era."

The heavy pressure on their hearts vanished instantly. The children stared curiously at the old man, speculating about his identity, noting that the church had ruled the continent almost a hundred years ago, according to Magic Web records.

As they pondered, a large contingent of guards arrived, surrounding the area.

The children, who had just relaxed, tensed up again, wondering if this man was a fugitive.

However, this thought was quickly dispelled.

"Lord Speaker, the highest council has sent word for you to proceed to Home No. 4!" The leading captain respectfully announced.

"I understand!" The bard nodded, then glanced at the bewildered children before turning into a stream of light and vanishing.

"He... he is..." The tallest child stammered, realizing something.

"That was Speaker Boulder, the council's sixth Star God, the ruler of this very star!" The captain smiled, explaining.

As for why the Speaker enjoyed being a bard, it was a personal hobby or a nostalgic remembrance; it was rumored that being a bard was his profession before becoming a wizard...

While the children were still in shock over the Speaker telling them stories, Boulder had already reached his destination.

Home No. 4 referred to the fourth planet in the stellar orbit. Ten years ago, Sanchez won the seventh deification qualification with a major biology thesis, and it was about time for the emergence of a new god in this system!

By the time Boulder arrived on the planet, others had already gathered.

It seemed he was a bit late; the ascension ceremony had ended. Boulder shook his head but still approached to offer his congratulations.

"Congratulations, Speaker Sanchez, what is your new divine role?"

Sanchez, thrilled with his breakthrough, was about to answer when a sudden change occurred, causing him to fall silent. The light vanished without warning.

It was clearly daytime on this planet, and it was noon, the brightest time of day. As the planet's ruler, Sanchez knew they were facing the sun.

Yet now... the light had disappeared!

There could only be one explanation...

The Star Gods turned their heads sharply towards the sun, but the star that had stood in the cosmos for billions of years had vanished from sight.

The sun... had extinguished?!

The thought flashed through Boulder's mind, and the next moment, an incredibly intense light burst forth!

"Quick, stop it!" Harof shouted in horror. Such a terrifying ray, if it reached the planets, their defenses might not hold.

Even a small leakage could cause catastrophic damage...

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