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Chapter 195: The Score

Anyone who does not fully understand Luo, even a well-informed Biscuit, cannot decipher Luo's Nen from a single battle.

From the moment he descended into the tomb, Luo displayed a variety of abilities, but no common thread could be found.

Biscuit watched curiously as Luo repaired the palace.

If one had to find a commonality, it would be the 'circle'-like domain range, which allowed manipulation, relocation, or even repair of objects within it, like how Luo stopped the rubble and then struck it out.

But there was also that book, and the trait of his wounds not bleeding.

After pondering for a while, Biscuit decided not to think further; if curious, she would ask Luo directly.

As the palace was gradually restored, some minor flaws were inevitable, and the rubble was cleared by Luo.

After the repairs, Luo's remaining aura was nearly depleted.


Retracting his domain, Luo looked at the restored palace, a faint smile on his face.

"You could start a business specializing in repairs, it would be incredibly successful," Biscuit suggested sincerely as she looked at the palace.

Her tone was serious, leaving Luo unsure how to respond.

"Help me with the harp."

He moved on from the topic, bending down to gently pick up Stajy, and then asked Biscuit to help him with the harp.

Seeing Luo had no interest in discussing further, Biscuit, with one hand, lifted the heavy stone harp.

She spoke of restoration, not just mending. Many treasures lose value due to damage, and many antiques are the same. If Luo's ability could achieve perfect restoration, it would be a faster money-making career than Nen removal.

After all, clients needing Nen removal are scarce, but there are countless valuable items needing repair.

Ignoring Antomu in the distance, the two pushed open the palace doors and went inside.

The palace was empty, save for some oddly shaped statues and a stone sarcophagus at the far end, surrounded by several stone shelves filled with various items, though no gold or gems were to be found.

Before entering, everyone thought the palace would contain many treasures, at least coins from the era of the City of Parlo, but none were found.

Royal tombs usually contain vast treasures, let alone a city lord's.

Biscuit subconsciously touched the gem pendant in her pocket, wondering if this was really all the famous Stajy was accompanied with in death.

Luo, looking at the items in the palace, was unsurprised yet slightly disappointed because the items on the shelves did not carry Nen, except for one in the sarcophagus.

Holding Stajy, he walked over to it; the item imbued with Nen in the sarcophagus was probably the score of the Dark Sonata.

Following Luo to the sarcophagus, Biscuit casually placed the stone harp beside it and then began browsing the shelves, curious to see how modest Stajy's burial goods were.

The sarcophagus lid lay beside it, and inside, a scroll resembling parchment was quietly resting.

The scroll was covered in slowly twisting black tendrils of aura, just looking at it made one uncomfortable.

"This is the Dark Sonata…"

Luo's eyes sparkled as he saw the scroll; the reaction from the White Smoke font was more intense than ever before, seemingly very excited.

Speaking of which, when he saw many Nen-infused antiques at Elly's residence, the White Smoke font had not reacted like this, showing a significant difference from previous encounters.

He did not immediately pick up the Dark Sonata, instead setting down the knife and gently placing Stajy into the sarcophagus before picking it up.

When touching the Dark Sonata, Luo did not absorb the Nen from it right away.

Because his current data average had already reached 36%, and the Dark Sonata seemed extraordinary. Absorbing it might push his data average over 40%.

After absorbing the collectibles from Elly's home and exceeding 20%, he was forced into a state of 'Zetsu', unable to release his aura. Now, he was being cautious, not rushing to absorb it, since he had the item in hand.

He had been concerned when his data previously reached %, although nothing happened later, and there was no issue at 10%, but at 20%, there were problems, so nearing 40%, he had to be serious.

Deciding not to absorb it yet, he could still look at it.

The rolled-up score felt cold, not like parchment but some unknown animal skin, pale yellow with many black marble-like patterns.

Unfolding the score, it was filled with densely packed tadpole-like musical notes, arranged in a regular pattern, leaving Luo utterly baffled. Despite having the score and the steps to play it etched in his mind, he could not understand it when he actually looked.


 is this?" Biscuit came over, a master of Nen, habitually using Gyo to observe things, and she noticed the Nen on the score.

"The Dark Sonata." Luo rolled up the score, knowing how to use it but unable to read it.

"Is it the solo composed by the legendary demon lord?" Biscuit asked in surprise.

Luo nodded, given the intense reaction from the White Smoke font, the Dark Sonata was indeed legendary.

"I heard this score is dangerous, no wonder it feels so unsettling, you better not touch it rashly," Biscuit warned.

"I plan to remove the Nen from it," Luo replied.

"Oh?" Biscuit looked surprised, then calmed down, thinking of Luo's Nen removal technique, and said no more.

She suddenly looked at Stajy in the sarcophagus, "The body is preserved because of the post-death Nen. Now that you've placed her here, it won't be long before the body starts to decay, eventually becoming bones. If taken out…"

"It won't decay," Luo interrupted before Biscuit could finish.

"What do you plan to do?" Biscuit did not argue but asked instead.

It's normal for a body to decay, and it's an acceptable phenomenon, but Stajy was like a piece of art. Just the thought of the body decaying saddened both Biscuit and Luo.

That's why Biscuit spoke out.

"I have a way."

Luo said simply, then stuffed the score into his pocket, lifted the sarcophagus lid back into place, leaving a small gap, and once again used his domain to cover the sarcophagus, including Stajy's body.

Using his Nen, he removed all microbes, then the air, and controlled the sarcophagus lid to seal it tightly, finally leaving a bit of aura behind.

After finishing, Luo exhaled deeply, visibly tired, feeling very fatigued.

Biscuit watched the entire process but did not understand what Luo had done. She did not ask; such matters involving Nen could wait until their relationship was more established.

After handling the sarcophagus, Luo walked a few steps, straightened the casually thrown stone harp by Biscuit.

This stone harp was also valuable, but Biscuit knew Luo did not plan to take it, and she was not about to leave her gem pendant behind.

Having done everything, Luo glanced at the shelf, which held some daily utensils but none of the ancient books Chrollo wanted. Presumably, in that era, books were a vital resource and not easily used as burial goods.

"Let's go."

Luo picked up the True Master and headed for the door.

Biscuit followed, suddenly saying, "Even if you don't touch these, others will come for them later."

Luo nodded, he had a plan, and was about to speak when suddenly, a series of muffled sounds came from above.

Hearing that, their expressions changed slightly, they exchanged glances, and then hurriedly rushed outside.


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