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Chapter 347: Extra Story 12

The black fox let out a faint scream, rolling twice on the ground before coming to a stop, lying there without getting up for a long time. However, Ling Chunann did not look at him, instead turning her head towards Zhong Lian, who had suddenly appeared beside her. At this moment, he should be called Helian Feng, "Not playing anymore?"

Helian Feng's expression stiffened, trying to look puzzled, but after seeing Ling Chunann's gaze, he quickly admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to."

"Do you think the 'guess who I am' game is fun?"

"Not fun."

"Isn’t it interesting that I couldn’t guess who you are?"

Thinking about the many rivals in love that had popped up, although they indeed looked somewhat like his original form, it was hardly fun and more annoying, Helian Feng shook his head repeatedly, "Not interesting."

Seeing the man apologizing with his head bowed, Ling Chunann couldn’t help but feel both amused and irritated.

Actually, after spending some time together, Ling Chunann had already confirmed that Zhong Lian was indeed Helian Feng.

From what Ling Chunann knew about Helian Feng, he might not know every thought Helian had, but he could still recognize his habits. Among the five male leads that he had interacted with up to now, although Zhong Lian seemed the least like him and was deliberately concealing it, nothing could escape his eyes.

The other male leads carried some marks of Helian Feng, and their behavior seemed somewhat influenced, but apart from their appearance, they had little to do with Helian Feng. As for why, Ling Chunann could probably guess—it was because these hidden worlds were mostly newly formed worlds. As an external invader, especially one with strong energy, it was easy to influence the development of the world lines.

Especially Helian Feng, a powerful main god, when he had rushed after Ling Chunann without a chance to hide, his rash intrusion made it even more likely to receive feedback from the world. The feedback resulted in the world creating forms it favored most, hence the appearances of the world's sons, the male leads, became fixed. And their affection for Ling Chunann was also for the same reason, as another god of equal stature, it was only natural for the world's children to like him.

Regarding Helian Feng's later actions, Ling Chunann also understood. Having the experience of being previously confined in the "little black room," the opponent simply wanted him to be scared by so many "selves" and then obediently return to the main god space.

Initially, Ling Chunann was indeed taken aback, as Helian Feng had previously split into two for fun. However, after thinking it over, he realized that this was wrong—this was just an ordinary new world that could not accommodate too much energy intrusion, which meant that Helian Feng’s energy entering this world could not support two hosts, so there definitely wasn’t a doppelganger.

But even though he had figured it out early, since Helian Feng didn’t admit it voluntarily, Ling Chunann was happy to continue playing along, finding it especially interesting to watch him and those male leads get jealous and compete. Initially, he thought this man would hold on for a while, at least until all the male leads had appeared, but he didn't expect him to reveal himself so soon.

Although he was not angry, Ling Chunann was not about to let the man off so easily. He raised an eyebrow, “Didn’t I leave a message for you not to follow when I went out?”

“I didn’t…” Helian Feng started to say he didn’t see it, but meeting Ling Chunann’s gaze, he quickly became pitiful, “I was worried about baby being bullied alone.”

“Who could bully me?”

“Actually, I missed baby too much. I can't be without baby. If baby is not by my side, I get very sad. I promise I will never confine baby in the little black room again. Please bring me along whenever you go out, okay? I…”

As the man began his relentless stream of sweet nothings, Ling Chunann slapped his mouth, then turned and got into the car, “Get in, let’s drive home.”

Knowing he had dodged a bullet, Helian Feng cheerfully started the car.

The miserable black fox lying forgotten by the roadside: “…”

Actually, Ling Chunann hadn’t forgotten the black fox, but he generally had no fondness for those who harbored ill intentions towards him. The fox earlier had no murderous intent, but it did bear hostility. If it had pounced on him earlier, given his ordinary human body, he would definitely have been seriously injured. This was also why Helian Feng, despite the risk of exposure and being beaten by Ling Chunann, had knocked it away. However, since it was a male lead,

 he hadn’t killed it.

It was already nearly eleven when they left the Tan family's old house, and they had been delayed a bit on the road. When they arrived at Ling Chunann's small villa in the city, it was nearly midnight. Helian Feng looked at his watch and said to Ling Chunann, “Baby, I have noodles for you to eat.”

098: “...Eh? Dirty!”

Ling Chunann’s gaze followed down the man’s abdomen.

Helian Feng felt his lower belly tighten under Ling Chunann’s fiery gaze, swallowed, and said, “...We’ll eat that later.”

What Helian Feng meant by 'below' were noodles, as he had the habit of cooking Ling Chunann a bowl of longevity noodles on his birthday every year.

Once inside the villa, Helian Feng hurried into the kitchen. Ten minutes later, he brought out a steaming, fragrant bowl of longevity noodles. It was now eleven fifty-five, “Baby, happy birthday.”

After eating the noodles, it was natural for them to roll into bed together. However, considering that Ling Chunann had to go to the film crew the next day, Helian Feng didn’t go overboard. After one round, he reluctantly held back, and Ling Chunann was very satisfied. In the future, he should find more of these ordinary worlds for vacations. Previously in the main god space, he had almost developed a psychological shadow. Now, such simple meals were a perfect adjustment to life.

The next day, Ling Chunann arrived at the film crew radiant and cheerful, receiving a warm welcome from the director and all the main actors.

Due to the big drama on Weibo the day before, several bigwigs had intervened, and ultimately, it was Ling Chunann who overwhelmingly won, successfully erecting a positive image among the unsuspecting public of not only having a good family and looks but also being hardworking and achieving top results in science, becoming the envy of many parents. Moreover, people in the circle also knew that Ling Chunann was not to be messed with. Even if they couldn’t befriend him, they certainly couldn’t afford to antagonize him.

So this was also one of the reasons why Ling Chunann was so popular today. Of course, Ling Chunann was inherently likable to begin with.

The filming process thereafter went smoothly. However, Helian Feng was somewhat displeased because his darling was too popular, with so many people coveting him. If it weren’t for his darling’s love for acting, he really wanted to carry him home and hide him away.

Watching Ling Chunann thriving amidst the crowd, Helian Feng felt a wave of sourness inside, but he maintained a gentle smile on his face, especially when that certain CEO came to visit again!

Early in the morning, Feng Baiqin shivered, then looked at Ling Chunann with concern, “Xiao Yue, it's getting a bit chilly, remember to put on more clothes.”

Ling Chunann glanced at Helian Feng beside him, who seemed unremarkable, and politely nodded with a smile, “Thank you, President Feng, for your concern.”

“Two days ago, I saw several good scripts. Xiao Yue, are you interested? I brought them with me; you can take a look. If you think they’re okay, I can reserve the roles for you.”

Finally, unable to bear the 'fly' that kept buzzing around his darling, Helian Feng spoke up, “There’s no need for the president to worry about the scripts. Xiao Yue has schedules for the next six months; he really doesn’t have the time to take on new projects right now.”

Feng Baiqin’s face turned slightly cold, “Manager Zhong, don’t you know that it’s very impolite to interrupt others while they’re speaking?”

“I’m sorry, but as Tan Anyue’s manager, any scripts he receives must go through me first. This is my job, President Feng, you’re being intrusive.”

Watching the two men start talking, the surrounding crew members instinctively backed away, fearing that the altercation here might affect them.

In the past few months, more and more outstanding men had come to visit Ling Chunann on set, ranging from company CEOs to underworld bosses, movie stars, and business magnates, each one a top-tier handsome man. And obviously, all of them were interested in Ling Chunann.

But these handsome men couldn’t last long before being rebuffed by the handsome manager beside Ling Chunann!

This wasn’t important; the key was that each time the manager sent them off with dark faces, they would soon come back again, persistently pursuing Ling Chunann.

So every time someone came, the crew learned to tactfully keep their distance, especially today. Feng Baiqin was the main investor in this film. The crew members were all signed under Boyue’s banner. If the president were to get angry after a failed negotiation and fire them all, it would be too costly.

In fact, Feng Baiqin had indeed fired a few people who tried to come up and mediate before. This was also why everyone was so cautious this time.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Feng Baiqin retreated under Helian Feng’s fighting power, leaving without a single harsh word and storming off angrily.

Ling Chunann watched with a smirk as the man who had chased off the visitor then looked innocently back at him, then got up, ready to start the next scene.

Ling Chunann was currently filming an ancient xianxia movie titled "Proving the Dao". It was about how a young master from a family of cultivators, after his family fell into decline, embarked on a journey to cultivate and seek the ultimate Dao, using all of humanity to prove his Dao was correct, only to be killed together by the so-called righteous sects at the cliff's edge.

The character’s personality was very malleable, which was why Ling Chunann took the role. After half a year, the film had finally completed its last scene with the main character falling off the cliff. While everyone was still immersed in the shock and heroism of the scene, Ling Chunann was whisked away by his anxiously protective man.

Because it was the last scene, five men had come to the set at the same time. As observers, they were all immersed in Ling Chunann’s magical acting. Therefore, it was Jing Ancheng, who played the second male lead, who first noticed that Ling Chunann had been taken away by Helian Feng. He promptly reminded the others, and seeing them hurriedly follow, he deeply watched the direction the two left in, a meaningful smile playing on his lips.


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