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Chapter 346: Extra Story 11

Strictly speaking, Ling Chunann had never had any contact with Jing Ancheng before, so he glanced at the mobile phone and tossed it aside, turning his head to look at Zhong Lian's side profile as he drove.

Zhong Lian did not have an aggressive appearance, and he mostly wore a smile, which made him appear gentle. However, this did not detract from his aura. From the moment he chose him as his agent, Ling Chunann knew that Zhong Lian was more than just an ordinary agent. However, the background behind him was too deeply hidden, so much so that even 098 could only find some superficial information, which further proved how deep this man's hidden power was.

Noticing Ling Chunann's gaze, Zhong Lian slightly turned his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Ling Chunann pointed to the green light ahead, "It's nothing, the light turned green."

Just then, the car horns from behind incessantly urged them on, prompting Zhong Lian to start the car.

"098, what's the counterattack value now?"

"Host, it's 50%." Although no mission had been released, this world's 098 was still calculating the counterattack value. Now that the female lead had entered prison and the male lead was revolving around Ling Chunann, and with Ling Chunann having completed his first drama, if all goes well, just a couple more movies and a few awards should suffice for him to leave this world. "Host, I still find this hidden world strange, have you spotted any issues?"

"Yes, I've mostly figured it out."

"What is it?" 098 was curious.

"Guess," Ling Chunann's voice carried a hint of amusement, as he lowered his head to continue looking at the news on Weibo.

At that moment, whether they were fans or just bystanders, everyone was stunned by the news released by several major figures.

"Damn, damn, I knew Xiao Yueyue is President Tan's younger brother, but why do so many big shots seem so familiar with Xiao Yueyue?"

"My Xiao Yueyue's charm is unmatched! Have you seen Xiao Yueyue's promotional photo? So handsome! Not only handsome, but his grades are so good, now my mom glances at me sideways every day, comparing me with him. Hee hee, I'm not telling her that Xiao Yueyue is my schoolmate."

"Seriously, I don't know how a playboy can cling to so many big thighs; maybe there’s some shady deals we don’t see."

"Hold up, all you envious folks in front, have you ever seen anyone successfully cling to two movie stars before? Tell me, and I’ll believe you."

"What's wrong with being a playboy? Did a playboy eat your rice or something? Besides, even if Xiao Yueyue is a playboy, I like that about him. Which playboy can score top marks on the college entrance exam?"

Ignoring the buzz created by this message online, Ling Chunann, as a distinguished graduate of Jiangdu Third High School, delivered a speech and declined the school's generous scholarship. At dusk, he and Zhong Lian returned to the Tan family old residence together.

Seeing that Zhong Lian had come with him, Tan Ancheng, who was waiting at the door, immediately dropped the smile from his face, “Mr. Zhong, what brings such a busy man to our humble abode?”

Zhong Lian politely nodded, “Xiao Yue is my artist and also my friend. Today is his birthday, so naturally, I should attend his birthday party.”

“Today is our family banquet,” Tan Ancheng began to refuse, but suddenly noticing Ling Chunann looking over, and remembering that Xiao Yue had a poor impression of him in the past, he quickly changed his tune, “Since Mr. Zhong is Xiao Yue’s friend, please come in.”

Zhong Lian’s smile did not falter, “Thank you.”

Ling Chunann, noticing the subtle undercurrents between the two men, pretended to see nothing and did not clarify that Zhong Lian had followed him uninvited, leading the way in with the butler’s greeting.

Zhong Lian, uncharacteristically, followed a step behind Ling Chunann to the left, rather than his usual position on the right. Ling Chunann glanced at him but said nothing.

Although Tan Ancheng verbally expressed otherwise, he was indeed displeased by Zhong Lian’s presence, as it disrupted the emotional connection with his brother. He quickly walked up, putting on a friendly demeanor while talking to Ling Chunann, but intentionally or unintentionally squeezed between Zhong Lian and Ling Chunann, trying to separate the two.

Zhong Lian, however, was not annoyed and naturally moved to Ling Chunann’s right side, walking shoulder to shoulder with him. Tan Ancheng tried to squeeze in between them again, but now he was behind on the left, and Zhong Lian on Ling Chunann’s right hand side. As the three entered the narrow, garden path that only allowed two abreast, Tan Ancheng found no chance to get between them.

This path led all the way to the Tan family’s main house living room, meaning that Tan Ancheng had no opportunity to separate Ling Chunann and Zhong Lian along the way and could only watch resentfully as the two chatted and laughed ahead of him.

Following behind the trio, the old butler alternated his gaze between the two, his expression full of satisfaction. The elder young master had finally reconciled with the second young master, who had also achieved good academic results. Surely the old master would be relieved now.

The dinner was relatively peaceful, though Tan Ancheng’s planned intimate candlelight dinner for brothers was interrupted by a glaring 'third wheel', who kept drawing the younger brother’s attention with normal topics, giving no reason for interruption.

Until the dinner ended, Tan Ancheng had hardly had a chance to speak with Ling Chunann, his grievances nearly taking physical form.

After a ceremonial cake cutting, Ling Chunann excused himself, as tomorrow was the first day of shooting for his first movie. As the lead actor, he needed to get to the set early, and the Tan family old house was too far from the set.

Tan Ancheng reluctantly saw them to the door, “Xiao Yue, brother has an apartment in the east city closer to your set than where you currently live. I transferred it to your name a few days ago. If you like, you can move there. Also, the shares and some properties that belonged to mom have been left to you. I’ve been managing them over the years, but now that you’re of age, I’ve sorted everything out. Here are the documents; take a look.”

Ling Chunann took the folder handed by Tan Ancheng, not opening it immediately but instead raising his hand for a hug, “Okay, thank you, big brother.”

Seemingly startled by the hug, Tan Ancheng was momentarily dazed but quickly recovered, revealing a rare smile, “What are you thanking your big brother for? This is what a brother should do.”

Only after Ling Chunann and Zhong L

ian’s car tail lights disappeared at the end of the road did Tan Ancheng finally let out a laugh, turning back to ask the old butler, “Tan Bo, did you see Xiao Yue hug me?”

“I saw it, I saw it. The young masters are getting along well, Tan Bo is also relieved.”

As opposed to Tan Ancheng's good mood, Zhong Lian’s expression was somewhat inscrutable. Although he was driving, from time to time, he couldn’t help but glance at Ling Chunann.

Ling Chunann noticed Zhong Lian’s looks but did not ask what was wrong, merely propping his chin with one hand while leaning against the car window, staring unblinkingly at the mountain road ahead.

By this time, night had completely fallen. The Tan family old house was located in the suburbs on a mountain, and on ordinary days, this road was not frequented by others, so no other vehicles were present. The street lights cast sparse shadows through the roadside trees, creating a dappled and somewhat serene atmosphere.

Just then, a dark shadow suddenly darted from the roadside, heading straight for the car.

Despite being somewhat distracted, Zhong Lian’s reflexes were beyond those of ordinary people. He quickly stomped on the brakes.

The car, which was already moving slowly, stopped before hitting the object.

Ling Chunann looked at Zhong Lian, “What was that?”

After confirming that Ling Chunann was neither hurt nor frightened, Zhong Lian’s expression grew serious, “I’ll go check.”

“Host, it’s a black fox,” 098 informed. “Male, probably one of the male leads coming down the mountain to find the female lead, likely here to cause you trouble.”

This male lead was the only non-human among them, the female lead’s senior brother Mo Yi, who had grown up with her like siblings. Although his cultivation was much stronger than the female lead’s, he had been able to transform into human form a long time ago. The female lead had sneaked down the mountain during his seclusion. According to the plot, Mo Yi wouldn’t come down the mountain for another two years, by which time the female lead would have been intimately involved with many male leads. Mo Yi had liked the female lead from a young age but eventually had to compromise, sharing the female lead with many men.

It was unclear why Mo Yi had come down so early. Since he had always lived deep in the mountains, he was the only male lead whose photo 098 hadn’t been able to find initially, so 098 tended to think he was here to trouble his own host.

Zhong Lian was just an ordinary person, while Mo Yi was a demon. Thinking this, 098 couldn’t help but worry about his all-capable agent host, “Host, will Zhong Lian be okay?”

Ling Chunann didn’t respond, but his actions were swift as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door to join Zhong Lian.

Seeing Ling Chunann come out, Zhong Lian, still confronting the black fox, did not change his expression, but his voice carried a hint of urgency, “Xiao Yue, get back, this fox is no ordinary one.”

Just then, the black fox suddenly turned around, like a flash of lightning, and pounced towards Ling Chunann.

“Host, be careful!” 098’s warning tone sounded.

Tan Ancheng’s identity in this world was merely that of an ordinary person, and logically, he couldn’t dodge such a fast attack. However, standing here was Ling Chunann, who, if he chose, could certainly dodge.

But he didn’t move.

Just as the black fox was about to pounce on Ling Chunann, suddenly a hand blocked in front of him, slapping the charging fox away.


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