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Chapter 323

That night, Du Zian had just fallen asleep when he suddenly woke up with a start from his dream. He touched his face, which was covered in cold sweat, while William, who had always been by his side, was nowhere to be found.

Sitting up uncertainly, he called out, "William, William?"

However, this time William did not appear in response to Du Zian's call. He even felt that he could no longer sense the contract with the demon.

Two minutes later, Du Zian confirmed that the demon was not beside him. He darkened his face and got out of bed, heading towards his mother’s room next door, feeling somewhat uneasy for some reason.

Before leaving, he glanced at the window curtains that had been drawn open. The bright full moon that was there when he went to sleep had disappeared without a trace, and there were no stars in the night sky. A gust of wind blew over, sticking his cold-sweat-soaked clothes to his body, making him shiver.

Something wasn't right; he had closed the window before going to sleep, and he hadn't even had time to open the door yet. Where did this wind come from?

Du Zian frowned, "William, come out, stop joking with me, I'm not in the mood for your pranks."

At this moment, the once naïve and pure-looking young man was nowhere to be seen on Du Zian's face; his eyes were sharp, and his expression carried a hint of thin anger, which was quite imposing.

The room was silent, the demon who should have appeared to admit his mistake was nowhere to be seen.

Initially convinced that William was playing a prank, Du Zian began to feel uncertain. He looked around but saw nothing amiss, then suspiciously opened the door to his room and walked out.

Outside, there was a flurry of activity, and before Du Zian could react, he was pushed forcefully. A woman's shrill voice rang in his ear, "You little bastard, you know to get up?"

Looking at the woman whose face was originally beautiful but now twisted with anger, Du Zian’s pupils shrank, "Aunt?"

The woman sneered, "You still know who I am, now go make breakfast. Do you want to starve me to death?"

"Mom, I'm hungry." Another sunny and handsome young man came in from outside with a basketball and immediately began questioning Du Zian, "Why isn't the food ready?"

"Big, Big Brother?"

The woman pushed Du Zian again, "Get going! If breakfast is late because of you and Yang Yang misses his game, you won't eat for the next three days."

Du Zian walked towards the kitchen in a daze and mechanically prepared breakfast for the family. After placing the dishes on the table, he finally calmed down. Something was wrong; these two were already dead, killed by his own hands. They couldn't possibly be here.

And it should still be night, how could it have turned into daytime?

Could he still be dreaming?

Yes, the dead cannot come back to life; he must be dreaming.

Thinking this, Du Zian finally relaxed. Looking at the two at the table, his gaze filled with malice; he didn’t believe that he couldn’t handle them in his dreams if he had managed to kill them in reality.

He took a knife from the kitchen and walked to the table where the two were playing the roles of a loving mother and son. Under their horrified gazes, he raised the knife.

The salty smell of fresh blood splashed on him, and Du Zian's face was filled with a satisfied smile, "Die, just die!"

One knife per person, Du Zian was soon drenched in fresh blood. However, he quickly noticed something was wrong.

The stepmother's head was chopped off halfway, gruesomely hanging by the neck, and Du Ziyang’s head was also mutilated, missing half of his face. They should have been dead beyond doubt.

Yet, they were still moving!

Du Zian initially didn't care and intended to increase his force, but suddenly a hand grabbed the kitchen knife from his hand.

Du Ziyang's strength had somehow become very great, and after snatching the kitchen knife from Du Zian, he swung it at him.

The stepmother also grabbed Du Zian's arm at the same time.

Seeing the blade about to fall on him, Du Zian's heart tightened. All he could think about was that he couldn't let them cut him. If he died here, he might never be able to leave this dream.

A strong will to live suddenly surged within him, allowing him to break free from the stepmother's grasp and push her to the ground before he turned and ran out of the house.

A sports car was parked at the doorway. Seeing the two people about to catch up, Du Zian didn't stop to think, jumped into the driver’s seat, and drove off.

Watching the two figures recede further and further away, Du Zian breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to slow down the car, he suddenly realized that the brakes had failed. Just then, Du Ziyang, who had been thrown off earlier, was now sitting in the passenger seat, his hand already on the steering wheel.

Du Zian couldn’t let Du Ziyang get control of the wheel. He struggled to push away the grotesque, decaying face next to him while trying to maintain control of the car.

During their struggle, Du Ziyang suddenly withdrew his strength, and his bloodied face cracked into a bizarre smile.

Du Zian's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked ahead only to see a steep cliff face.


The car collided with the cliff, and everything went dark for Du Zian.

When Du Zian came to, it was dark again. He felt pain all over; his legs were trapped under the car seat, unable to move, and he couldn’t feel his left hand. What drove him to despair was the realization that the car was about to explode!

The next day, Ling Chunann woke up refreshed and heard 098, exuberant, reporting, "Host, last night the male lead sleepwalked, drove out, and got into a car accident. Now he's lying in the hospital with his arms and legs broken." No wonder 098 was so pleased; the male lead had seriously harmed their host. Now he was lying in the hospital, barely alive, which was instant karma. Moreover, 098 was relieved to see that the male lead's injuries were even more severe than Ling Chunann's, possibly requiring amputation.

"Sleepwalking?" Ling Chunann repeated.

"Yes, I saw him get up from bed last night, then wandered around the house before running out to drive," 098 said. "Actually, it seemed like he saw a ghost, but this world isn't a supernatural one, so there shouldn't be any such thing as ghosts."

After listening, Ling Chunann nodded, "Send me the footage from last night."

Since arriving in this world, 098 had never relaxed its surveillance of the male lead, so the footage it transmitted was very complete, from the male lead's sudden awakening with a sweat-soaked head to his frantic actions in the house, grabbing a knife to slash around, fleeing the house to get in the car, arguing with an unseen person in the car, and finally crashing into a cliff wall. Everything indicated an eerie persistence.

Moreover, Ling Chunann noted that Du Zian had not turned on any lights throughout the ordeal, neither in the house nor while driving, yet his behavior seemed unaffected.

According to Ling Chunann's analysis of Du Zian's character, he was sensitive, and darkness made him feel insecure, so he would never allow himself to remain in the dark for long. If it wasn't that he was really sleepwalking, then at that time, it might have been daytime in his vision.

This world might not have supernatural events, but demons existed, and demons can create illusions.

Under the protection of a high-ranking demon like William, the only other demon who could directly attack the male lead was their own, provided he had regained his demonic memory, or...

Ling Chunann slowly turned over and sat up, relishing the freedom of controlling his body.

Then Ling Chunann looked at the great demon sitting by the bed staring at him, "Were you out last night?"

Sir Yu looked somewhat puzzled, thought for a moment, then shook his head, "I don’t remember." After speaking, he appeared somewhat uneasy, "Baby, what's wrong? Did I do something bad?"

After asking the question, Ling Chunann just kept looking at Sir Yu. From his expression, it was clear he really didn't remember, and the man never lied to him. Watching Sir Yu's anxious eyes, Ling Chunann reached out to him, "Take me to wash up, I need to go out later."

Hearing Ling Chunann speak, Sir Yu’s expression instantly brightened.

After washing up and having breakfast, while Sir Yu cleaned up the kitchen, Ling Chunann sat in the living room playing with his phone. 098 couldn't help but voice its doubt, "Host, do you think the male lead's incident was done by him?" It wasn't that 098 was asking knowingly; it had not detected Sir Yu's presence near the Du residence last night.

Ling Chunann quickly gave an affirmative answer, "It was him."

Although Ling Chunann didn't explain why, 098 soon figured it out—Sir Yu, with his vast and powerful demonic abilities, was known as a protective and obsessed lover. If it wasn’t him, it would be strange indeed.

The only question now was whether the story would continue as usual after the male lead's incident. In the original story, a week later, the male lead would take

 revenge on a school bully.

And on that day, Du Zian was discharged from the hospital and returned to the Du residence. Ling Chunann reviewed the hospital’s medical report, which showed that his physical condition was good, and the reason for his hospitalization was minor abrasions caused by a car accident.

Clearly, the hospital's information had been tampered with, using the same method previously employed during Ling Chunann’s own car accident. Who did it was quite obvious.

Watching the footage 098 sent, Ling Chunann noticed the handsome Western-faced demon standing beside the male lead, looking quite disheveled, watching Du Zian in pain, unable to speak, and even lacking the strength to treat him. However, he also did not seem to intend to treat him but instead seized the opportunity to propose a new deal.

In the understanding of humans, demons have always been a representation of negativity. Born from darkness, they are cruel, selfish, and greedy, synonyms for all things evil, enjoying the devouring of human souls.

While the reality may not be exactly so, one aspect was indeed correct: demons are greedy, they never engage in a losing business.

"The soul was mine to begin with, and your wish has been nearly fulfilled. I could take it now and not be accused of breaking our contract," the demon spoke. "However, I am kind-hearted. I’ve decided to return your health to you, allowing you to live on, but only if you demonstrate sufficient sincerity."

"What do you want?"


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