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Chapter 321

A few minutes later, Ling Chunann, satisfied, retracted his hand and tossed the clothes to Siyu, "Wear these for now, I'll have someone send over a few new sets later."

Having braced himself for a thunderous and fiery scene, 098 finally came to his senses, seeing the man obediently putting on the clothes, and couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. The scene of a beautiful, delicate young man sitting in a wheelchair and a strong, handsome demon freshly out of the bath, both radiating intense sparks between them, was incredibly arousing. Yet, other than a touch, nothing happened. How could they not sleep together after such a tease?

Ling Chunann didn't hear the roar inside 098's mind, but even if he had, he wouldn't have cared. The positions he could manage in his current condition were too limited and dull.

But actually, the main reason was that this guy seemed too physically robust, and with his current physical state, he couldn't possibly handle it. He didn't want to end up stuck in bed for days and nights.

Under Ling Chunann's intense gaze, Siyu stiffly put on the clothes.

Ling Chunann's body was about 175 cm tall and slender. Although the sportswear was much bigger on him, it was a bit small on the man, with wrists and ankles showing. Fortunately, the hem of the shirt was long enough to keep his stomach covered. This might have looked somewhat ridiculous on someone else, but on this man, it seemed to naturally exude a sense of dominance. After all, under his aura, hardly anyone would notice what he was wearing.

However, Ling Chunann wasn't most people; he scrutinized the man from top to bottom, still not quite satisfied.

"Baby?" Siyu's expression was somewhat confused. It seemed that 'baby' was not quite pleased.

"It's nothing," Ling Chunann said while recalling Du Zixuan's social connections and quickly pulling out a cookbook, telling Siyu, "I'm hungry. Go cook something for me."

Hearing Ling Chunann say he was hungry, Siyu took the cookbook and quickly went out.

Finally, from Du Zixuan's memories, Ling Chunann managed to recall a few people outside his family who made an impression, sorted through them, and decided on his manager.

As a violin prodigy who traveled around the world, Du Zixuan naturally had the standard setup of a manager and assistant. However, he was always reclusive and rarely cared about people, so his impression of them was not as profound as a musical score. If not for Ling Chunann's attention to detail, he might not have noticed these faint memories of people.

Digging out the manager's phone number from memory, Ling Chunann pulled out the new phone Xue Zhengyang had bought him and sent a message.

Shen Tan, a thirty-year-old refined young man who had been a manager for just four years, had witnessed the rise of a musical genius. Due to the follow-up events of a concert, he stayed longer in country Y. Busy to the point of dizziness, he had only just regained his senses when he learned that his boss had been seriously injured in a car accident, and in a flurry of anxiety, took a flight back home.

Just after landing, Shen Tan had barely steadied himself when he heard his phone ping.

It must be the telecom company, Shen Tan thought, taking a few more steps before another message alert sounded. He rubbed his temples, sore from three days without sleep, and then took out his phone.

The second message was from the telecom company, and the first was from an unknown number. Excited, Shen Tan quickly opened the message page.

"Bro Tan, I'm alright. Please buy a few sets of clothes from Amos and send them to Du's residence. The size is…"

Reading the text on his phone, Shen Tan felt dizzy with irritation, staring at the device. This little ancestor!

Still, he hurriedly took a taxi to the city center. Amos was a world-famous clothing brand with only a few stores nationwide. Du Zixuan only wore clothes made by Amos, and Shen Tan had never questioned it before.

At the clothing store, Shen Tan's somewhat slow mind finally realized that the size of the clothes he had just received was not his little ancestor's. Even if he ate ten pounds at every meal, he couldn't have grown that big.

After some struggles, he finally bought the clothes and, dragging his weary body, arrived at the gate of the Du residence. Shen Tan had just entered when he saw Ling Chunann sitting in a wheelchair.

Siyu, after ruining two pots, had finally mastered the basic skills of cooking and was now skillfully chopping vegetables. Ling Chunann sat obediently by, occasionally giving directions, while a group of servants stood far away, trembling as they watched the usually quiet Second Young Master command the

 seemingly formidable and fearsome man, fearing he might rush over and slap their Second Young Master to death at any moment.

Unaware of the strange atmosphere, Shen Tan was relieved to see Ling Chunann looking well. "Zixuan, here are your clothes. How's your body? What did the doctors say?"

Ling Chunann glanced at him but said nothing, merely pointing to the sofa nearby.

Du Zixuan was never fond of speaking with him either, but Shen Tan wasn't upset. He placed the clothes beside the sofa and turned to the new housekeeper, "Housekeeper Zhang, how's the Second Young Master's health?"

Zhang Qin had been dreading Shen Tan's arrival and had kept his distance earlier. Everyone in the Du residence knew that the Third Young Master disliked the Second Young Master, even forbidding them from feeding the Second Young Master today, yet they were still paid by the Third Young Master.

"Housekeeper Zhang?" Shen Tan's tone became firmer.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, the doctor said that the Second Young Master's body could only recover slowly for now, and he could start rehabilitation when he's somewhat better. If lucky, it won't affect his future life."

Zhang Qin wasn't lying; part of the hospital data had been tampered with by Du Zi'an's demons, and the attending doctor was also under control. What he was saying was merely what was documented in the medical records.

Shen Tan's mind quickly processed this information. "Life? What about other aspects?"

Zhang Qin unconsciously glanced at Ling Chunann, who was looking down thoughtfully, and gave Shen Tan a meaningful look before they both left the vicinity of the kitchen.

098: "Host, this manager is a good person."

In the original story, after Du Zixuan's hand was severed, it was always Shen Tan who took care of him. Later, he was murdered and his body dumped in the wilderness by the somewhat neurotic Du Zi'an.

Speaking of which, the male lead of this world was a thorough psychopath. Normal people could never guess what he was thinking. From the beginning to the end of the story, dozens of people died at his hands, each death more grotesque than the last, often for reasons as trivial as having looked at him one time too many. It was utterly unreasonable.

Compared to the male lead with snake-like madness, 098 suddenly felt that their host was much more refreshing and easier to get along with. Their host never harmed anyone other than adults, which made them particularly easy to care for. At this moment, 098 unconsciously ignored the scene when Ling Chunann had bitten it upon their binding.

Ten minutes later, Shen Tan and Zhang Qin had not returned. Under the unbelieving gazes of the onlookers, Siyu served the food on the table, and it looked quite appetizing.

Although it seemed to be his first time cooking, the skill was already ingrained in him. Just by smelling it, Ling Chunann knew what it tasted like. After drinking a small bowl of porridge and eating a few bites of the dishes, Ling Chunann stopped eating.

"Are you full, baby?" Siyu asked.

Ling Chunann nodded, then shook his head, "Let's go back to the room."

Siyu naturally followed Ling Chunann's command, picking up the bag of clothes from the sofa and glancing at the servants peering at them from under the side staircase. He firmly wheeled Ling Chunann upstairs.

The servants who were scanned by their gazes shivered collectively after the two ascended the stairs.

Back in the room, Ling Chunann took a new set of clothes out of the bag and handed them to Siyu, "Change into these first, then pack up and go home."

Although amnesic, Siyu clearly liked the words 'go home' spoken by Ling Chunann. If it weren't for Ling Chunann's intervention, he would have torn the souls of those humans he saw at first sight to shreds. Those weak, filthy souls weren't even worthy of being used to water his flowers.

Thinking of watering flowers, something seemed to flash in Siyu's mind, but it quickly vanished. Seeing Ling Chunann's gaze on him, and remembering the hands that had touched him earlier, Siyu couldn't help feeling a warmth in his heart, his usually expressionless face reddening slightly, but he still removed his clothes under the other's gaze.

Shen Tan and Zhang Qin had talked and learned that this morning, Du Zi'an had instructed them not to disturb Du Zixuan's rest, waiting for his orders. Shen Tan nearly lost control of his sudden surge of anger. This Third Young Master of the Du family was too much. The Second Young Master was his brother, albeit without blood relation, but they had grown up under the same roof. What kind of person Du Zixuan was, his manager knew better than anyone. With his personality, even if he

 starved to death, he wouldn't command the servants to cook. This seemingly well-intentioned instruction was undoubtedly making things difficult for him. How could he recover like this?

Although he hid it well, Shen Tan could still tell that Du Zi'an had never liked his stepmother. Perhaps the disappearance of the Du family's eldest son and the stepmother had something to do with him. And these servants, they listened to whoever paid them, hardly expecting them to take care of someone.

Thinking this, Shen Tan rushed into the house; he had to take Du Zixuan out.

When he reached the door to Ling Chunann's room on the second floor, he knocked for two minutes without a response. Shen Tan started to panic and stepped back, about to kick the door.

Just then, the door suddenly opened, but it wasn't Ling Chunann who appeared, but a large, disheveled, unfamiliar man, with the person he was looking for sitting in a wheelchair behind him, his face flushed red... Had he interrupted something?


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