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Chapter 312

In the center of Tang City Square, Qi Yang clutched his chest, half-kneeling on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood. With a murderous look, he stared at the person who had appeared before him. "You've finally shown up."

"I didn't expect you to have taken over the protagonist's body," said the newcomer with a light and melodious voice, seemingly oblivious to the murderous intent in Qi Yang's eyes. It was Chu Yun, who had previously appeared in the north of the city.

"Heh," Qi Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and scoffed, standing up while he continuously fired his gun.

"Ah, Qi Yang brother, since we last parted at the Chu family's home, I've spent quite some time looking for you. To treat me like this, I'm really heartbroken," Chu Yun said, dodging the bullets with an eerie speed.

Qi Yang, with a cold expression, pondered his next move. This adversary was much more formidable than he had imagined. Forcing her out had already cost him half his strength, and a direct confrontation seemed unfeasible; he needed a different plan. Adjusting his expression, he asked, "May I ask how to address you?"

"Qi Yang brother used to call me Xiao Yun. It's only been a few days, and you don't recognize me anymore?" Chu Yun seemed addicted to her act.

"Alright, Xiao Yun," Qi Yang put away his gun. "You should know, I'm now the male lead; you can't kill me. If I die, this world will lose its support, and it won't be good for you either."

"So?" Chu Yun inquired.

"I can't defeat you, and you can't kill me. I hope we can cooperate," Qi Yang proposed. "There are other taskers in this world, and I can help you eliminate them."

Chu Yun thought it over seriously. It was true; she hadn't expected the first tasker to come forward to be the male lead, who inherently had an immunity to death. Wanting to complete her task, she currently couldn't do anything to him, but how could she trust him?

"I can swear by my true name," Qi Yang offered.


Seeing Chu Yun agree, Qi Yang drew his index finger across his brow and finally pressed it against his chest. "I swear by my true name that I will not harm the person before me in this world and will assist in eliminating the other taskers."

After Qi Yang finished his oath, Chu Yun nodded in satisfaction. "Do you have any leads on the other taskers?" The true name was a tasker's only personal possession, monitored by the system, so there was no chance of reneging, which was why Chu Yun was so assured.

"Based on my calculations, there are at least three taskers in this world. Xu Lingyang might be one, but he died when I came through. I have four suspects for the remaining two: you, Xia Lingyan, Cang Yu, and that person from the Han family." Qi Yang analyzed, "The one from the Han family is confirmed not to be a tasker. I've been close to Xia Lingyan and ruled out the possibility of her being a tasker. Cang Yu had been influenced by a transmigrator before, and after some time interacting with him, I'm not entirely sure, but at least there's a 60% chance he's a tasker. However, he has a close relationship with Han Fenglian and is also a Zombie King, so even if he is a tasker, I'm not sure I could kill him outright."

"That's okay, he's currently in my killing formation, and it would be easy for me to kill him," Chu Yun said with a curl of her lips, her innocent face now seeming devilishly enticing in the darkness. "Heh, this tasker is really clever, coming all the way here."

Qi Yang's eyes flickered. "You mean he's nearby?"

Chu Yun flicked her fingers towards a nearby street. "Right over there."

As the two of them looked in unison, 098 got a fright. "Host, they've noticed you."

Ling Chunann responded indifferently, "Hmm."

098: "...What kind of reaction is that? Aren't you surprised at all?"

Ling Chunann had parked his car on this road as soon as Chu Yun had appeared, and he had heard their entire conversation. Moreover, Chu Yun had already noticed him, and Qi Yang probably had as well, though they hadn't mentioned it aloud.

The two women in the back seat, sprawled out, had sleeping charms attached to them. Ling Chunann casually opened the car door and stepped out, leaning on the roof and waving to the two, "Good morning, you two."

Chu Yun's mouth twitched and without a word, she

 attacked Ling Chunann.

The antagonist was not the male lead and not a world support point, so she didn't worry about killing Ling Chunann after his death and wasn't concerned about punishment. Moreover, with the male lead now on her side, bound by a true name oath, she had no reservations.

Ling Chunann felt a surge of killing intent and darkness envelop him, though he had initially parked the car in a dead angle of the formation, temporarily safe but unable to linger for long.

He couldn't possibly drive away now, especially with Xia Lingyan inside the car; if she died in this killing formation, his mission would fail outright.

Chu Yun didn't care about that. Discovering Ling Chunann had chosen the formation's dead angle both annoyed and impressed her. She had only been in this world for two months, and the killing formation was vast. Although hastily arranged and although she had tried her best, a small dead angle had been left, which Ling Chunann had improbably discovered right away.

Thinking this, Chu Yun's eyes flashed with greed. It was rare to encounter such a clever tasker, and his energy points must be plentiful.

Ling Chunann slapped dozens of protective talismans on the car and then faced Chu Yun's onslaught.

The area of the formation's dead angle wasn't large, occupied partly by the car, leaving less than ten square meters free. Outside the dead angle, the sky was now filled with dark clouds, and the whole city seemed enveloped in death.

Zombie King's physical condition was naturally excellent, but Chu Yun, somehow enhancing her abilities, managed to fight him to a draw. Ling Chunann and Chu Yun exchanged hundreds of blows in an instant, neither gaining an advantage.

"Host, be careful of the male lead," 098 cautioned.

At that moment, Qi Yang stood behind the car, apparently not interfering with their fight but clearly up to no good.

Ling Chunann didn't respond and initiated a second round of attacks.

The two moved swiftly, and in the blink of an eye, several dozen more rounds passed. Ling Chunann had now nearly reached the killing formation's boundary line; one more step outward, and he would fall into it.

Chu Yun's expression remained composed, her actions growing fiercer. Ling Chunann found it increasingly difficult to cope, and finally, she pushed him into the killing formation with a palm strike.

Endless murderous energy greeted Ling Chunann like sharp sword blades, turning his complexion instantly pale as he spat out a mouthful of blood, clearly suffering serious internal injuries.

Chu Yun's face showed delight, ready to deliver the final blow, when suddenly she felt a pain in her chest. A hole had appeared over her heart—it was Qi Yang, who had been inactive until then. Her body weakened, and she knelt on the ground. "You, you..."

"Surprised I could swear by my true name yet still hurt you?" Qi Yang smirked, walking out from behind the car, looking pitifully at the tasker on the ground, and raised his gun to Chu Yun's temple. "Taskers' lives are indeed tenacious, too bad, who told you that a tasker necessarily has a true name?" He then pulled the trigger again.

A muffled sound followed, and Chu Yun fell to the ground with her eyes open.

As Chu Yun died, the killing formation gradually dissipated. Ling Chunann, bloodied, collapsed but was caught by a hand.

Qi Yang, while supporting Ling Chunann, looked at him with concern. "Cang Yu, Cang Yu, are you alright?"

"Cough, cough." Ling Chunann spat out a mouthful of blood, his voice hoarse. "I'm fine."

"Sorry, you and Chu Yun were moving too fast when fighting; I was afraid of missing and hitting you, so I fired late," Qi Yang said guiltily, blaming himself for Ling Chunann's injuries.

"I won't die for now." Ling Chunann spat out another mouthful of blood. "Help me into the car."

Qi Yang hurriedly helped Ling Chunann to the passenger seat, ignoring the still-sleeping women in the back. "How are you doing? Do you have any medicine in the car? I'll take you to the hospital."

"In the bag in my trunk," Ling Chunann said hoarsely.

"Alright, I'll get it." Qi Yang rushed down from the car.

"Host, are you alright?" 098 finally asked as the male lead left.

Ling Chunann closed his eyes. "Do I look like I'm alright?"

Looking at Ling Chunann's pitiful state, 098 seriously said, "Yes." More than just having a problem, he seemed close to death.

"Alright then." Ling Chunann shrugged. His injuries were not as severe as they appeared; he had actually bitten his tongue to spit out the blood. With his protective talismans and abnormal physique, he could have stayed in the incomplete killing formation for hours without a scratch if he had intended to protect himself. The wounds he displayed were superficial injuries he had deliberately allowed, which would heal in a few minutes.

"How did you know the male lead would attack the tasker? What if he had attacked you instead?" 098 pondered, still shaken by the earlier scene.

"I didn't know for sure," Ling Chunann replied. "I only knew he would definitely attack someone unharmed. By 'accidentally' stepping into the killing formation and getting seriously injured, I was an unexpected boon. After all, he still needs important things from Han Fenglian, and he still needs me to retrieve them, so I should be safe for now." Ling Chunann then changed the subject, "By the way, what's with his true name?"

The true name is bound to the soul of a tasker. Although Ling Chunann had guessed that Qi Yang might find a way to circumvent swearing by his true name, he hadn't expected him to be able to kill directly, which was quite bewildering.

"Replying to the host, I am currently unable to access that information; I've already submitted a bug report," 098 responded.

At that moment, Qi Yang returned with Ling Chunann's bag.


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