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Chapter 311

Ling Chunann arrived at the designated meeting point to find Chen Yue already waiting, with a large backpack whose contents were unknown. She was slightly surprised to see a car stop in front of her. "Cangyu, you can drive?"

"I mentioned in the group chat that I'd drive over," Ling Chunann replied as he rolled down the window. "Get in."

"Haha, I see. I've been a bit busy lately and haven't been keeping up with the messages. I just knew to wait here," said Chen Yue, a bit embarrassed.

She gestured for Chen Yue to put her backpack in the trunk and watched her get into the back seat before he started the engine again.

After sitting for a while, Chen Yue finally couldn't help but speak. "Cangyu, this car must be expensive, right? What does your family do?"

"It's my uncle's car; I'm borrowing it for a few days," Ling Chunann replied indifferently.

Since the traveler Chen Yue left, the two had not interacted much. However, it seemed she had reverted to her original character from the script.

Ling Chunann had picked a rather inconspicuous sedan from Han Fenglian's garage—not the usual one Han Fenglian drove—but it was still a rare good car. Chen Yue, who liked to compare, naturally recognized the car's emblem, hence her question.

For the next twenty minutes, Chen Yue kept asking about Ling Chunann’s uncle, much to 098’s annoyance. The previous traveler had been more likable, never prying into others' privacy and only doing things that benefited Ling Chunann, unlike the current nosy Chen Yue.

Fortunately, when the traveler left, she took her memories with her; otherwise, this Chen Yue might have caused some trouble.

Throughout the drive, Ling Chunann hardly responded to Chen Yue, leaving her feeling somewhat snubbed and discontent.

As the car slowly left the northern city area and approached the suburban villa district, Xia Linyan’s family’s home, a small detached villa, came into view. Xia Linyan and Qi Yang came out just as Ling Chunann arrived at the gate of the villa complex. They waved and quickly walked up to the car.

After greeting and storing the luggage, Qi Yang took the passenger seat, and Xia Linyan sat in the back.

"It will take about ten hours to Tang City. I'll take turns driving with Cangyu," Qi Yang suggested as he looked at the map on his phone.

The trip to Tang City had been Qi Yang's idea, which Ling Chunann was not particularly keen on. He preferred flying as it was quicker, but he was willing to play along with the main character’s plan and did not object to taking turns driving.

Throughout the journey, Qi Yang kept an eye on Ling Chunann, uncertain if this Zombie King was another task performer. Since losing the Soul Binding Device, he had felt restrained and worried that other task performers might report him if they learned about the device, possibly leading to his elimination.

As they neared Tang City, Qi Yang finally decided that no matter what, he had to kill these two suspected task performers—Cangyu and Chuyun. Now as the main character, it was only right for him to kill the antagonists.

Qi Yang's murderous intent flashed briefly, but Ling Chunann, who was sitting with his eyes closed in the passenger seat, felt it clearly. He did not even lift an eyelid; after all, it was not yet decided whose deer would die.

When they arrived in Tang City, it was already dark. The two girls in the back seat were quite exhausted, Xia Linyan yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Are we there yet?"

Xia Linyan was naturally beautiful, and her eyes looked particularly tender at that moment, eliciting sympathy. As a "faithful secret admirer," Ling Chunann blushed, "We're almost at the hotel." Qi Yang also paused, his expression softening, "Just a few more minutes, have some water and wake up a bit."

Seeing the two men's reactions, a dark shadow flickered in Chen Yue’s eyes.

Ten minutes later, Qi Yang parked the car at a crossroads and furrowed his brow.

"What’s wrong?" asked Chen Yue.

Xia Linyan touched her arm. "It's so cold. Why is there no one around? Have we passed this way before?"

Ling Chunann pushed up his glasses and remained silent.

It was only 9:30 PM. Although Tang City was not as developed as the Northern City, it was still a third-tier city and shouldn’t be deserted so early. A gust of wind blew through, carrying a few dry leaves across the crossroads, hitting the windshield and adding to the eerie atmosphere.

"Could it be we're experiencing a ghost hitting the wall?" Xia Linyan shivered, not trained in any mystic arts despite being

 a distant member of the Chu family.

As Xia Linyan mentioned "ghost hitting the wall," a plastic bag blew against the glass next to Chen Yue, who screamed in fright and clung to Xia Linyan, startling her slightly more composed companion.

Hearing the screams from behind, Ling Chunann turned to Xia Linyan. "It's just a plastic bag."

After realizing what was by the window, the two girls blushed and separated, embarrassed to have been frightened by a plastic bag.

Qi Yang became even more conflicled. "133, have you analyzed it yet?"

"Host, the antagonist's behavior is normal. However, you should be cautious, as your earlier actions could potentially expose your identity," replied 133.

Qi Yang's expression darkened. Indeed, it was unusual for him, known for his kindness and gentleness, not to have comforted the girls when they were scared, especially since one of them was currently romantically interested in him.

After composing himself, Qi Yang spoke seriously, "It doesn't seem like a ghost hitting the wall."

"What is it then?" asked Xia Linyan.

"I'm not sure," Qi Yang replied with a reassuring smile, "I'll go down and check." Without waiting for anyone to stop him, he got out of the car.

As Qi Yang left the car, both girls could barely hide their worry. Xia Linyan wanted to follow him but was held back by Chen Yue, while Ling Chunann also spoke up, "Don’t worry, Qi Yang will be fine."

Hearing Ling Chunann's reassurance, the two women calmed down a bit, then looked out the window, only to scream again in unison. Xia Linyan leaned out the window, "Where’s Qi Yang? He’s disappeared. Cangyu, maybe you should go and look."

"No, that's not good!" Chen Yue interjected. "What if Cangyu disappears too?"


After Qi Yang got out of the car, he cast an invisibility spell on himself. During his quick survey, he discovered that they were trapped in a Wan Gu Slaughter Formation, a sinister array he had once read about in another world. Regardless of its success, he believed no one in the city would survive the night.

The array was not set by him or Cangyu, so there could only be one other possibility: a task performer hidden in the shadows, aiming to catch them all at once.

Qi Yang sneered to himself. As the main character, he had an indestructible aura and was a pillar of this world; he doubted the other task performer would dare to kill him. Since they were so eager for death, he decided to oblige them first.

As Qi Yang left, 098 spoke up, "Host, Tang City has been turned into a giant array using the life force of the entire city as a pivot, with the array's heart likely being a person. To break the array, we need to find the array's heart. The main character has blocked my senses, and I don't know where he's gone."

"Do you know what kind of array it is?" Ling Chunann had felt something odd as soon as they entered Tang City, and even his divine sense was suppressed. Clearly, this was no ordinary array; it was vast and filled with killing intent.

"Host, I don't have any records of this array in my data. It seems to belong to another world, likely set up by another task performer. I can't detect the new task performer's presence," 098 replied, sounding guilty, as modern task performers knew how to use blockers.

"Okay, send me the distribution map of the array and the city layout map."

"Yes, Host."

The city's layout was cleverly designed, with the old and new districts forming a yin and yang, supplemented by radiation and mountain ranges—a perfect setup for a killing array. Since this was also a key location in the narrative, whether it was the main character or a task performer, it was highly likely they would come here. So, the task performer just had to set up the array and wait.

Ling Chunann examined the map while deducing the location of the array's heart. The array had been activated when they entered the city, clearly targeting the four of them. Given that the task performer had not yet acted, the array might not have been fully completed.

Based on his time with the main character, Ling Chunann had gotten a good read on his personality. He was probably out searching for the task performer now.

After ten more minutes without resolution from the two women, Ling Chunann finally figured out the array well enough. He checked the time, turned over, and climbed into the driver's seat, starting the car.

"Where are we going? Qi Yang hasn't come back yet," Xia Linyan was the first to react.

"This place is too scary, I want to leave. Cangyu, let's go back, I don’t want to visit the ancient tomb anymore," Chen Yue said.

"I'll wait here for Qi Yang. Cangyu, don’t drive!"

"Don’t drive, I want to go back!"

098 was annoyed by the quarreling in the car, and was also surprised by Ling Chunann’s unusual patience today. However, before a second passed, Ling Chunann snapped his fingers, and the noise from the back seat abruptly stopped.

The two women in the back fainted; Chen Yue rolled onto the floor, and Xia Liny

an’s head banged hard against the window, likely leaving a large bump.

098: "…The host really doesn’t know how to be gentle with women."

Following the calculated route, Ling Chunann drove through the city without encountering any more illusions, smoothly making his way to the city center.


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