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Chapter 284

"23333 I was just thinking today the brainless fans finally won over Mr. Qin, but then Mr. Qin showed up, the brainless fans must be spitting blood in anger."

"Work is not as important as Su Su, I'm set on this dog food."

"Brainless fan classmates must be spitting blood in laughter haha! This shows us taking advantage of others' misfortune is not right."

"A battle of the tycoons, brainless fans vs Mr. Qin, round n+1, Mr. Qin wins!"

"I feel sorry for the brainless fans."

"When does Su Su plan to marry Mr. Qin? I want to eat wedding candies."

"The one in front is too anxious, our Su Su is only 21 this year, still young, when I was twenty-one I was still studying."


Feeling fully satisfied after dominating his beloved's screen, Qin Mu and happily glanced over the fans' increasingly off-topic discussions, then under the resentful gaze of his subordinate, he picked up a document from a pile of files to start working on, hoping to finish work early and go home. Additionally, he should promote someone to help him deal with these messy tasks.

A week later, having finally finished his busy schedule, Qin Mu and Ling Chunann excitedly boarded the Welran International flight. After boarding, they realized that Ling Chunann chose the last row of seats in the economy class, on the very right side.

"Baby, why not sit in first class?" Qin Mu asked.

Ling Chunann looked at the man's long legs cramped between seats, showing him a dazzling smile, "Experiencing life."

Somehow feeling a chill, Qin Mu quickly changed the subject, "Baby, I can take a long rest next."


"After the award ceremony, we can stay in Welran for a few days. It's winter there now, and their Ice and Snow Kingdom is very beautiful."


"Baby, I recently found a new gem mine. After we return from Welran, I'll take you to see it."


Outside the window, the sky was a clear blue, but his beloved ignored him, leaving Qin Mu feeling wronged, "Baby, my legs are numb."

Ling Chunann finally reacted, glanced at Qin Mu's legs, "Shall I rub them for you?"

Qin Mu's eyes lit up, overjoyed, "Yes, please."

Ten minutes later, Qin Mu held Ling Chunann's hand, his expression very painful, his voice hoarse, his smile twisted beyond belief, "Baby, I'm fine now."

"Not numb anymore?" Ling Chunann asked with concern.

"Not numb." Qin Mu nodded.

"Was my massage comfortable?"

Looking at Ling Chunann's eager hands, Qin Mu was on the verge of tears, "Baby, I was wrong."

This emergency delayed the work Qin Mu had planned to complete in two days by a whole week. Today, he just managed to take a bath and hurried to the airport. Although he had informed Ling Chunann, it was indeed his fault.

But, the sight of his beloved being petulant was simply too adorable.

Seeing the man looking at him with a foolish smile again, Ling Chunann gave him an annoyed look, then glanced at the quiet cabin, gave him a look that promised a reckoning later, and closed his eyes to catch up on sleep.

Noticing Ling Chunann falling asleep, Qin Mu carefully covered him with a blanket, then gently pulled him a bit closer to make him sleep more comfortably.

After doing all this, Qin Mu's expression cooled down, thinking of last night's assassination, his eyes filled with killing intent. It seems he hadn't dealt with those people for too long.

Just then, Ling Chunann suddenly frowned in his sleep, seemingly about to wake up. Qin Mu quickly softened his expression, carefully placed Ling Chunann's head on his chest, gently patted his back, and when he saw him return to calm, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking back on Ling Chunann's expression before closing his eyes, Qin Mu felt both sweet and helpless at the same time. Indeed, no one in the world could be smarter than his beloved.

Welran International Airport.

A group of young men and women crowded at the airport exit, with white, black, and yellow skin tones, and languages from all over the world. They had been gathering since last night, and by now, the crowd had exceeded five thousand. Welran is famous, but the total population of the country is only thirty million, mostly white. Clearly, these people were not just locals, with most of them being of Asian descent.

However, besides their large numbers, they were quite orderly, hardly making any noise.

And now it's winter, with snow up to their knees outside. What exactly are these people here for?

Seeing the crowd continue to grow, even if orderly, the airport security staff couldn't help but be on full alert


Brown, the head of airport security, watching the continually increasing crowd, couldn't help but worry, "Bilson, go ask what they're here for?"

With the Welran International Music Festival around the corner, he had to be vigilant. Even international stars didn't attract this many fans.

Bilson, a cheerful young white man with a round face and dimples when he smiled, stood out among the stern-looking security staff because of his friendly appearance. Now, he efficiently used his social skills, and in a few minutes, got several people to answer.

"Reporting to the head, these people are here to pick someone up, apparently a singer from China, named... Su Su?" Bilson struggled to pronounce the name, foreign names were difficult for him, "But they promised to maintain order and not cause chaos."

Brown obviously didn't trust this promise. Which fan can remain calm upon seeing their idol? This Chinese star is too irresponsible, making such a big deal out of attending an awards ceremony, thinking he can actually win an award.

After smoking his last cigar in the smoking room, Brown made a decision and made a call, "Officer Lante, Welran International Airport needs order support."

After a ten-hour flight, the plane finally landed. As soon as they got off, Ling Chunann felt a blast of cold air, with light snow falling from the sky and the ground cleaned neatly. However, not far away, the rooftops were covered in white.

Before he could shiver, Ling Chunann was wrapped in a thick coat by Qin Mu, who quickly put a coat, scarf, gloves, and hat on him, wrapping him up tightly before pulling him towards the airport exit with satisfaction.

At the airport exit, fans who had been standing all day perked up upon hearing the news of the plane from China landing, their eyes full of excitement. The front row held up bright banners high, with a message in Chinese and an international language — "Su Su, we love you!"

Seeing the excited fans, Brown's face immediately soured. How did the plane arrive so quickly today? His reinforcements were still stuck on the road.

"Bilson, quick, find that person named Su and let her exit through the VIP passage!"


Bilson, who hurriedly left, passed by Ling Chunann.

"Baby, did you tell the fans you'd be here today?" Qin Mu was the first to see the banner.

"No, I just mentioned during a live stream that I'd arrive this week, but how..." Before he could finish, Ling Chunann saw the impressive group of fans at the exit. They were excited but didn't shout, just eagerly watched him, their faces red, either from excitement or from standing in the snow for too long.

Ling Chunann was a bit shocked and touched.

He approached the crowd and bowed deeply, "Thank you, everyone. Thank you."

"Su Su! We will always love you!"

"Su Su is the best!"

"Su Su, keep it up, we are your strong support!"

"Seeing Su Su and Mr. Qin together makes them even more of a match. It was worth traveling thousands of miles to wait here for days."

"Su Su looks even better in person than on screen. If people knew I saw Su Su from such a close distance, they'd be so jealous haha."

"Su Su reminded me to take cold medicine when I get back, Su Su cares about me! I'm so happy!"

"Su Su also told me to be careful and pay attention to safety when I leave, hehe."


Ling Chunann bowed countless times as he made his way through, taking over ten minutes to reach the end of the crowd with Qin Mu, then got into the car waiting to pick them up.

Watching the car slowly leave, the satisfied fans orderly left the scene.

Having searched in vain for the target, a dejected Bilson returned, "Eh? They left?"

"Yeah." This came from a deeply solemn Brown.

"Yeah." This was from a group of security staff who hadn't been of any use.

"Brown, old buddy, what happened?" After the last fan left, hundreds of fully armed police officers orderly and quickly entered the airport lobby.

Brown: "..."

In the car, Ling Chunann's eyes shone brightly, obviously in a good mood after the encounter with the fans. Although he had experienced such scenes many times before, he was still moved at the moment he saw them.

Tenderly touching Ling Chunann's red and cold little nose, Qin Mu turned up the heat in the car and then hugged him, "Baby, tired?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, "Not tired." He actually enjoyed interacting with his pure fans, or else he wouldn't occasionally livestream even now. Today's interaction wasn't long, so he wasn't tired.

"Baby, want to change the plan?" Qin Mu asked again.

Ling Chunann had planned to give up his identity as a

 female singer after winning the Best Female Singer award in Welran. He had discussed this plan with Qin Mu. Hearing this, he was puzzled, "Why change?"

Qin Mu rubbed Ling Chunann's soft hair, "I was just afraid baby couldn't bear to leave these cute fans."

"These fans like the goddess Su Su I portray, not me." Ling Chunann stated, "I can differentiate clearly." Although he portrayed a woman, it didn't mean he enjoyed wearing women's clothes.

Looking at his beloved's lips moving, Qin Mu couldn't help but lean closer, only to be pushed away without mercy by a fair, beautiful hand, "Baby?"

Glancing at the golden-haired driver in the front seat, Ling Chunann sat upright, "We'll settle this later."


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