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Chapter 280

The consequence of being naughty was that Ling Chunann ended up lying in bed for three whole days, and that was only because he was finally so exhausted that he fell asleep, allowing Qin Muhe to let him go.

Waking up once again with a sore back and aching waist, Ling Chunann decided to ban that guy from the bed for a week. It's a world with ordinary human bodies, yet how come his vitality is still so strong?

Qin Muhe, completely unaware of the crisis, approached actively to offer his care as soon as Ling Chunann woke up, "Are you hungry, baby? Tired? Have some water first."

Ling Chunann touched the cup and turned his face away with annoyance, "It's hot."

Qin Muhe retracted the cup, which was at the perfect temperature, with a good-natured attitude, "I'll blow on it. There, baby."

Ling Chunann frowned again, "Now it's too cold."

With an expression full of indulgence, Qin Muhe found the pouting baby irresistibly cute, "I'll get another cup."

Half a minute later, Qin Muhe brought back another cup of water. Ling Chunann finally took a few sips, "My back hurts."

Putting the cup aside, Qin Muhe eagerly volunteered, "I'll give you a massage."

After tormenting the man for a while, Ling Chunann finally felt satisfied and climbed out of bed, heading towards the piano room. He still had one song left unfinished.

Since the photo incident last time, there had been several groundless accusations against Ling Chunann. However, thanks to timely interventions by Xinghuang (Star Emperor), no major controversies arose. Instead, these incidents even earned him a substantial loyal fan base.

Although Chen Ziyao hadn't made any public appearances during these incidents, the fans, now with a strong sense of hostility, wouldn't let her off. Without solid evidence but fueled by rich imagination—a quintessential human trait—the situation got worse, especially since Xinghuang had quite a good relationship with many media outlets.

Thus, under the pressure of public opinion, Chen Ziyao had a tough time. She couldn't ignore these rumors like Ling Chunann, nor did she have an agency fully on her side. Despite her popularity, she was insignificant within the vast entertainment company Chengguang. So, she reduced her public appearances and even seldom went to school, unable to bear being pointed at and whispered about.

With the Jin Feng Award approaching, the focus finally shifted away from Chen Ziyao. But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a new piece of news shocked her.

"New Female Singer Goddess Maliciously Defamed, The Puppet Master Turns Out to Be Another Rising Star?"

Although the headline wasn't sensational, it came from the most authoritative entertainment media in the country. The "New Female Singer Goddess" was clear in Chen Ziyao's mind, and the other person... was it her?

Chen Ziyao's face paled as she opened the webpage.

"Regarding the recent sponsorship scandal, it surely rings a bell for everyone. Although it was only spread for half an hour, the Weibo post reached over five million shares, causing significant damage to Su Su's reputation. After investigation, the law enforcement has now categorized it as malicious slander. The rumor starter, Wang, admitted to being hired by a man to spread the rumors. After extensive investigations, law enforcement has identified the suspect as Chen, who is the agent of the current rising star."

Following this statement was a photo of a man with his face blurred. Chen Ziyao recognized him as Chen Xingyu.

"As everyone knows, this year's hottest newcomers in the music industry, Su Su and Chen Ziyao, belong to Xinghuang and Chengguang respectively. Undoubtedly, both are rare talents in the music world. Now, with the Jin Feng Award around the corner..."

Chen Ziyao couldn't bring herself to read further. Grabbing her coat, she stormed out the door.

Upon opening the door, she ran into a weary Chen Xingyu.

"Why didn't you let the male lead stay in jail for a few more days? Letting him off so easily is too cheap. He dared to smear the host!" 098 complained indignantly.

"It's more fun to have him out here." Ling Chunann replied with a smile.

Seeing Ling Chunann's expression, 098 shrank back, deciding it was better not to meddle. It turned its attention to how the male lead was doing instead.

Chen Xingyu didn't expect his actions, despite being so secretive, to still be exposed. Thinking about the hefty compensation he just paid made him even angrier. That despicable person! Rubbing his sore temples, he was about to unlock his door when it swung open from inside, revealing his sister, Chen Ziyao, "Are you going out?"


en Ziyao, standing at the door, immediately noticed the paparazzi following Chen Xingyu. Her expression soured, but she didn't move aside, "Where have you been just now?"

"Let me in first, we'll talk slowly."

"Did you do it? Did you send someone to smear Su Su?"

Chen Xingyu's voice turned cold, "Are you questioning me? The entertainment industry isn't clean to begin with. That photo was real, and her climbing into the bed of Xinghuang's CEO is a fact. If we couldn't beat her today, it's only because we're not as powerful as Xinghuang. One day, I'll step on her and Xinghuang, rest assured, you're my sister, I won't harm you."

As Chen Xingyu spoke, Chen Ziyao's face turned pale, and her gaze filled with strangeness, "You used to tell me not to associate with Su Su, and I listened. You told me to leave Songguo live streaming for Chengguang, and I followed because I knew you wouldn't harm me. You're my brother. But I never thought you would stoop to such lows, using any means to achieve your goals. Isn't this what you always hated? I just don't understand, what did Su Su ever do to you? You two don't even know each other!" After saying this, she slammed the door shut.

"Counterattack Value +5%, current value at 50%. Please continue to work hard, host."

"Host, the male lead's sister has broken ties with him."

Since Ling Chunann's first album reached diamond sales, increasing the counterattack value to 45%, it hadn't risen. Now, it finally moved, and 098 was excited. It was correct to let the male lead out.

Ling Chunann wasn't surprised. Though he hadn't really interacted with Chen Ziyao, he had watched her live streams for a while. She had tried to reach out to him several times, and as long as she didn't blindly follow her brother's words, this girl was indeed a righteous and good person.

Not long after 098 reported, Chen Ziyao released an apology statement and privately terminated her contract with Chen Xingyu, severing their ties completely.

After issuing the apology, Chen Ziyao didn't read the comments. She knew that once this statement was released, her career in the industry might be over, and her dream of music might come to an end.

But she had no regrets.

Ling Chunann carefully read Chen Ziyao's apology. Clearly, it was written by herself. Though not well-written, it was sincere. She didn't try to absolve herself or blame Chen Xingyu, but took all responsibility on herself, showing a determination to cut losses.

The post quickly trended, with mixed comments. Some accused her of being pretentious, while others praised her willingness to correct her mistakes. Ling Chunann read a few comments before closing the page.

Chen Xingyu, with red eyes and furious, smashed his computer. He couldn't believe Chen Ziyao had gone this far, essentially ruining her own future. Just as his career was taking off, she was his first and only star. Many artists had joined his studio because of Chen Ziyao's fame. Now that she was gone, what was he supposed to do?

At that moment, several intern artists knocked on his office door, "Boss, I want to end my internship."

"Boss, sorry, my family doesn't allow me to enter the entertainment industry. I might not be able to come to work tomorrow."

"Boss, I..."

"With less than three artists remaining in the studio, the system will reclaim reward devices and close certain permissions. Please strive to upgrade, host."

Hearing the system's cold reminder, Chen Xingyu's face turned both green and white, yelling, "Get out!"

The artists seemed frightened by Chen Xingyu's appearance, "Boss?"

"I said get out!" Chen Xingyu's eyes were bloodshot.

They turned and left.

"What's so great about being a small studio boss?"

"Exactly, he can write a few songs. So what? He doesn't let us sing them, staying here is useless."

"No matter how good the songs are, it's pointless if the person is of bad character. Chen Ziyao was really ruined by him this time."

Listening to their discussions as they left, Chen Xingyu slumped down, exhausted, "001, did I really do something wrong?"

"Please strive to upgrade, host."

The annual Jin Feng Award ceremony began amidst high anticipation.

The celebrities walking the red carpet were all well-known stars in the music industry, greeting the cameras with their best smiles.

As the next guest was announced, the male presenter's voice filled with excitement, "Up next is this year's undisputed new goddess of the music

world. Her first album achieved diamond sales! Let's call out her name together!"

"Su Su!!!"

"Godess Su Su!!"

"Su Su!!"

However, the first to emerge from the car wasn't the eagerly awaited Ling Chunann, but a tall, handsome man with an imposing aura that was almost intimidating.

"Who is he?"

"I haven't seen him in the news before."

"Why is he coming out of my goddess's car?"

"Does this mean the goddess has a boyfriend now?"

"He's so handsome!"

In the flurry of camera flashes, Qin Muhe calmly walked to the other side of the car and opened the door for Ling Chunann.

Ling Chunann stepped down, dressed in a fitted, beige, long gown with a high collar, his hair neatly done up to reveal a flawless complexion. The elegant gown accentuated his dignified and noble appearance, embodying the goddess image in everyone's mind. Unfortunately, he was a master of cross-dressing.

Well, nobody seemed to notice.

Ling Chunann shot a discreet glare at this persistent companion, receiving in return a smile so tender it could drown someone. He took Qin Muhe's arm and stepped onto the red carpet.


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