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Chapter 273

In the following months, Ling Chunann was busy preparing for his first new album. Occasionally, when he had time, he would also stream live. Although the timing of his streams was unpredictable, with "Mr. Qin," a wealthy fan, wildly making his presence felt, Ling Chunann could easily top the popularity charts every time without any competition from top-tier celebrities, despite not being signed and without platform endorsements.

Ling Chunann had scolded Qin Muhu for his wasteful spending several times, but seeing that he didn’t change his ways, he let him be, given Qin Muhu had more money than he could ever spend.

During this time, Songguo Live had sent Ling Chunann numerous contract offers, all of which seemed to disappear into a black hole. After another live session, Lin Song, the deputy general manager of Songguo Live, could no longer contain his frustration and complained to the composed President He Nan, "President, this is too much. We’ve even offered the highest contract, and she still ignores us. She really has a big appetite."

"Yes, President, it’s been three months. We’ve sent her hundreds of invitations. She couldn’t possibly have missed them."

"I've tried everything. I'm out of ideas on what to say. The least she could do is reply to us," the administrator responsible for sending messages lamented.

Hearing his subordinates' complaints and thinking about the email he received the day before, He Nan massaged his temple, "Enough, quiet down, and don't forget your jobs."

"But this Su Su is too arrogant!"

"She’s streaming under our platform and won’t even reply to a single message."

"If you ask me, we should just ban her account and see how she acts then!"

He Nan’s expression darkened, "Enough. If you don’t want to be docked pay, go back to your work immediately."

Seeing the boss angry, the employees who were just indignant a moment ago quickly left the conference room.

He Nan understood the limitations of the live streaming industry, having worked in it for years. It was not easy to grow from nothing to where he is now. The competition in the industry was fierce, and its audience was not as broad as big screens or television. The reason Songguo Live had come so far was partly due to luck—he had seized an opportunity at the right time.

However, now, although he was reluctant to admit it, Songguo Live was clearly on the decline. Despite the significant increase in traffic and revenue over the past few months, anyone with a bit of sense knew who was responsible for this.

And the information mentioned in that email was indeed tempting. Songguo Live was his creation, his baby, and he didn’t want it to stop here.

With that thought, He Nan picked up the phone, "Hello, Mr. Qin, I’ve made my decision, but I have a condition."

After finishing the call with Qin Chu, who was acting as his agent, Ling Chunann turned to see Qin Muhu also hanging up the phone.

Before Ling Chunann could ask, Qin Muhu honestly confessed, "Baby, I’ve bought Songguo Live."

Ling Chunann leaned back against the man, yawning, "You should have done this earlier. How much money was wasted over these months."

Qin Muhu’s expression softened a lot. He hugged Ling Chunann to make him more comfortable and gently stroked his smooth hair, "Baby, I have to go on a business trip to Country A tomorrow."

"Hm?" Ling Chunann mumbled, rubbing against the man, "For how many days?"

"A week," Qin Muhu replied.

Ling Chunann, now a bit more awake, looked up at Qin Muhu, "Okay, I'll start recording the MV tomorrow, so I won’t see you off. Come back soon."

Qin Muhu knew Ling Chunann wouldn’t accompany him, but he was still slightly disappointed. He leaned down, thinking of scolding him, but seeing the tiredness in his eyes, his heart softened. He gently kissed his lips and carefully laid him down, "Sleep well, baby."

The next day, when Ling Chunann woke up, Qin Muhu had already left. Smiling at the note the man left behind, Ling Chunann just changed clothes when he heard a knock on the door, "Miss Su, breakfast is ready."

Seeing Ling Chunann opening the door, Qin Chu bowed respectfully, "Mr. Qin instructed me to take care of your meals for these few days."

"Thank you." Ling Chunann smiled at him, then walked to the dining table. The breakfast was prepared by Qin Muhu before he left. Ling Chunann had a small bowl of porridge, then put down the bowl under Qin Chu’s hesitant gaze.

Although Ling Chunann no longer resisted eating other foods, he wasn’t a big eater. Previously

, with Qin Muhu watching, he could eat a bit more, but now with Qin Muhu gone, he preferred not to trouble himself. As for how Qin Chu would report to Qin Muhu, it wasn’t his concern.

"How’s An Yu’s training going?" Ling Chunann asked the butler who was clearing the table.

"She has made great progress in acting." Qin Chu replied, "She can debut soon. Do you have any instructions, Miss Su?"

"Mm, I hope she can play the female lead in my MV." Ling Chunann answered with a smile.

An Yu had a good image, excellent temperament, and was hardworking. With a seemingly deep background, she thrived in Xinghuang Entertainment over the past few months without feeling the dirty environment of the entertainment industry she feared before. She was grateful to Ling Chunann, the trailblazer, and thus trained even harder. She was smart enough to quickly combine the knowledge she had learned at school with the instructions from her teachers, and her acting skills were now quite impressive.

"An Yu, come here."

"Teacher Chen, may I know what it is?"

Facing this excellent student, even Chen Lu, known as the Iron-faced Yama, couldn’t keep a stern face, "An Yu, your training is almost over, and the company will soon arrange your debut. However, there’s a task for you before that."

"What task?" An Yu was a bit puzzled.

All the songs in Ling Chunann’s first album were his own work, with quality assured by 098 and his production team, naturally passing muster.

Now, all ten songs were recorded, leaving only the MV to be produced. According to Qin Muhu, this was his darling’s first album, and every aspect had to be perfected. Therefore, not only the producers but also the post-production team were among the world’s renowned, even the MV director was a top-tier one.

However, this director was apparently not the easiest to deal with.

When Ling Chunann arrived, Liang Wei Quan was yelling at a young, handsome man in a school uniform on the basketball court, "I can’t believe how you got to where you are today! Did your brain migrate to a pig? I asked for a sunny smile, look at that bitter face of yours, someone might think you’re going to a funeral!"

"Cut! Cut! Look at the camera! The camera! Did glue stick your eyes shut, or did a wasp sting you? Don’t you know where the camera is? Everyone, take a fifteen-minute break!"

"Miss Su, that’s Ye Fan, the current popular actor, the male lead for the second song of your album. The other is Director Liang Wei Quan, who has won several international best director awards," Qin Chu introduced, then glanced at Ling Chunann, "It's just that he has a bit of a temper." This director was personally chosen by Ling Chunann. Qin Chu didn’t understand why Ling Chunann would choose the most difficult one among so many easy-going directors, but he didn’t ask further.

At that moment, the crew also noticed the arrival of the two. Qin Chu was a well-known big boss at Xinghuang Entertainment, recognized by everyone. Ling Chunann might look unfamiliar, but seeing Qin Chu a step behind her, it was clear that this girl was no ordinary person. Moreover, she had a face that was a gift from heaven. After one look at her, everyone couldn’t help but think, no wonder Ye Fan was staring blankly just now.

Liang Wei Quan also saw Qin Chu, his face slightly less stern, though not by much. He waved everyone back to their work and came forward to greet them.

"Director Liang, hello, I’m Su Su." Ling Chunann took the initiative to speak.

"Hello, young lady." Liang Wei Quan always had a soft spot for polite young people, "Go to make-up." Then, after another look, "Never mind, with your current look, no need for makeup. Go over the script, the next shot is yours."

Ling Chunann was wearing a long apricot-yellow dress, with hair down to her waist and light makeup, fitting the campus fresh style of the storyline. Liang Wei Quan was clearly satisfied with her appearance.

After Ling Chunann left, Qin Chu and Liang Wei Quan moved aside to talk.


Just as Ling Chunann sat down, a male voice rang in his ear, belonging to the male lead who had been scolded red-faced, and also the faithful little brother of the original male lead. He was one of the reasons Ling Chunann came today.

Seeing Ling Chunann look over, Ye Fan touched his head somewhat awkwardly, his face reddening, "Um, Su Su, I’ve watched your livestream. You sing really well."

098: "The host, his Songguo Live’s alt is ‘Su

Su’s brain-dead fan’." This alt had been competing with Qin Muhu for months.

"Thank you, you sing very well too." Ling Chunann smiled, his eyes curving, "I really like your song ‘The Sky Has No Wings’. I’ve listened to it many times."

098: That's because you accidentally put it on loop and fell asleep. In fact, you've probably only listened to it consciously once.

However, Ye Fan couldn’t hear 098’s thoughts, so he was currently surprised and delighted, "Really? I also like this song the most." Then, a bit dejectedly, "It was originally planned to be the lead single, but the company seemed to think it was too ordinary and pushed it back. By the way, I’ve listened to a few songs from your new album. They’re really good. You’ll definitely be super popular once the album is released."

For the next ten minutes, Ye Fan kept chattering, with Ling Chunann occasionally responding until the director called for work to start, and he then straightened his expression and walked towards the field.

"Good luck!" Ling Chunann cheered for Ye Fan, who looked back at him.

The big boy’s eyes lit up, his expression a bit silly, "Okay!"

"Increase in reversal value +5%, current reversal value is 30%. Please continue to work hard, host."

The host actually used a beauty trap, and 098’s first thought was... it’s a good thing the boss isn’t here today.


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