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Chapter 500: The Magic Network System, Creating a Magic Civilization Where Everyone Can Be a Wizard!

What is a wizard? To this day, the Council has yet to come up with an accurate definition, but generally, individuals with the talent to manipulate magical power, who can learn and apply laws, are known as wizards.

Training a formal wizard is no easy feat. Talent alone can eliminate many, with an average training time of over ten years! Such significant restrictions, coupled with the lengthy time required, make it difficult to increase the number of wizards.

Even combining all the wizards within the entire Council and the Empire, there are less than twenty thousand.

Lynn's mass production of wizards plan aims to develop a new system for promoting wizards, breaking through the limitations of talent. All the poor, through the learning and accumulation of knowledge, can have the opportunity to become wizards.

"Turning the magically untalented poor into wizards? How is that possible?" the councilors expressed disbelief upon hearing Lynn's plan for mass-producing wizards.

"Why not?" Lynn retorted.

"How can they cast magic without magical power? With the shallow mental strength of a poor person, they probably can't even form the most basic Zero-Ring Spell slot," a tall and thin grand wizard challenged.

"Then give them magical power and help them form spell slots, right?!" Lynn replied casually.

"Nonsense!" the tall and thin grand wizard was so infuriated he almost choked.

Give them magical power? How? It's not like you can just eat bread and digest it.

Not to mention the outrageous notion of helping others form spell slots.

Although this Star of Magic had always had some astonishing ideas, at least they were somewhat logical. This time, however, it was beyond 'astonishing'; it was pure fantasy. By this logic, couldn't everyone become a wizard?

Even Rafael and Alade, great wizards familiar with Lynn, frowned upon hearing this.

Lynn, feeling somewhat helpless since he had outlined the specifics in the proposal, which none had fully read before rushing to give their suggestions, simply shook his head and said, "It is indeed possible. In fact, my preliminary experiments have already been successful!"

Seeing Lynn's confidence, even claiming preliminary success, the previously noisy meeting room suddenly quieted down, looking at him with skepticism and curiosity.

"Are you referring to Lydia?" Aurora quickly guessed whom Lynn was talking about.

The councilors, of course, knew who Lydia was.

The only halfling wizard in the entire Magic Kingdom!

Also, a disciple of Lynn, the Star of Magic, and the creator of new-style airships and fighter jets, she was quite famous within the Council!

It was well known that halflings have no magical talent, yet Lydia managed to pass the academy's assessment and successfully cast magic.

Previously, Rafael and others thought this was a special case, as it was not impossible for one or two geniuses to emerge from a race.

It wasn't until Aurora, the Speaker, mentioned it that they all realized Lydia might have become a wizard because of the experiment Lynn mentioned!

Realizing this, more and more wizards began to pay attention and flipped through the proposal in their hands, while Lynn explained further.

"I think among you, quite a few have read the 'Analysis and Research Report on Divine Power Energy'. The magical network system I created is based on the pseudo-god's divine system…"

Clergy of the Holy Church differ from wizards in that they don't need to learn knowledge, and the magic power in their bodies is bestowed by "Aila". Their daily task is to exercise their spirit through specific prayer rituals to increase devotion to the Lord.

Only cardinals and higher-ranking officials need to possess spiritual talent; ordinary priests and bishops can serve with just devout faith.

Lynn's magical network system, of course, is not measured by faith, but by knowledge!

In his vision, citizens of the empire could enter civilian academies to learn the most basic courses such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and spell formations. Those who successfully pass the assessments qualify to be integrated into the magical network. With the network's computational power and the knowledge mastered in the academy, they could form spell slots in their sea of consciousness and become proud wizard apprentices.

They would then need to continue into higher wizard academies to study more advanced courses. Upon graduation, the magical network would grant them higher computational power privileges, allowing them to use some low-level spells like formal wizards.

This is the limit, similar to the divine system; a person without any talent, despite a lifetime of effort, would find it difficult to reach the levels of a grand wizard or cardinal.

Of course, the magical world is full of possibilities. If someone could further refine and improve the efficiency of meditation, perhaps there's a chance for further advancement.

For those unable to pass the assessments, they naturally have to give up. If they can't even master basic knowledge, it means they're not suitable to become wizards. They can transform into technical workers or something, as there's

a shortage of people everywhere right now.

Lynn's explanation was very detailed. With Aila's divine system as a precedent, it was easier to understand.

If the Church focuses all believers' computational power on Aila herself, exploiting it vigorously, then the magical network is a mutual aid platform. Each person contributes a portion of computational power, which is aggregated and distributed to the end-users, enabling those who originally couldn't cast spells to do so.

Obviously, the key component here is the magical network itself as the terminal that aggregates computational power.

This was the only information Lynn kept hidden, but no one raised objections.

Because newly researched spells belong to the individual wizard's wealth, unless the person is willing to disclose their principles, no one has the right to demand their sharing.

"Can this really work?" Harof couldn't help frowning. In Aila's divine system, believers could only provide computational power, and although priests and bishops could also release divine spells through their connection with the deity, they are, after all, rare and supported by the many.

Lynn plans for every person connected to the magical network to be a spell caster. If everyone draws on computational power to cast spells, wouldn't that create chaos?

"The magical network itself possesses tremendous computational power, a result of my colleagues at the Mystical Arts Society and my research on consciousness. Moreover, we can establish relevant regulations, such as limiting the number of spells cast per day…" Lynn explained confidently, having considered this issue.

On a daily basis, the magical network assists these 'wizards' in casting spells, and when necessary, he could draw on these people's computational power to amplify his own, a mutually beneficial arrangement...

"Wouldn't there be a risk of faith poisoning?" Rafael hesitated to ask.

"They don't need to believe in a person, where would faith poisoning come from?" Alade retorted before Lynn could respond.

Lynn smiled and didn't reply. While there's no issue with faith poisoning, the complex thoughts and distractions from so many people, even for a legendary wizard, might be unbearable. This is where the smart brain comes in.

"Since this is an imitation of the divine system, could we directly bestow magic like the Church's priests do?" Tiek suddenly thought of this.

The councilors also looked forward to Lynn's response with anticipation.

Constructing spell slots is not an easy task. If this were feasible, wouldn't that mean they could easily learn any magic?

"It's possible, but what we need isn't a bunch of low-level spell-casting cannon fodder," Lynn shrugged, indicating his true intention was to cultivate research personnel and high-end technical workers in cutting-edge fields!

Constructing spell slots is an excellent method to exercise mental strength and verify the correctness of one's own knowledge and theories, a step that cannot be replaced.

The councilors' questions were raised one after another, and Lynn's magical network system completely overturned everyone's understanding, leaving many feeling somewhat unable to accept it.

The voices of opposition and support were evenly divided.

Some thought this was a good way to enhance the overall strength of the Council and increase the number of wizards, while others questioned its dangers, believing that aggregating so much computational power could lead to unforeseen risks...

Some were completely against it, rejecting the implementation of the magical network and believing that those who rely on external forces to cast spells were not true wizards, deeming it a blasphemy against magic!

The voices of opposition were more numerous than Lynn had anticipated. As for the reason, he was well aware that such a promotion system infringed on the interests of existing wizards.

Previously, only the favored ones could become formal wizards, even apprentices were superior, with talent determining everything. Now, even those without magical talent, after serious study, have the potential to become wizards, causing some to feel uneasy.

Naturally, Lynn also had a solution, and he immediately smiled. "In fact, this magical network system is not only beneficial to ordinary poor people but also plays a significant role for wizards."

"Gordon, if I remember correctly, you've been stuck at the level of a Three-Ring wizard for over ten years, right?" Lynn looked at one of the most vehemently opposed councilors and said teasingly. "In my view, your chances of breaking through to a grand wizard on your own are slim to none."

Hearing this, the man named Gordon's face turned dark, but he couldn't refute because he was well aware of this fact.

Three years ago, he had spent all his wealth on a grand wizard promotion ceremony and failed miserably, barely escaping with his life and haunted by psychological trauma since.

Lynn's comment wasn't just for mockery; he quickly explained another benefit of the magical network.

For people like Gordon, who have reached the limit of a Three-Ring wizard, just leveraging the magical network's enhancement could allow their mental strength to briefly surpass their current level, feeling the power of higher levels in advance, thus greatly increasing the likelihood of advancement.

His rapid progress

was definitely attributed to the smart brain's computational power boost!

"Are you certain, Speaker Lynn?" Tiek stood up excitedly from his seat.

Like Tiek, many councilors were equally astonished. Even Gordon, who had just been mocked, couldn't care less about that minor conflict at the moment, focusing intensely on Lynn, as there were too many wizards trapped at the level of a grand wizard, unable to advance.

If becoming a formal wizard was one hurdle, then becoming a grand wizard was another. The Council's wizard population had already surpassed twenty thousand, but there weren't even a hundred grand wizards!

"I'm very sure," Lynn nodded, then poured cold water on their excitement. "However, the magical network can only allow you to temporarily feel the realm of a Four-Ring wizard, not directly help you advance."

"That's more than enough!" Tiek asserted confidently.

The rest of the councilors were also extremely excited, firmly believing they were only a small step away from becoming grand wizards, and the magical network could help bridge this gap.

To this idea, Lynn just smiled. This was like winning the lottery; after he increased the odds of winning, everyone believed they would be the lucky one!

The redemption of interests clearly worked better than any argument! After Lynn outlined another use for the magical network, the councilors, who were initially divided on implementing the mass production of wizards plan, suddenly underwent a complete turnaround in attitude.

The three Speakers hadn't participated in the earlier discussion but had seriously finished reading Lynn's proposal.

This plan was almost beneficial to every level of wizard. Apprentices could directly become formal wizards with the help of the magical network's computational power, while Three-Ring wizards could use it to increase their chances of advancing to grand wizards.

And grand wizards could rely on the magical network's computational power boost to ease their advancement to legendary status, shaping energy and magical bodies in the future.

"Besides unknown risks, I can't think of a reason to reject it," Harof was the first to voice his opinion. Although this method was a replica of the divine system, it was much more benign in implementation.

"I personally agree with this plan. If magic and that moon deity truly originate from the other side of the space-time gate, then it would indeed pose a great threat," Aurora said worriedly.

As Lynn mentioned, they need the capability to mass-produce, continuously 'manufacturing' wizards to cope with the increasingly complex situation ahead.

"I think we can conduct some preliminary experiments. If there are no problems, then consider implementing it on a larger scale," Victorio was more cautious but also agreed.

With the three Speakers' endorsement, coupled with nearly 95% of councilors' strong support, the implementation of the magical network was unsurprisingly approved.

A smile curled on Lynn's lips.

Considering the empire had a population of twenty million, if one-twentieth of the people were of eligible age and passed the assessment to join the system, that would be one million users of the magical network!

Such a vast amount of computational power support might allow his mental strength to leap to a new level.

Of course, this was a plan for the next three to five years, with the deployment of magic power bases and the popularization of knowledge requiring a significant amount of time.

In the short term, what could be achieved was integrating the computational power of the twenty thousand wizards within the empire.

Then, with Aila possessing divinity and him controlling the smart brain and the magical network, a battle was not out of the question!


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