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Chapter 243

098 was startled: "Host, the male lead has seen you!"

"Yes, I saw him too," Ling Chunann replied.

Suddenly, 098 didn't know what to say. Its intention was to urge Ling Chunann to run away, but clearly, Ling Chunann had no intention of hiding. In fact, he even smiled at Yun Zehan.

Yun Zehan noticed the child not far away and smiled back subconsciously, nodding as a greeting before shifting his attention to a girl who had run up to him, only to find the child had disappeared when he looked again.

"Ah Han, what are you looking at?"

The girl's energetic voice brought Yun Zehan back to reality. He shook his head, "Nothing, is the inn booked? Let's go."

"Host, the male lead didn't recognize you just now?" 098 sighed.

Ling Chunann smiled, "Seems like it, quite lucky."

098: "......" It didn't believe it.

"Really," Ling Chunann said, "It seems I guessed right."

"What?" 098 was curious.

"The original text mentioned Yun Ze was disfigured when he was taken back to the Yun family in his previous life, and it was Yun Zehan who found a doctor to cure his face," Ling Chunann happily analyzed to 098, "However, after the male lead was reborn, he did not recognize Yun Ze, but recognized him by a jade pendant."

"Your meaning is, his appearance in both lives is different!" 098 instantly realized. Cultivation, especially demonic cultivation, could easily change a person's appearance.

"098, you guessed wrong," Ling Chunann said with a smile, "It should be that his appearance before and after the disfigurement is different. You forgot that in the plot, after the male lead was reborn and went down the mountain to experience, he acted strangely when he heard an auction was auctioning a strange pill."

098: "......" Even if it remembered, how could it think of so much? Moreover, to link so much information together for analysis, it's just an ordinary support system.

Then, Ling Chunann didn't speak to 098 anymore and entered the next street at a leisurely pace. This street was also bustling, but the items sold were exceptionally fresh, with cultivators coming and going.

"North Sea Spirit Chapter Demon Pill, a must-have for alchemy, don't miss out, only 100 medium spirit stones, a tearful clearance sale!"

"Ten thousand year ginseng, just picked! Five hundred medium spirit stones, non-negotiable, take it or leave it!"


Ling Chunann looked at each stall, spirit pets, magic treasures, pills, and spirit plants were available in all varieties, with many cultivators stopping before stalls, picking here and there, and even haggling passionately, quite lively.

This was Ling Chunann's first contact with such a market, but he didn't stay too long at any stall, just walked forward at an even pace.

"Host, we should leave," 098 said. This place was somewhat dangerous for a child without cultivation, didn't you see those two cultivators bargaining so fiercely they were about to fight?

Ling Chunann didn't respond to 098, stopping in front of a stall, realizing the host's intention, 098 quieted down.

The stall owner was an old man with a youthful appearance. In front of him was a pile of seemingly broken items mixed with several shiny beads. A handsome young cultivator was picking out the beads one by one, finally asking, "Senior, what are these beads? They're pretty but seem to have no spiritual energy."

The old man barely lifted his eyebrows, lazily muttering, "Marbles played by mortal children."

Hearing they were from the mortal world, the young man lost interest, put down the beads, and left.

Ling Chunann squatted where the young man had been, playing with the beads interestedly. Perhaps hearing the noise, the old man lifted his eyelids, then closed them again, "If the young friend likes them, take them."

"But I have no money," Ling Chunann blinked.

"Take them," the elder repeated.

Ling Chunann showed a smile, picked a bead, "Thank you, Grandpa." He searched his pocket, then took out a handful of candies, "This is for you."

The old man glanced at Ling Chunann and accepted the candy.

"Counterattack value +5%, current counterattack value is 5%, please continue to work hard, host."

098, who watched the whole process, was dumbfounded.

A few candies for a fairy weapon, this was too unbelievable.

Even the male lead obtained this fairy weapon after a life-and-death struggle from a demonic cultivator, but Ling Chunann got it so easily.

"I just came to try my luck," Ling Chunann said to 098

with a smile.

"Host, you're really lucky." Though saying so, 098 completely didn't believe it was just luck.

"Yes," Ling Chunann seriously replied.


This bead was called the Water Spirit Bead, a golden finger for the male lead in the later stages of the original text. It was said to be bought by a loose cultivator from the Ling Market of Linxian City and was accidentally activated, causing a huge commotion. The holder hadn't even had time to be happy before being killed by nearby cultivators rushing over.

After changing hands several times, it finally fell into the male lead's hands. For Ling Chunann to get it so easily, 098 felt like it was dreaming, but then again, it was all thanks to the host's intelligence. Getting it was all because the host was too smart!

Thinking this way, 098 completely let go.

After staying in Linxian City for a few days, Ling Chunann followed the crowd towards the Jianling Sect.

Jianling Sect recruits once every five years, with an age limit of ten to seventeen years old. So, although Ling Chunann was small, he wasn't particularly noticeable in the crowd. However, 098 nervously noticed the male lead looking back at Ling Chunann several times from not far ahead. Could he recognize the host?

But until they reached the gate of Jianling Sect, the male lead didn't greet Ling Chunann, which relieved 098.

As one of the top cultivation sects in the Lantian Realm, Jianling Sect's requirements for recruiting newcomers were naturally strict. Willpower, perception, and temperament couldn't be lacking, and these were tested first. Unlike other sects which valued spiritual roots most, Jianling Sect tested them last, accepting anyone without a wasted spiritual root.

By the time they reached the Jianling Sect gate, nearly thousands of youths from various countries and regions had gathered. Some came from cultivation families, others from small towns, but at this moment, everyone was unconsciously nervous.

Ling Chunann glanced at Yun Zehan, and their eyes met. Ling Chunann didn't panic but showed him a big smile.

Seeing Ling Chunann's smile, Yun Zehan's eyes flickered, and just as the test began, he realized he had subconsciously stepped towards the child. He discreetly stepped back and heightened his vigilance for the test.

The test was somewhat sudden, and Ling Chunann seemed to be startled, taking a while before carefully moving forward.

Knowing the host was about to perform, 098 quietly went down.

The test was emphasized in the original text, and naturally, Ling Chunann would pass without issue. However, as a "ten-year-old" "naive" "timid" child, Ling Chunann took a long time but finally reached the end without danger.

And the timing was neither too early nor too late, just when he met the male lead.

Both were a bit disheveled, Ling Chunann even more so, with a pale face and sweat all over. However, seeing Yun Zehan, he still smiled.

For the first time, Yun Zehan responded to Ling Chunann with a slight curve of his lips, a smile.

098: "!!!"

After a while, a cultivator in a green robe descended from the sky. With a wave of his hand, the fog that had been for the testers instantly dissipated. At this moment, less than two hundred people remained in the square. Ling Chunann noticed that the girl who had been with Yun Zehan before was not there. According to the plot, she should have been captured by demonic cultivators, but the male lead did not go to rescue her.

The green-robed cultivator stroked his beard and glanced over everyone, "Congratulations, young friends, you have passed the entrance test."

Next was the spiritual root test. In this segment, some great powers above the Nascent Soul stage would watch and choose their favorite disciples to take as nominal disciples. With good luck, one might be taken as a personal disciple and rise to prominence.

Everyone was excited, hoping to be chosen by an elder and become a personal disciple to soar to the skies.

Now, the first person had gone up. He placed his hand on the spirit-testing stone, and soon, gold and red lights shone.

"Gold and Fire dual spiritual roots!"

A white-haired cultivator on the spectator's seat raised his hand.

"Inner gate, Ling Jing Peak, Dao name Qingyang."


"Water, Wood, Earth triple spiritual roots."

"Outer gate, Dao name Qinghe."


"Hey, what's your name?" A chubby boy next to Ling Chunann, with a flushed face and trembling speech from nervousness, asked, "My name is, Zhang, Zhang Zhifeng."

Ling Chunann looked at him enviously, then his expression turned somewhat sad, "I, I don't have a name."


Zhang Zhifeng was a bit slow to react, "Why?" Then, noticing Ling Chunann's expression, he quickly apologized, "Sorry, I won't ask, don't be sad."

098: "Host, the male lead is eavesdropping on your conversation." While reporting, 098 stealthily glanced at the male lead's expression, which was still unemotional.

Ling Chunann hummed, "I know."


Realizing he had touched on Ling Chunann's sore spot, the chubby boy dared not speak for a while, but soon couldn't help himself. Avoiding the topic of Ling Chunann's past, he began to talk about his future plans.

Ling Chunann responded off and on, and soon it was the chubby boy's turn. His face, which had just normalized, turned pale again, and his legs trembled. He even stumbled on the stairs but was fortunately steadied by a brother from the inner gate.

"Metal Heavenly Spiritual Root!"

A lean cultivator on the chief seat signaled with his hand.

The testing disciple was shocked, "Personal disciple, Ling Xu Peak, Dao name Qingyun."


The hall erupted with the exclamations of the people, especially the newly entered disciples, looking at Zhang Zhifeng with a mix of envy and jealousy.

Then it was Ling Chunann's turn.


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