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Chapter 227

"I shouldn't have ventured out alone," Ling Chunann admitted sincerely, then wrapped his arms around Tang Shouxu's neck with a pitiful expression, "I'm so tired."

Originally wanting to reprimand Ling Chunann, Tang Shouxu helplessly lifted him a bit and held him tighter, "Let's go home."

Ling Chunann was genuinely exhausted. He rubbed his head against Tang Shouxu's neck and then fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day. Ling Chunann raised his hand to rub his somewhat aching head, but another pair of hands took over the job.

While massaging Ling Chunann, Tang Shouxu said, "Baby, I left that little ghost we brought back at Su Tang's place, and that strange thing disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Ling Chunann repeated.

"Yes, it doesn't seem like a creature of this world," Tang Shouxu explained. "I was careless, and it got away. Based on the previous situation, it should be able to attach to a human body, mimicking the host's behavior."

Ling Chunann nodded and asked, "Is there still a way to catch it?"

"It's a bit difficult, but I've already sent people to look into it," Tang Shouxu hummed.

As the future Ghost King, the "people" Tang Shouxu referred to were naturally not human. Since he had dispatched them, Ling Chunann didn't bother to ask further, his main objective for going out yesterday having been achieved.

"Let's go see that little ghost," Ling Chunann suggested.

Tang Shouxu naturally had no objections.

Su Tang was the name of the little girl ghost who had been crushed by a car. Of course, she didn't come up with the name herself. It was something she realized after being called a little girl ghost for several months. If she hadn't named herself, these two would probably call her a little girl ghost forever, so she chose a sweet and cute name for herself.

When Ling Chunann and Tang Shouxu came down to the living room, Su Tang was dragging the female ghost Ling Chunann had caught, floating around and incessantly talking, "This is a TV, you can see images and hear sounds from the screen, a modern spiritual sustenance. This is a refrigerator, used to preserve food, this is..."

The white-dressed female ghost followed Su Tang dumbly, nodding her head in semi-understanding after each explanation.

The female ghost's reaction greatly satisfied Su Tang's sense of teaching, "You ancient people, oh no, ancient ghosts, need to see the technological progress of modern society. Life now is much more interesting than before. When I have time, I’ll…" Suddenly, Su Tang saw Ling Chunann and Tang Shouxu coming downstairs, her voice trailed off, "Masters, good morning."

Ling Chunann nodded, "Good work."

Su Tang shook her head quickly, "No, no, not at all." Her cultivation had more than doubled in the past six months, all thanks to these two. Moreover, Ling Chunann helped her catch the thing that harmed her, though it ran away later. Their capabilities were indeed great. She used to think it was Yuan Junrui's work. Thinking of this, Su Tang's eyes shone when looking at Ling Chunann.

After greeting Su Tang, Ling Chunann turned to the white-dressed female ghost, "What's your name? Why were you there yesterday?"

The female ghost seemed a bit frightened. She glanced at Ling Chunann, then at Tang Shouxu, and bowed to them, "I am Mu Yunsha, from the Nanhuai nation. My family's ancestral business is exorcism."

"Why did you end up in this state?" Ling Chunann asked.

"It's a long story," Mu Yunsha looked fearfully at Tang Shouxu before revealing her background.

The Mu family in the Nanhuai nation was one of the top exorcist families. Mu Yunsha was the youngest child, kind-hearted and lively, with a keen talent for Taoism. At a young age, her cultivation was comparable to the family elders who had been practicing asceticism for decades. The family head, amazed by her talent, faced opposition to name her the next heir. But it was this status that brought disaster upon her.

Her biological father personally extracted her heart, then, together with her brothers, bound her soul to her body with a curse, condemning her to never be reborn.

"This time I was able to escape purely by luck," Mu Yunsha smiled. "It seems the curse weakened over time, and I took the chance to flee, then encountered you, masters."

"You're truly pitiful, Yunsha. From now on, stay here and cultivate with me," Su Tang said to her.

Mu Yunsha couldn't help but glance at the two sitting across from her, hesitating.

Then, seeing Ling Chunann nod, she beamed, "Thank you, masters."

Whether human or ghost, everyone prefers places rich in spiritual energy, and Mu Yunsha was no exception.

"Revenge value +5%, current revenge value is 45%. Please continue to work hard," 098's voice timely resonated.

This female ghost played a role in the original story almost equivalent to a female lead. On another level, she could be considered the male lead's master because it was after meeting her that the male lead's unique talent was fully realized. By bringing her back, Ling Chunann essentially stole the male lead's trump card.

Afterward, life was calm for a long time. Ling Chunann successfully entered the key high school class of his school. Han Chen seemed to have forgotten the incident that night, continuing to treat Ling Chunann as a friend. During this period, he even had a girlfriend, a classmate from his class, a passerby character who appeared once in the original story. However, after Han Chen's college entrance examination, they broke up.

Han Chen was sullen for a while but soon found a new love. In the third month of college, he brought another girlfriend home.

"This is Bao Jing, my girlfriend," Han Chen introduced, holding a beautiful girl's hand, to Ling Chunann.

"Little Yan brother, hello," Bao Jing extended her hand to Ling Chunann.

"Hello, sister-in-law," Ling Chunann didn't intend to shake hands with Bao Jing, nodded, and then looked at Han Chen, "Chen Ge, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you as a celebration for finally getting rid of your single status."

Tang Shouxu, who habitually resided in the mark on Ling Chunann's wrist, transmitted, "Baby, this fox spirit has at least three thousand years of Taoism."

Hearing this, Ling Chunann glanced at Bao Jing beside Han Chen, catching her gleeful look. He smiled at her and then averted his gaze.

After ordering food, Han Chen happily added a piece of meat to Ling Chunann's bowl, "Xiao Yan, are you not happy?"

"No, congratulations, Chen Ge." Ling Chunann replied, "Are you and sister-in-law classmates?"

"Yes, the same school, but different departments," Han Chen was happy discussing this topic, "The first time we met, she bumped into me, spilling a bowl of porridge all over me."

Following the meal, where Han Chen eagerly shared their love story, evident in every smile and gesture of affection, while Bao Jing gracefully served him, creating a picturesque scene of a lovely couple, Ling Chunann spent most of the meal discussing with Tang Shouxu how to practice Taoist skills more efficiently. Though he listened to Han Chen, he rarely joined the conversation, only occasionally answering when directly asked.

On the way back, 098, who also recognized the girl's identity, inquired, "Host, why didn't you tell the male lead that she's a fox spirit?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, "It's not that simple." He had felt a familiar aura on her.

Soon, Ling Chunann's suspicions were confirmed.

Three days after Han Chen returned to school, a blushing boy entered the classroom and said to Ling Chunann, "Xie Ziyen, someone is looking for you."

Ling Chunann, without looking up from his book, showed no intention of getting up but reminded the boy, "Class is about to start."

Then, a sweet voice came from the classroom door, "Little Yan brother."

Bao Jing stood at the door in a red dress, her curly hair flowing, makeup light, and smile proper, stunningly beautiful. Ling Chunann could clearly hear the swallowing sounds of the classmates around him.

Touching his wrist and calming the restless Tang Shouxu, Ling Chunann stood up and walked towards Bao Jing, "Sister-in-law, what brings you to my school all of a sudden?"

"Do you not welcome me, little Yan brother?" Bao Jing looked as if she was about to cry.

Ling Chunann hurriedly waved his hand, "How could that be? I'm more than happy to have you visit."

Bao Jing's expression immediately brightened. She reached out to grab Ling Chunann's hand but caught air instead. Unembarrassed, she smiled again, "Little Yan brother, I've asked for leave on your behalf. Let's go out with your sister this afternoon."

Tang Shouxu had by then completely quieted down, a calm before the storm. Ling Chunann thought it over and agreed to Bao Jing's request. As they left the school together, he asked, "Why didn't Chen Ge come back with you today?"

"He's been busy with his studies lately, no time," Bao Jing's expression turned a bit melancholic, "Ah, let's not talk about him. Little Yan brother, I heard there's a street here full of delicious food. You must take your sister there today."

"Baby, her aura is the same as that of the evil spirit that resided in those two boys before. Now, it has possessed this three-thousand-year-old fox spirit," Tang Shouxu transmitted to Ling Chunann, finishing his sentence, "You're no match for it."

Ling Chunann frowned, "What about you?"

"We are evenly matched," Tang Shouxu stated.

Finding an equal match in power in this world was rare for Ling Chunann, prompting a more cautious approach. Nonetheless, he maintained his composure and accompanied Bao Jing through the entire snack street. Her appetite was enormous; she tried something from every store and still seemed unsatisfied by the end, looking at Ling Chunann, "Thank you, Little Yan brother. It's getting late. I've booked a hotel room. You wouldn't mind walking me back, would you?"


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