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Chapter 221

Hearing the call, Mr. Cao instinctively turned around, only to see a beautiful teenager about fourteen or fifteen years old, looking somewhat familiar. Ling Chunann and Mr. Cao locked eyes for about ten seconds, and just when 098 thought Mr. Cao definitely didn't recognize Ling Chunann, Mr. Cao uncertainly called out, "Xie family's kid?"

098: "..." How did he recognize the host?

Ling Chunann smiled, "Mr. Cao, long time no see."

Mr. Cao also managed a strained smile, "Indeed, it's been a long time. The arcade has closed down, how come you've suddenly turned over a new leaf? I almost didn't recognize you."

Ling Chunann didn't react to the phrase "turned over a new leaf" and continued, "You look troubled, is something bothering you?"

"It's nothing." Mr. Cao shook his head, although he was troubled, he didn't think of pouring out these worries to a kid, "I have to go, it's getting late, you should head home early."

"Alright." Ling Chunann smiled in agreement.

"Mhm." Mr. Cao nodded, then walked towards the hospital with a heavy heart.

Mr. Cao was indeed having bad luck recently, not only was the money he invested in the stock market trapped, his son also had a car accident and was just admitted to the hospital, and his wife fainted mysteriously and the cause was still unknown. He had gone to borrow money from a friend to pay for his wife and son's medical bills, but a friend of many years refused him because his son was about to enter college. Now, if he couldn't come up with the hospitalization fee, he really didn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, he sighed.

Seeing Ling Chunann actually letting him leave, 098 asked, "Host, didn't you say if he recognized you, you would help him?"

Ling Chunann nonchalantly replied, "In a few seconds, he's going to call out to me."

After saying this, Ling Chunann took a few more steps, and sure enough, Mr. Cao's voice came from behind, "Xie kid, could you help your uncle out?"

The help Mr. Cao mentioned was simply borrowing money. The Xie family was gone, now only Ling Chunann was left, that house could also be divided into a compensation of about tens of thousands. He was really driven to a dead end.

After hearing him out, Ling Chunann didn't immediately hand out money, but asked, "Have you provoked something unclean recently?"

"Unclean thing?" Mr. Cao was puzzled, he didn't believe in ghosts and spirits, suddenly hearing Ling Chunann say this, he didn't react for a moment.

"Mhm." Ling Chunann glanced at Mr. Cao's back, then continued smilingly, "Or have you been to any strange places and encountered anything odd?"

098 saw it was a mass of black fog, but Ling Chunann saw it more clearly; it was a person. More accurately, it was a long-haired woman with only two hands, her lower body missing, her hands firmly wrapped around Mr. Cao's neck, staring at Ling Chunann venomously, her face pale and grim, appearing especially terrifying. If you ignore the expression, she was quite delicate-looking, about seventeen or eighteen years old, still a little girl.

After hearing Ling Chunann's words, Mr. Cao frowned and thought carefully, then shook his head in denial, "Nothing strange happened, just extremely unlucky."

Ling Chunann wasn't sure if he believed him or not, he nodded, "Then let's go to the hospital together."

Hospitals are always places with complex energies, but most spirits only stay briefly, so it wasn't very crowded. Ling Chunann acted as if he saw nothing, walked past a few wandering spirits, and arrived at Mr. Cao's son's hospital room.

At this time, Mr. Cao's son was out of danger, but more money was needed for the surgery and treatment later. After checking Mr. Cao Yang's condition, aside from fractured ribs and hand bones, his internal organs were also not lightly injured, but compared to Mr. Cao being shrouded in dark energy, Mr. Cao Yang was clean.

Coincidentally, Ling Chunann saw the male protagonist in the same room, and the male protagonist was staring straight at him.

"Baby, I just asked that little female ghost, she said she was run over back and forth five times by a car." Just as Ling Chunann was about to talk to the male lead, Tang Shouxu suddenly appeared beside him, "The murderer she doesn't remember, just woke up and this young man happened to pass by, so she latched onto him."

Ling Chunann smiled at him, indicating he understood.


Chen was visiting a friend's relative in the hospital and was about to leave when he saw a girl younger than him enter the ward, seemingly to visit the youth in the next bed who also had a car accident and hadn't woken up yet.

He swore that not even TV stars looked as good as this girl. Han Chen couldn't help but glance at her again and again, and to his surprise, she turned to him with a brilliant smile.

Han Chen was both shocked and delighted, hurriedly returning the smile to the girl.

After Tang Shouxu moved away, Ling Chunann saw the male lead staring at him foolishly, immediately understanding what happened. Although he was facing Tang Shouxu, the direction was precisely towards the male lead, and if the male lead didn't have the ability to see spirits, he couldn't see Tang Shouxu.

This was an interesting misunderstanding, Ling Chunann nodded to Han Chen, "Hello, my name is Xie Ziyin."

"You, hello, I am Han Chen." Han Chen felt somewhat flustered, "I study at Nancheng Middle School, in the first year of high school, how about you?"

"I'm also from Nancheng Middle School, ninth grade." Ling Chunann smiled and replied, then said to 098, "Is my enrollment application ready?"

"Host, please rest assured, it's all set." 098 said.

After a good long chat, Han Chen reluctantly left.

"Host, the male lead is quite enthusiastic about you." Indeed, everyone likes those who are good-looking.

"What do you think the chances are he thinks I'm a girl?" Ling Chunann asked.

"No, that can't be." 098 glanced at the little wisps of hair on Ling Chunann's head, it was indeed a boy's hairstyle, it was impossible for a normal person to make a mistake.

Then it heard the male lead, not far away, boasting to his friend.

"I just met a super beautiful girl, haven't you been really into that star what's-her-name recently? I guarantee this girl beats her by miles."

"I asked, she said she's from our school, a grade lower, a junior."

"This time, the school beauty title definitely has to change."

The voices faded away, 098 fell silent, wondering, although the host's voice hadn't completely changed, it didn't sound like a girl's voice at all.

"Little Xie, can you see anything?" Mr. Cao, having used Ling Chunann's card to pay the medical bill and returned, looked much more relaxed, "I'm really thankful, it was a total of thirty thousand yuan. Once I can withdraw my money from the stock market, I'll pay you back."

"Don't mention it." Ling Chunann took back the card and smiled at Mr. Cao, "Does your son have a car?"

"No, we can't afford a car." Mr. Cao bitterly smiled, then sighed again, "To speak of shame, all the money I've earned these years went into the stock market, even the house is rented. How could we afford a car for him? And my son is honest, never messing around, I didn't expect him to be hit by a car just crossing the street."

As Mr. Cao said this, the little female ghost that Tang Shouxu had taken away for a lesson looked pitifully at Ling Chunann from the side, nowhere near as fierce as before.

After speaking about taking care of Mr. Cao's family, Ling Chunann reliably drove the little female ghost away and then left the hospital. As for capturing her? He didn't have that much free time.

However, Ling Chunann hadn't walked far when he glanced back at the corner, just in time to see the little female ghost sneakily following him in the crowd.

He ignored her and turned into an alley.

Tang Shouxu often liked to stay within the mark on Ling Chunann's wrist, but whenever they could be alone, he wouldn't miss it. Seeing him appear, the little female ghost who had been secretly following was startled and turned to run.

Ling Chunann looked at Tang Shouxu, who understood and reached out, the little female ghost that had drifted quite far involuntarily floated back towards them.

"Mercy, great one, I will never harm anyone again." The little female ghost pleaded with a mournful face.

"Why are you following us?" Ling Chunann asked.

"That, great one, you are all so powerful, could you help me find the person who harmed me?" The little female ghost was somewhat embarrassed.

Ling Chunann smiled at the little female ghost, then made a gesture, "I can help you transcend."

"I don't want to!" The little female ghost saw that Ling Chunann truly had the aura of a Taoist priest, screamed in fear, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd.

098: ... The host is really bad, just sc

aring the little female ghost.

Tang Shouxu, however, was very happy, reached out and patted Ling Chunann's head, his baby is really cute, but then, "Baby, do you want me to catch her again?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, "Let it be."

Ling Chunann's new house was somehow arranged by Tang Shouxu, a small single-family villa located less than ten minutes away from Nancheng Middle School, in an exceptionally good environment. The properties nearby had already sold for sky-high prices.

Just arriving at the community gate, Ling Chunann was stopped by the security guard, "Little girl, ah no, young man, are you here to find someone?"

Not minding the slip of the tongue, Ling Chunann showed a smile, "I'm a new resident, how do I get to number 12?"

"Number 12?" The guard was surprised, looked at Ling Chunann again, his attitude becoming even more cordial than before, "You go straight down this road, turn left at the second junction, and the second courtyard is it." Then he added, "Your household has two people, right? Please confirm the names."

Ling Chunann glanced at Tang Shouxu beside him, who hadn't spoken, then said, "Yes, two people. The names are Xie Ziyin and Tang Shouxu."

Tang Shouxu's face lit up with a smile instantly.


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