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Chapter 208

"Host, it's the people from the demonic sect, they've caught up," 098 said. "This isn't like the plot at all."

In the original story, the demonic sect's people only chased after Xiao Yuan when his injuries had already healed. At that time, although Xiao Yuan hadn't recovered his memory, his martial arts were almost back to normal. But now, his internal injuries are still severe, being able to move freely is already quite good, let alone facing off against the experts of the demonic sect.

And although Bai Hantian's martial arts are not bad, they are still a bit short compared to the top experts. 098 feels this time is a bit risky.

Sure enough, after blocking for a few minutes, Bai Hantian began to panic and was unable to take care of himself. Several people in black aimed at the carriage, and several swords stabbed in.

"Host, be careful!" 098 shouted.

One of the swords was aimed right at Ling Chunann's back heart position, if it hit, he would definitely be seriously injured if not dead.

With Ling Chunann's skill, dodging this sword would be easy, but he seemed to have no intention of moving, which is why 098 was so anxious.

"Don't worry," Ling Chunann reassured, "Nothing will happen."

As the sword tip was about to reach Ling Chunann, Xiao Yuan suddenly pulled Ling Chunann to his side, narrowly avoiding the attack.

"Ah!" Seeing the weapons around her, Lan You couldn't help but scream in fear.

The quality of the carriage bought by Bai Hantian was not bad. After this wave of attacks, except for a hole in the back, it surprisingly didn't fall apart.

After the miss, the people in black were about to launch a second attack when Bai Hantian suddenly burst forth, pushing away the two holding him back and engaged in combat again with the people here.

Lan You calmed down a bit at this time, her face pale, looking at Xiao Yuan, she quietly asked: "Big Brother Xiao, what do we do now? Will Ah Han be okay? Who are these people..."

After a series of questions, Xiao Yuan coldly glanced at Lan You, "Shut up." She instinctively quieted down, not daring to speak again.

Ling Chunann lifted his head to look at Xiao Yuan, "Brother, I'm scared."

Xiao Yuan patted Ling Chunann on the shoulder, his voice much gentler, "Don't be afraid." Saying this, he looked at Lan You, "Brother Bai is not their match, I'll go out and hold them off, you drive the carriage away."

Ling Chunann: "But..."

"Listen to me." Xiao Yuan touched Ling Chunann's head, saw him nod, then grabbed a sword and dived out of the carriage, slapping the horse heavily as he passed by.

Startled, the horse neighed loudly and charged forward.

Seeing their target appear, the people in black naturally wouldn't chase the carriage anymore, all rushing towards Xiao Yuan.

The carriage ran on the rugged mountain road, the wheels almost felt like they were going to be shaken off, Ling Chunann had to use a lot of effort just to not fall, not to mention Lan You who had no martial arts, her screams filled the carriage.

"Host, detected a cliff fifty meters ahead, estimated height is one hundred and fifty meters," 098 said.

If they fell off, it would mean certain death. Well, the host might survive, but the female lead would most likely be dead.

"Thrilling," Ling Chunann said.

098: "......"

At this moment, Lan You, who was closer to the carriage door, obviously also noticed the anomaly ahead. She tried to pull the reins, but her strength was nowhere near enough to hold it back. "What do we do?" She wouldn't die here, would she?

Ling Chunann then spoke up, he shouted to Lan You: "There's a cliff ahead, if we want to survive now, there's only one way."

"What?" Lan You was already desperate, seeing Ling Chunann speak, as if grasping the last straw.

"Jump off the carriage." Ling Chunann said, "Wait for me to count to three, and we'll jump out from the back together."

"Okay." Lan You looked at the big hole in the back of the carriage, large enough for the two of them to pass through.

"One, two," at this moment, the horse's first leg was already stepping on the edge of the cliff, Ling Chunann shouted the last word, "Three."

Lan You had already gathered her strength, the moment Ling Chunann's word fell, she leaped out, but whether intentionally or not, she swung her hand back, blocking Ling Chunann's path.

With Lan You blocking him like this, Ling Chunann naturally didn't manage to jump out in time. At that moment, the horse let out a sharp neigh, and along with the carriage, it fell off the cliff.

Lan You lay on the ground, staring blankly at the spot where the carriage disappeared for a long time. Then, she collapsed, burying her face into her arms, her shoulders shaking as if she were crying. After a while, she lifted her head, her eyes filled with satisfaction.

However, this expression didn't last long. She suddenly froze, looking down at her legs, only then realizing she had fallen onto some rocks, and now her lower body was numb.

At that moment, on a not too high nor too low cliff, Ling Chunann was sitting in the middle of an old pine tree growing at the edge of the cliff, checking a scrape he had accidentally gotten.

"Host, why did you let her do that?" 098 didn't understand. Ling Chunann could have easily avoided it, even with the female lead's interference, it wouldn't have affected him, but he let the female lead succeed.

"I had calculated, with the speed of the carriage just now, if it had fallen on flat ground, at most it would result in ordinary fractures," Ling Chunann said.

098: "Ah?" It didn't quite understand why Ling Chunann suddenly changed the topic.

"However, unfortunately, there were some rocks right at the edge of the cliff," Ling Chunann added.

Rocks? 098 was stunned, then it understood Ling Chunann's actions, feeling a bit chilled. The host was terrifying.

All along the way, there were rocks only at the edge of the cliff, and jumping down at the pace Ling Chunann counted, one would land exactly on the rocks.

"No, you're wrong, 098," Ling Chunann interrupted 098's speculation. "If she hadn't pushed me, we both would have jumped down together, and we could have avoided the rocks."

"..." Aside from admiration, 098 had nothing else to say. Its host was truly cunning, and always sought revenge.

Lan You lay there for a while, finally unable to bear the pain in her body, and fainted from the pain.

It wasn't long before Xiao Yuan found her. He looked at where Lan You was lying, then at the carriage tracks near the edge of the cliff, understanding what had happened. He walked to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the abyss with a changing expression.

Then a group of people caught up, kneeling before Xiao Yuan, "Leader."

"Mm," Xiao Yuan responded, "Take her back."

"Yes." Two people stepped forward and lifted Lan You from the ground.

"The rest of you, follow me down the mountain," Xiao Yuan said.

"But Leader, your injuries..."

"Down the mountain."


"Host, Xiao Yuan has recovered his memory!" 098 exclaimed.

Ling Chunann shook his leg, "Hasn't he recovered a long time ago?"

"What? When?"

"Probably the second day he could get out of bed. If he hadn't contacted his subordinates, how could the pursuers have come so quickly?" Ling Chunann said, "But don't blame yourself, his acting was not bad, I was almost deceived."

098 remained silent, feeling a bit disappointed. It failed to see through the act of a native, which was truly a failure.

"Now the question is, how do we get up?" Ling Chunann looked up at the grey sky. Because of the unique shape of this cliff, it would be a bit difficult for him to climb up with his current lightness skill, and jumping down would mean directly confronting Xiao Yuan and the demonic sect. Obviously, he didn't want any more contact with Xiao Yuan for now, according to his calculations, the favorability he could gain had been maximized for the short term.

Just then, a vine was suddenly lowered from above.

"Huh?" Ling Chunann was about to ask 098 what was happening above when someone slid down the vine swiftly, standing firmly on the trunk in front of Ling Chunann.

It was none other than Xiao Hongjing, who hadn't been seen for a long time. "Baby, you made me look for you."

Xiao Hongjing was obviously in a hurry, with some sweat on his face. Seeing Ling Chunann finally made him breathe a sigh of relief. Ling Chunann smiled pleasingly at him, then pointed to the scrape on his body, pitifully saying, "It hurts."

Xiao Hongjing sighed, reached out to scoop Ling Chunann from the tree and hugged him, pinching his face, "Don't run around anymore."

"Mhm!" Ling Chunann smiled with his eyes curving, kissed Xiao Hongjing on the face, "Won't run around anymore."

098 silently added, its host runs with a purpose, never randomly.

However, Xiao Hongjing obviously believed Ling Chunann, carried him on his back, and with a lightness skill, flew up the cliff effortlessly.

"How did you know I was on the tree?" Ling Chunann asked.

"The shadow guards went down to look for you," Xiao Hongjing answered.

"Oh," Ling Chunann nodded.

The shadow guards were late; Ling Chunann had already fallen by the time they arrived. They didn't have time to deal with the woman on the ground. Two went down the mountain to search for Ling Chunann, while another went to notify Xiao Hongjing. It was lucky that Xiao Hongjing was nearby, allowing him to arrive so quickly.

He still seemed a bit shaken, inspecting Ling Chunann over and over again, and even took his pulse several times to ensure that besides a minor external injury, there was no problem at all. Only then did he finally relax. But for that minor injury, he personally applied medicine and wrapped it several times. Ling Chunann didn't make a fuss and let Xiao Hongjing take care of him.

"What about the girl who was with me just now?" Ling Chunann asked after Xiao Hongjing had finished bandaging his wounds.

Thinking back to the report from the shadow guards, a fleeting murderous intent flashed in Xiao Hongjing's eyes, but when he looked at Ling Chunann again, his face was filled with warmth, "She left with the man in black who was with you guys on the road. She should be fine."

"That's good," Ling Chunann nodded, then looked at Xiao Hongjing, "So, are we going to find them now?"

"They saw you weren't there and have already left, probably heading to Dongyue. Baby, didn't you also want to see the Sword-fighting Conference? Let's follow them while we go," Xiao Hongjing suggested, "What do you think, baby?"


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