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Chapter 197

Returning to the mission space, 098 did not immediately proceed with the settlement but first raised a question, "Host, why did you decide to leave that seed behind?" There's a human saying, 'if you don't remove the root, the grass will grow back with the spring breeze,' isn't there?"

"Its growth ability has been suppressed, and it can no longer parasitize the human body," Ling Chunann said.

"Oh! I see now!" 098 suddenly realized.

The Devil Vine is a creature from another world, so by directly promoting the evolution of this world, it also led to the birth of human abilities. If Ling Chunann had completely destroyed it at that time, the newly formed but unstable balance of this world would be disrupted again, leading to multiple imbalances in a short period. The ultimate outcome could very likely be its destruction in another form soon after.

More importantly, ignoring the balance, Ling Chunann would definitely not be able to complete his mission.

Realizing this, 098 became serious, acknowledging that, given the difficulty, this world was definitely not a mid-level world.

Then, 098 saw the mission settlement. There was only one word in its mind, "Indeed."

Ling Chunann: "Hmm?"

"Host, the difficulty of the previous world was a high-level mission world," 098 replied, "But I clearly remember entering a mid-level mission world."

"You must have remembered wrongly," Ling Chunann said.

098: "..." How could that be? Its memory was quite good.

"Let's settle now."

"Yes." 098 had no choice but to set aside its doubts for now. "Congratulations, host, for completing the mission. You have earned a total of 50,000 energy points for this mission. The world difficulty assessment is high-level, and the reward for completing a mission above your level is double the energy points, giving you a total of 100,000 energy points for this world. Your current total energy points are 300,000. The system store is now open. Would you like to purchase any items?"

"No," Ling Chunann replied, "Start the next mission."

"Yes, host. Selecting the next mission world, please wait." 098 said. "Mission world selection completed, starting transmission. Please prepare, host."

"Young master, oh young master, let it go. Look at him, a frail scholar, he'd surely die from fifty cane strokes, and then the master would punish you again."

Ling Chunann glanced at the arm firmly grasped by the servant behind him, "Let go."

"Yes, yes, young master, you..." The servant hastily let go, but still did not give up and continued to persuade.

"Shut up."

The voice abruptly stopped, and the servant looked at Ling Chunann with tearful eyes, a face full of unrecognition of good intentions.

Ling Chunann glanced at the servant, then turned his head to look at the scholar being pressed to the ground by several guards. The scholar was rather good-looking, but lacked a masculine air, probably because he was in pain, his facial expression was a bit distorted. Next to him were several flamboyantly dressed women, among them a red-clad woman veiled in red, who looked at Ling Chunann with eyes like poisoned daggers. Upon seeing Ling Chunann looking over, she quickly reverted to a tearfully fragile appearance.

A quick scan of the surroundings made Ling Chunann aware of his current situation.

A bully oppressing a courtesan who refuses to sell herself, a brave scholar intervenes to save her, only to be subdued and beaten by the bully. Clearly, he was that bully.

"Host, the plot hasn't been received yet," 098 said.


"Ah, Your Highness, you have a great tolerance. Our Lan You lady is indeed not able to go out today. How about this, when she's feeling better, I, Mama Wang, will personally send her to your mansion to sing for you and relieve your boredom." At this moment, a woman's voice, drawn out, sounded. Then her tone became stern, "Lan You, won't you apologize to His Highness?"

The red-clad woman showed a flash of disgust in her eyes, but quickly covered it up, stepped forward from the crowd, and bowed gracefully, "It's Lan You's fault for the inadequate hospitality, I hope His Highness can forgive me."

The madam was all smiles, seeming very familiar with the original owner, "What do you say, Your Highness?"

"Enough," Ling Chunann brushed off his sleeves, coldly looking at the scholar on the ground, "I have other matters today, so I'll let you go. You won't be so lucky next time. Release him."

"Yes, yes, yes," the madam nodded continuously, smiling and flattering, "Your Highness is truly magnanimous."

"Reversal value +5%, current reversal value is 5%, please continue to strive, host."

Ling Chunann glanced at the scholar on the ground, then at the woman named Lan You, who was likely the main character.

However, Ling Chunann had no intention of interacting with her and said to the several guards, "Let's go, this is boring."

Amidst the disdainful or fearful but uniquely devoid of any positive sentiment gazes of the onlookers, Ling Chunann boarded the carriage, "098, does this body look ugly?"

"Responding to the host..." 098 started but suddenly didn't know how to continue.

"What?" Ling Chunann touched his face, feeling that the features, when felt with his hands, seemed alright; combined, they should not appear bad.

"Your facial features are proportionally perfect, but there might be some minor flaws on your face," 098 said. "I have examined the host body earlier; it contains a significant amount of residual toxins, which might have caused a bit of... a hidden ailment."

"What hidden ailment?" Ling Chunann could detect internal toxins himself, but physical manifestations, if not apparent, were momentarily elusive to him.

"Um..." 098's voice wavered, "Impot... impotence."

"..." So what was the original owner doing in the brothel?

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the manor, and Ling Chunann alighted, heading towards the main gate where two guards opened the door promptly, "Welcoming young master back to the manor."

Ling Chunann didn't spare the guards a glance, striding into the manor as the doors were closed behind him.

"All of you, leave," he ordered the several guards upon entering the courtyard.

"Yes, young master."

Then, the people retreated, leaving only the servant who had been advising Ling Chunann, still following behind.

"You too, leave," Ling Chunann commanded with a dark expression.

"Yes." The servant trembled in response, backing away to leave.

"098, has the plot and the original owner's memories been downloaded?" Ling Chunann inquired.

It seemed he drove everyone away because he didn't know where to go. Considering Ling Chunann's performance just now, 098 couldn't help but admire him more. In a situation where he knew nothing about everything, he still managed not to break character. With this thought, 098 hurriedly sent the recently received plot to Ling Chunann.

It was a story where the female lead transmigrates into the daughter of a poor family, living solely with her father and sister, both of whom were very beautiful. After their father's death, the sisters fell into prostitution. Then, they encountered a tyrant - the role Ling Chunann was currently playing, named An Zhiqi. He was a regular patron of Bai Xiang Lou, astonished by the sisters' beauty. Initially, he redeemed the younger sister by force, and not long after, came to snatch the female lead, even openly killing a scholar who stood up for her.

In the end, the female lead was of course taken away.

Unexpectedly, An Jingwang, which is now Ling Chunann's father, also known as male supporting character number fifty, saw the female lead and grew fond of her. He ordered the tyrant to release the sisters and even grounded the tyrant for several months. This left the tyrant harboring resentment towards the sisters, eventually plotting and killing the younger sister and attempting to defile the female lead, who was ultimately rescued by her various admirers.

After reviewing the plot, Ling Chunann narrowed his eyes, "I've roughly calculated, and there are sixty-three named male characters who admire the female lead."

098: "..." The host's focus is always so unique.

"What's the mission?"

"The known mission in this world is to win over the male and female leads, with unknown missions yet to be unlocked," 098 replied.

"So, who is the male lead?"

"Probably the one with the most screen time?" 098 wasn't sure. There were too many men appearing in this world, especially those enamored with the female lead - nearly every man she met fell for her. Among them, there were about a dozen with significant roles. The female lead was virtually a Mary Sue incarnate.

Ling Chunann did not refute 098's statement and, after organizing the original owner's memories, headed towards the back yard.

"Young, young master, you've returned." Just as Ling Chunann reached the courtyard, a maid with a graceful appearance greeted him, her expression somewhat timid, "Young master, that Miss Lan Qing hasn't eaten for two days, what do you think..."

"Don't worry about her; I'll check on her later," Ling Chunann said as he continued inward, "Xue Zhu, make me some tea."

"Yes, yes, young master," the maid bowed in response.

"Young master, you're back." In the yard, Xue Mei, who was picking osmanthus petals, greeted him with a smile, "Why is the young master home so early today?"

Walking through, Xue Mei was the only servant in the manor who dared to raise her head and speak directly to Ling Chunann. He couldn't help but give her an extra glance, "Nothing interesting," Ling Chunann said, noticing the basket of flowers in her hands, "What are you doing with these?"

"The osmanthus flowers are blooming beautifully, so I thought to pick some to make osmanthus wine for the young master. Xue Ju and Xue Lan are making osmanthus cakes for you," Xue Mei explained.

"Hm, stop picking for now. I need to bathe," Ling Chunann instructed. The powder from the brothel made him uncomfortable, and the flashy clothes he was wearing were quite an eyesore.

"Right away, young master. I'll prepare the bathwater for you."

Back in his room, Ling Chunann first took off his outer garment and threw it aside, then loosened the tightly bound hair on his head, finally feeling a bit more comfortable. The hair had been tied too tightly.

From the original owner's memories, Ling Chunann knew he always did his hair himself, as he would rage if anyone else touched it, although clearly, he wasn't very skilled at it.

Rubbing his somewhat sore scalp, he requested, "098, get me a mirror."

Reluctantly acting as a utility box, 098 managed to find a mirror after a long search in its system space.

Ling Chunann looked at his reflection in the mirror. As he mentioned, his facial features were quite decent. However, from his left eye to his right cheek, there was a large, dark mark that looked quite startling at first glance.

"I suspect the people in the manor aren't scared to look at me because of my demeanor, but because of how I look," Ling Chunann said, touching the scar with a smile.

"No, they are indeed scared of you," 098 thought to itself.

An Zhiqi, the only son of An Jingwang, had been pampered from a young age due to his frail health. His personality was not pleasant, making him a notorious figure in the capital. Within his own home and even in the eyes of the emperor, his actions were overlooked. If he hadn't crossed paths with the female lead and her suitors, he could have lived a stable life according to the original story.

Unfortunately, life is full of ifs, resulting in his rather tragic end.

"Young master, the bathwater is ready." At that moment, a knock came from the door, and Xue Mei's voice was heard.

"Come in," Ling Chunann called out.

Concerned for his somewhat disheveled appearance, 098 suggested, "Host, perhaps you should put on more clothing?"

"Why would I put on more clothes if I'm about to bathe?" Ling Chunann replied.

Indeed, a logical point.

As it turned out, 098 was overly concerned. The servant who brought in the bathwater didn't dare to glance towards Ling Chunann's side of the room and quickly excused himself after setting up the water.

Ling Chunann tested the water, which was slightly hot. Beside it was another bucket, also filled with hot water. Was the person really so afraid of the cold?

After bathing, Ling Chunann realized he had no clean clothes to change into, "..." It seemed he really had been spoiled by that person.


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