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Chapter 190

Tang Linfeng felt as if he had slept for an extensive period, experiencing a grand dream, and woke up somewhat groggy. Reaching for his phone on the bedside, he pressed it for a while only to discover it was out of battery.

How long had he slept? His phone, known for its long battery life, had shut down. Rubbing his somewhat swollen head, Tang Linfeng found the charger and plugged in his phone.

A minute later, the phone successfully powered on, and he checked the date, showing February 20th—eleven whole days since he last checked!

Startled nearly to the point of falling out of bed, Tang Linfeng realized he had slept for more than ten days. Wait, school had already started! He hadn't registered.

Hastily putting on some clothes in a mess, Tang Linfeng rushed out only to be greeted by a chill at the door, which he didn't pay much mind to, quickly descending the stairs. But as soon as he reached the entrance of the building, he was stunned—the snow outside had risen over half a person's height, reaching his feet.

After observing the scene outside, Tang Linfeng hesitated for a moment, then shivered and decided to go back inside.

Living alone in an old residential area, he returned to his sixth-floor apartment, wrapped a quilt around himself, turned on the computer, and began surfing the internet. He found that the news was filled with reports of the snow finally stopping, and schools had delayed opening, which relieved Tang Linfeng.

"So it has snowed for so long, no wonder it's so thick," Tang Linfeng sighed, then picked up his phone, which had charged a bit, and made a call.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is switched off. Please try again later."

Frowning, Tang Linfeng muttered, "Where did An Zijian, that stinky boy, go?" After saying this, he tried another number. Just as he was about to press dial, that number called him. He quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Xiaofeng, have you been with my Zijian these past few days? Why can't I reach your phone? Are you guys trapped on the mountain? I..."

"Wait, Auntie, you're asking too fast. Can we slow down?" Tang Linfeng interrupted the voice on the other side of the phone. "I haven't seen Zijian these past few days; I've been sleeping at home."

"What? He said he was going to Dongjin Mountain to ski with you more than ten days ago. He didn't come?"

"No, I haven't left the house these days. Don't worry. Once the snow melts a bit, we'll go look for him together. He'll be fine."

After hanging up, Tang Linfeng still frowned, feeling like he had forgotten something. Had he really been sleeping all this time?

Before he could figure it out, a rustling sound came from outside the door, followed by knocking. Tang Linfeng, slightly annoyed, got up from under the quilt, "Who is it?"

"The host, the male lead is surrounded by parasites from their community." 098 seemed excited.

"Don't worry, he's the male lead, and these parasites are still hibernating now, pretty dumb. There won't be any trouble." Ling Chunann was leaning at the window, observing the snowy landscape outside. The complex seemed to have some vague human figures moving about. At first glance, they looked just like ordinary people, but upon closer inspection, their movements were incredibly stiff.

Then, Ling Chunann's phone rang, with An Ningning on the line, "Ah, Alan, help! Our nanny started scratching and biting people for no reason, and the other nanny got bitten! We've tied her up now, but is she sick?"

"You should..." Ling Chunann paused, "Check if the bitten nanny starts acting the same."

"She looks a bit dull but hasn't bitten anyone... do you mean she will turn too?" An Ningning asked, then suddenly screamed, followed by the sound of running, then a door slamming shut. After a while, An Ningning spoke again, breathlessly, "She just tried to attack me too! What's happening to them?"

"Do you have a basement?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Yes, there's a wine cellar."

"Try to lock them in there, make sure the door is secured so they can't get out," Ling Chunann spoke calmly, "If you don't want to leave that house, it's best to burn them before the snow melts."

"Burn them?" An Ningning's voice was incredulous.

"Yes, if not, leave before the snow melts."


It was the beginning of the Devil's Vine outbreak, and people had not yet realized its harm. Since the parasites were human-sized, An Ningning couldn't understand Ling Chunann's advice. Ling Chunann didn’t bother to explain further, feeling he had said enough, "Just remember what I told you, I'm a bit busy right now and have to go."

"Host, what's the urgent matter?" 098 looked at Ling Chunann, who seemed quite at ease.

Ling Chunann waved his phone, which lit up showing a call from "Feng Cheng".

098 was silent, perhaps seeing it as a coincidence.

Ignoring what 098 might think, Ling Chunann answered the call, "Big brother?"

"Mm," Feng Cheng's voice was as cold as ever.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Stay indoors by yourself, lock the door, and don't let anyone in," he paused before asking, "Do you have enough food at home?"


"Good. Once the snow melts a bit, I’ll come to pick you up," Feng Cheng said, "That's all for now. Be careful, there are some people outside."

After Feng Cheng hung up, Ling Chunann smiled at the phone, "098."

"Here, host!" 098 responded.

"Send out the 'Survivor's Guide' through all channels," Ling Chunann instructed.

"Okay." 098 was excited as the host finally started to save the world. "But host, why didn't you send it out when it first started snowing? Isn't it too late now?" If they had known and prepared before the Devil's Vine outbreak, the effect would undoubtedly have been better. 098 knew Ling Chunann had prepared the guide right after knowing about the mission.

"Do you think they would have believed it if it was sent out then?" Ling Chunann countered.

098 fell silent. It knew from its many world experiences that humans tend to act only after something has happened, creating a saying for it: "It's never too late to mend."

Fortunately, it wasn’t too late now. Ling Chunann picked just the right moment.

098, rejuvenated, hurried to distribute the information before the network went down.

Then, Ling Chunann logged into a game, remembering the game system activated by Shu Siyan. He first checked Shu Siyan's game account and discovered something strange—Shu Siyan's game character had disappeared.

He then logged into his own game account, opened the friends list, and noticed the female lead's character, "Seven-shows Lolita," had vanished. Similarly, the male lead's character and others like Cliff Sword and Li Suiyun had also disappeared.

This was clearly not a coincidence. It seemed the system extracted from this world had its reasons. Ling Chunann, intrigued, opened the guild list and found several people missing, including the guild leader's character and a character named "One Little Sheep" among the Sword Pures.

Maybe due to the parasites, the online game population was low. A guild that usually had over fifty members online now had only two or three. The bustling world channel was now quiet without even a studio's presence.

At that moment, Ling Chunann received a private message from Ye Feixiao who had just logged on.

[Private Message][Ye Feixiao] whispered: Alan, have you seen Dagu? His account suddenly disappeared, and I can't reach his phone. Did something happen to him? It's my fault, I shouldn't have let him come to Qingcheng to find me [Crying][Crying]

[Private Message] You whispered to [Ye Feixiao]: No, many accounts have disappeared recently, probably a bug. Don't worry too much.

[Private Message][Ye Feixiao] whispered: But he came to Qingcheng more than ten days ago! It's my fault I didn't pick him up at the train station. I don't know what could have happened to him [Crying]

Li Suiyun, a significant male supporting character in the later stages of the plot, seemed to have a strong sense of world-weariness, taking over Feng Lan's antagonist role to become a counter to the male and female leads. His actions brought forward the world's destruction by at least two hundred years.

Ling Chunann sorted through the character settings, then replied to Ye Feixiao.

[Private Message] You whispered to [Ye Feixiao]: Which train station? I'll have someone check when it's possible to go outside. Where are you now?

[Private Message][Ye Feixiao] whispered: I'm at 134 South Qingcheng Road, Autumn Clouds Complex, Building A, 12th floor, Unit 6.

Right after speaking, Ye Feixiao went offline. Ling Chunann checked the friends list and found that Ye Feixiao's character had also disappeared.

"Host, are you going to look for him?" When did the host become so proactive?

"I've always been enthusiastic, 098. You're really a cold system."

Three days later, the weather cleared up suddenly, just as abruptly as it had started snowing, switching from winter to what felt like the peak of summer in an instant. This marked the prelude to the parasites' outbreak.

In the days that followed, under 098's guidance, the Survivor's Guide was widely disseminated, making nearly everyone aware of the alien invasion that had befallen the world.

Despite whether people believed it or not, those who were still lucid made the decision to venture out as soon as the snow melted enough for them to do so—they needed food. Fortunately, with Ling Chunann's warnings, order was maintained for the time being. Cities were strictly controlled by the military, and any discovered parasites were dealt with harshly.

"Host, according to our statistics, the number of parasites found is only one-third of what was mentioned in the original text, and the number of infected is less than a quarter," 098 reported excitedly, clearly attributing these successes to the host's efforts.

"Don't get too excited. Has the counterattack value increased?" Ling Chunann dampened the enthusiasm.

"No, it hasn't," 098 responded, disheartened.

"Just as I thought," Ling Chunann mused. "By the way, someone was at your door earlier," Shu Siyan said as he entered the room.

"Are you done with your tasks?" Ling Chunann inquired, already knowing how busy Shu Siyan had been, though he had offered to help, Shu Siyan had always declined, citing Ling Chunann's poor health as a reason to avoid overexertion.

"Yes," Shu Siyan nodded with a smile, skillfully picking up Ling Chunann who had been leaning close to the window to avoid the harsh sunlight. "Don't stay too close to the window with it open, the sun is harsh, you might get sunburned."

Over these days, Shu Siyan had been incredibly busy, but he always kept Ling Chunann in his thoughts. Ling Chunann had suggested helping out, but Shu Siyan insisted he rest instead, citing his health.

"You mentioned someone came to our house; let's go down and check," Ling Chunann suggested, turning to embrace Shu Siyan.

With practiced ease, Shu Siyan scooped Ling Chunann into his arms, straightening his clothes and buttoning up the top two buttons of his shirt before finding his shoes and helping him into them. "I invited him over; he's in the living room now."

As they made their way down, the world outside their door was beginning to wake up to the reality of the situation, thanks to Ling Chunann's timely distribution of the Survivor's Guide. With the sun shining brightly and the snow finally retreating, it seemed like a new chapter was about to begin, one where humanity stood a fighting chance against the alien threat that had silently crept into their lives.


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