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Chapter 189

"An unknown mission has commenced, the mission is: Host, please... eradicate evil, save the world." What sort of divine plot twist is this? A savior storyline, really?

"A savior? Sure." Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow, then glanced at the male lead who looked more dead than alive in front of him, "I think killing the male lead right now should do the job."

"...The male lead can't be killed, okay!"

"Be careful, darling." At that moment, Shu Yiheng pulled Ling Chunann to his side. Ling Chunann's vision blurred for a moment, and the male lead, who had been right there, vanished without a trace, while the vines that were vibrant just moments ago turned into dust.

Ling Chunann assessed Tan Lingfeng's speed, pondered over his own physical condition, and decided not to pursue. After all, the male lead's favorability was maxed out, and since he couldn't kill him now, there was no point in chasing.

The young man who had been lying next to the male lead was now buried in a pile of dust that the vines had become. Shu Yiheng walked over, glanced down, and declared, "Dead."

Ling Chunann's keen eyes spotted something small in a corner. He walked over, bent down, and picked it up. The item was about the size of a little finger, green and glossy, resembling a seed.

Just as Ling Chunann was about to examine it closely, he paused.

"Be careful, Host!" 098 suddenly cried out. This seed was peculiar and felt very dangerous.

At that moment, the previously normal seed suddenly trembled, releasing an energy similar to the vines from before, desperately trying to burrow into Ling Chunann's body.

However, its efforts were swiftly halted. The leaf that had just sprouted from the seed began to wither. The dark power within Ling Chunann was naturally repulsive to this vine, nullifying its efforts and suppressing it completely.

Ling Chunann plucked a leaf from the sprout, which turned into dust the moment it detached from the seed.

"It seems if it can't parasitize, it can't survive." Seeing Ling Chunann easily control the seed, Shu Yiheng breathed a sigh of relief but wasn't overly surprised. He approached Ling Chunann, "Darling, let's head out. A lot of seeds flew out just now; the world might change."

"Okay." Ling Chunann stored the dead seed and looked at the young man on the ground, "Can he be saved?"

"He's thoroughly dead."

At that moment, the youth Shu Yiheng had declared dead suddenly moved.

Shu Yiheng instinctively positioned himself in front of Ling Chunann, a gun appearing in his hand.

The just-awakened An Zijian seemed unconscious, his pupils pitch black, devoid of any light, his expression wooden, like a puppet crawling up from the ground. However, that was only for a moment. He blinked twice, and then his expression softened, appearing utterly harmless.

Yet, this did not lessen Shu Yiheng's vigilance. He retreated a few steps back, holding Ling Chunann, the gun still aimed at An Zijian's head.

"Who, who are you people?" An Zijian, having just regained consciousness and seeing the gun pointed at him, raised his hands in fear, "I, I am a good citizen! Heroes, please spare my life!"

Shu Yiheng frowned, "Who are you?"

"I, I came here to ski with friends. Then, finding the ski slopes too crowded, we decided to climb the mountain. Curiosity led us into this cave, and we couldn't find our way out. Then we saw a deeper entrance inside the cave and entered it together. I passed out before I could see anything inside." An Zijian looked around, "Where are my friends?"

"They left." Ling Chunann answered.

An Zijian clearly didn't believe it, "Ah? How is that possible? We couldn't find the exit after we came in, so we kept going deeper."

"You can now." Ling Chunann gave him another look, "Let's go."

The cave was deep, and as they walked out, Ling Chunann led the way, Shu Yiheng followed, with An Zijian trailing behind.

"My phone's out of battery, darling, hurry up." Shu Yiheng glanced at his phone's battery indicator.

Ling Chunann nodded and quickened his pace.

Minutes later, Shu Yiheng's phone died, and the only source of light vanished.

In the ensuing darkness, a sudden whooshing sound came from behind, followed by a thud and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Then, the flashlight on Shu Yiheng's supposedly dead phone turned back on.

An Zijjian, who had been obediently following behind due to fear of Shu Yiheng's gun, now lay a step behind Shu Yiheng, in a posture suggesting he had been about to do something before he fell.

Shu Yiheng lowered his gun but didn't immediately approach An Zijian. Instead, he quickly retreated a few steps to stand in front of Ling Chunann.

Simultaneously, countless vines burst forth from An Zijian's body, lashing towards them aggressively.

Shu Yiheng's expression turned grave as he fired several shots, cutting the approaching vines. However, this did not completely stop their assault. Just as Ling Chunann was about to step in and help, Shu Yiheng's actions suddenly ceased. Moments later, he holstered his gun and reached behind him, producing two curved blades that materialized out of nowhere.

These weapons looked incredibly familiar to Ling Chunann, reminiscent of the ones Shu Yiheng's character wielded in the game. As Ling Chunann recalled, Shu Yiheng's displayed abilities were indeed just like those in the game. Although lacking the game's flashy visual effects, their lethality was undiminished.

Ling Chunann: "...098, is there a new plot?"

"Host, there is." 098, who had just received the new storyline and hadn't had the chance to inform Ling Chunann, hurriedly transmitted the new developments.

The new world scenario involved devil vines rampaging. Since the first person was parasitized by the devil vine, these individuals, known as the parasitized, evolved their abilities rapidly. By the time of world destruction, two hundred years had passed. The story's protagonists wielded game system abilities they had played with, surviving until the end, but ultimately succumbed to the devil vine's onslaught.

Unsurprisingly, their game abilities were from the game Jian San, not only the male and female leads but many others also acquired various mysterious powers. Some had superpowers, others had different systems, but most were ordinary people.

Ling Chunann briefly organized the storyline, understanding some patterns after traversing many worlds. In a world undergoing changes, its inhabitants also evolve accordingly. This is the norm. However, if a world undergoes sudden, massive changes without preparation, its carrying capacity might become chaotic, like the emergence of superpowers in a previous apocalypse world Ling Chunann experienced.

This world's bizarre systems and abilities also followed this pattern. However, the story noted that the protagonists, who evolved the fastest, only displayed their abilities a few days after the first parasitized appeared, unlocking abilities one by one. It seems Shu Yiheng might be the first to become a power user, with fully intact abilities.

Ling Chunann was not surprised at all.

Moreover, Ling Chunann discovered a pleasant surprise. The storage ring given to him in the interstellar world reappeared. He instinctively looked at his ring finger. Although invisible, he knew it was there, including everything he had stored inside, missing nothing.

By then, Shu Yiheng had dealt with the vines, leaving another pile of ash where An Zijian's body and the vines had disintegrated. Among the ashes, there was a seed similar to the one Ling Chunann had picked up earlier. Shu Yiheng picked it up and, before it could sprout, a blue flame appeared in his palm, quieting the seed, which then lost its vitality. He handed it to Ling Chunann.

Ling Chunann accepted the seed, placing it alongside the previously collected dead seed in a space created by dark power for storage.

"Host, the seed is dead. Why keep it?" 098 inquired.

"I don't know."


"It's getting late. Let's go out," Shu Yiheng said, holding Ling Chunann's right hand, "We can talk more outside."

As they walked, Shu Yiheng briefly mentioned the source of that power, though it was almost the same as not saying anything since he himself didn't know where it came from.

It was nearing evening, and not long after they exited, the sun set, turning the western sky red. Shu Yiheng noted, "It's going to snow."

They had only walked a few steps out of the cave when Ling Chunann spotted three people not far away, An Ning, Ning Yu Zhihang, and their companions who had gotten lost on the mountain.

An Ning was the first to see Ling Chunann, waving happily in his direction, "Senior!"

As Shu Yiheng had mentioned, on their way back that night, snowflakes began to drift down, covering the ground in a thin layer by the time they reached home.

People not yet tired of winter cheered the arrival of this spring snow. However, what they didn't expect was that the snow, from the moment it started, seemed endless.

A day, two days, a week...

The snow gradually spread from this southwestern city of China to the entire country, and not just China, but all regions of the world, were submerged under pure white snow.

From initial astonishment and admiration, news coverage quickly shifted to educating the public on how to combat the snow disaster, all within a few days.

Ling Chunann, nestled at home, watched the television, where a reporter, face and nose reddened by the cold, stood solemnly in the snow. "The National Meteorological Agency reports that this worldwide snowstorm will end in three days at most. Please, everyone, do not worry."

"Host, the full outbreak of the parasitized will occur three days later," 098 spoke, "These few days should be their hibernation period."

"Okay." Ling Chunann glanced at the fruits Shu Yiheng had cut and placed in front of him, moved his fingers but then retracted them, "Have you noticed any differences between the parasitized and regular humans besides their eyes?"

"No, Host. Is something wrong?" The storyline only mentioned that the parasitized have dull, lightless eyes with pitch-black pupils.

"Nothing." Ling Chunann shook his head.

On the tenth day, the snow finally stopped.


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