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Chapter 479: Breaking the Sound Barrier with Flesh, Only Legends Can Contend with Legends!

Flame Explosion, Chain Lightning, Ice Blade...

A torrent of low-tier magics fell like a downpour, but the quantity-over-quality approach was clearly infeasible here. There was an insurmountable gap between legends and grand wizards, not to mention these ordinary wizards.

Cynthia moved across the platform like a storm, leaving afterimages in everyone's view.

Merely relying on her unusually swift energy conversion, she had already evaded over ninety percent of the spells. For the rest, Cynthia didn't even bother to dodge; they were dispersed by the elements within her domain before even reaching her.

Fortunately, Harof never counted on these wizards for significant help, only hoping to slightly distract Cynthia.

Taking advantage of the distance, Aurora had already positioned herself in front of the ascension array, with palm-sized crystals floating in the void, then shooting towards the streaking light that was Cynthia.

Such an obvious attack obviously couldn't hit Cynthia, who was moving at high speeds...

"Thunder Net!" Aurora stretched out her hand, and lightning flashed within the speeding crystals.

Each crystal acted as a node, connecting the wild electric arcs together, instantly covering a large area and forming a vast electromagnetic net.

Cynthia's energy form could ignore most spells, but still couldn't escape the confinement of the magnetic field.

The saintess, turned into a streak of light, slowed down dramatically as if plunging into a quagmire, and her luminous form reappeared.

"Space-Time Blade—Slash"

Years of coordination allowed Harof to strike perfectly without any communication, an invisible spatial ripple swept across, slicing Cynthia's body in two...

Then Aurora reactivated the lightning, shredding the severed body with powerful electromagnetic force in just two seconds!

How could this be?

Watching Cynthia's body be completely engulfed in lightning, Aurora herself stopped, but then realized a legend couldn't possibly die so easily, unless it was a decoy.

A strong premonition flashed through Aurora's mind, instinctively shifting her body slightly. Then, a spray of blood flew, and her right arm was cleanly severed!

"Damn it!" Aurora's left hand clutched the wound, freezing the gushing blood into ice to stop the flow.

She had taken a significant hit in her area of expertise, visual magic.

Clearly, Cynthia's release of starlight magic was merely a diversion, with her real body hidden within the starlight's cover, launching this fatal strike.

Aurora scanned in front of her, horrified to find she couldn't sense the opponent's movements at all.

Luckily, rune chains sprang from the ground at that moment, striking an empty space.

With a series of grating thuds, Cynthia's figure appeared from the void, starlight bursting forth, smashing the approaching rune chains.

But these chains seemed endless, more springing towards her with each one destroyed, with the massive amount of magic stones beneath the ground and the floating fusion reactor continuously supplying energy.

The rune barrier erected behind effortlessly blocked the bombardment of starlight!

This protection was specifically devised by Victorio to ensure undisturbed ascension, virtually considering all possibilities. Before being destroyed, space, force fields, electromagnetism, or sound waves couldn't affect those within the array, as if magic had separated two worlds!

Cynthia recognized this and once again invoked Divine Descent after testing the barrier's strength with starlight magic.

"This place is God's domain!"

Cynthia's voice echoed in the underground space, the consecutive use of legendary divine magic draining her, necessitating 'Divine Speech' to communicate with her deity to descend the divine kingdom again.

Instantly, the entire underground domain was encompassed within the divine kingdom, except for... the Sun Furnace protected by the legendary array!

Cynthia spread her hands, and elements tainted by divine magic within the vast space immediately converged, forming a giant hand, fiercely clenching towards the half-closed rune barrier like an eggshell.

"Think again!" Harof forcefully activated force field magic, attempting to pull Cynthia down from mid-air...

As the battle intensified, Monroe, bound by rune chains and unable to move, harbored thoughts, gripping the cube in his hand, preparing to unleash the most powerful legendary divine magic stored within the relic—Eradication Light!

The diamond-shaped cube spun in his palm, the divine runes on its six faces connecting, emitting an exceptionally dazzling light.

Monroe understood this was his chance to shine. By assisting Lady Cynthia in killing these wizards, he could use this achievement to cleanse his past stains and disgrace!

Now, with everyone's attention drawn to the powerful Lady Cynthia, only Raphael was an exception. Having just engaged Monroe, he was well aware the latter was not a figure to overlook.

Dozens of electromagnetic iron thorns arrived in an instant.

To execute Eradication Light, most of the relic's power had been drawn away.

Under the bombardment of 'mini railguns', the protection of the Indestructible Shield quickly shattered.

Bound by rune chains, Monroe had no chance to dodge, only able to avoid vital points as much as possible, watching as thorns pierced his chest, thighs, and arms...

One of the thorns even struck the floating cube—Raphael knew precisely what was crucial.


In Monroe's despairing shout, the cube was knocked out of his grasp and sent flying.

Before Raphael could launch another attack, a hand reached out, precisely catching the cube before it hit the ground.

A look of joy immediately appeared on Monroe's face, urgently shouting, "Quick, Ivina, destroy the altar!"

The relic in his hand was ready to be unleashed, just waiting to be activated.

Though the achievement would partially go to Ivina, at this moment, he didn't care.

As Monroe anticipated, and as Raphael and others watched in sudden change, Ivina raised the cube towards the Sun Furnace, not hesitating to launch the attack!

The dark Eradication Light shot out from the cube at extreme speed, obviously referencing someone's development of laser magic.

At the same moment, Cynthia had already forcibly torn a crack in Victorio's legendary array.

Despite the abundant energy sustaining the array's existence, how could a living legend not break through a dead array?

Then, streams of brilliant starlight emerged behind Cynthia, spreading in a peacock's tail of splendor...

Just as Cynthia prepared to obliterate the entire ascension platform with her spell, a sudden, dark, annihilating light unexpectedly attacked from behind.

The speed of the light was unimaginably fast, by the time Cynthia sensed danger, Eradication Light had already penetrated half of her body, also shattering the meticulously constructed spell.

The entire battlefield fell into deathly silence, everyone staring in disbelief at Ivina holding the cube.

Monroe's eyes widened in shock, questioning for a moment if he had seen an illusion, but he quickly realized the truth, collapsing in a scream.

"Why... Are you mad, Ivina?"

Monroe couldn't believe Ivina had misfired; it was impossible to accidentally hit Lady Cynthia, so it had to be deliberate!

Ivina ignored Monroe, instead confronting Cynthia with the luminous cube, solemnly demanding answers.

"I have some questions, please answer me truthfully... Lady Cynthia."

"Is the scripture true, is our continent flat or spherical, did God truly create this world? What exactly are wizards? Do heaven and hell really exist..."

After months of living and studying in the City of Fire Oil, Ivina had too many unresolved questions. Although now was not the ideal time to delve into them, she knew she would never get answers at any other time.

Harof didn't wait for Cynthia's response, scoffing, "What Lady? You're standing before Aila, the god worshipped by the Church!"

"Your so-called Lady is but a vessel used for descent, replaced every few years... Claiming to be a god, she's just someone who has walked further on the path of magic than us," Aurora added, revealing Cynthia's true nature without hesitation.

She didn't know why Ivina suddenly attacked the Lady, but the cube in her hands held the power to influence the battle!

Their words left Ivina stunned, and even Monroe, looking devastated, was frozen in place.

The Lady before them was... the Moon Goddess 【Aila】?

Cynthia didn't respond to Ivina's questions or bother to counter Harof's words, instead coldly stating, "You plan to use my own creation against me?"

"A knife can be a tool for murder or for saving lives." Ivina, managing to suppress her astonishment, showed no intention of backing down. Unlike Monroe, she acted on her own will, indifferent to divine magic or wizardry.

However, Ivina clearly misunderstood Cynthia's words. The next moment, she felt the cube slipping out of control, as countless magical threads shot out from its surface...

Cynthia wasn't waiting but was communicating with the divine energy within the cube. Although others could use alchemical creations, it didn't mean she hadn't left safeguards in this relic she personally crafted!

At such close range, there was no chance to evade, and Ivina's body was quickly pierced by the suddenly emerging magical threads, one wrapping tightly around her neck like a noose.

A profound sense of suffocation immediately dominated her mind.

Not only that, but Ivina felt her strength and magic being drained non-stop...

Her mind grew fuzzy, past memories flashing like phantoms, finally settling on that night at the burning harbor town.

Perhaps she should have died that night? The girl thought to herself, regretting only that she hadn't unraveled the truth or found Lott's whereabouts...

Ivina's struggling expression gradually calmed, accepting her death with some reluctance but still with serenity.

"This ends now!"

A booming voice suddenly filled the underground space, reaching Ivina's ears, followed by the sound of something


When Ivina opened her eyes again, she found the spontaneously floating cube in front of her had exploded, apparently smashed by a powerful force, large chunks of crystal turning into countless sparkling fragments scattered on the ground.

The magical threads binding her body also broke apart.

Ivina crashed to the ground, ignoring the pain from her body, and turned her gaze towards the Sun Furnace.

The flashing lightning inside had completely dissipated, and the glowing alchemical runes on the ground had returned to dimness.

As everyone watched, a azure figure emerged from the furnace, and in the moment of bodily reconstruction, Lynn had used magic to create a suitable atomic garment for himself.

After all, his robe couldn't withstand such intense energy wash, having been destroyed along with his body.

He wasn't in the habit of fighting without clothes.

Lynn surveyed the underground space, now a projection of the divine kingdom.

The severed Aurora, the heavily injured Harof, and the formal wizards suppressed by the divine domain unable to move, all came into his view.

He realized he had made some miscalculations.

Lynn thought that with Harof and Aurora's interference, plus Victorio's alchemical array, he could barely hold out until his ascension was successful.

After all, the smart brain had recorded every step of constructing a body of magic and energy, Lynn was confident he could complete it within a minute.

Yet, he underestimated Cynthia's power; her elemental hand, empowered by the divine kingdom, was capable of tearing through Victorio's protective array.

Seeing Lynn emerge from the fusion furnace, Harof was overjoyed, understanding that the tide of battle had turned. However, he still cautiously asked.

"Are you sure?"

Although both he and Aurora were heavily injured, they still had some fighting power.

"Leave it to me, your magic probably can't inflict fatal damage on her!" Lynn reassured them, then turned to Cynthia, who had regained her form, and coldly spoke again.

"Just in time, I have a spell I've been wanting to experiment with!"

The moment his words fell, Lynn moved, the intense sonic boom created by his extreme speed pushing everything away from him. The Mach cone, usually seen only around supersonic jets, now appeared around his energy body.

With merely his 'flesh', Lynn broke the sound barrier, directly punching the suspended Cynthia and sending her flying!


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