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Chapter 174

After Ling Chunann and another left, Lu Jiayu quickly contacted a doctor for Bai's mother to prepare for surgery. The illness couldn't be delayed any longer. However, when paying for the surgery, she checked her account balance and was surprised to find over two million in deposits, feeling both grateful and guilty. She was grateful for Ling Chunann's timely help and guilty for not having visited him even once over the past year. Lu Jiayu made up her mind to treat Ling Chunann well in the future.

Ling Chunann, on the other hand, didn't care about Lu Jiayu's gratitude. For him, exchanging two million for over ten thousand energy points was already a profit. During the continuous drop in Lu Corporation's stock, under Ling Chunann's guidance, Lin Rin Feng quickly acquired a significant portion of Lu's controlling shares at a very low price. Including the shares held by Mrs. Lu and Bai Yuanyuan, they secured nearly 60%, leaving the rest to be picked up by the Lin family. Ling Chunann didn't pursue further since he already held the absolute say.

After securing the controlling shares, Ling Chunann visited Lu Corporation again. Compared to its previous bustling atmosphere, the company now felt somewhat desolate. Secretary Yang, sitting at the front desk, brightened upon seeing Ling Chunann and quickly stood up, "Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu, you're here?"

"I need to discuss something with the president," Ling Chunann said.

"The president is in his office. Please wait; I'll inform him." Secretary Yang said as he picked up the phone. "President, you have a visitor. It's Mr. Lu. Alright."

"Mr. Lu, you can go up using the private elevator," Secretary Yang hung up the phone. "Are you alone? Do you need me to take you up?"

"No, thank you, I remember the way," Ling Chunann smiled and shook his head. He wasn't alone, but he was the only one entering the company.

"Come in."

Hearing the voice of the Lu family head from inside, Ling Chunann changed his grip on the door and pushed it open.

"Xiao Yan, what brings you here?" The family head, rubbing his temples, looked up with bloodshot eyes and a face marked by exhaustion, clearly not having rested well for many days.

Sitting down in front of the desk, Ling Chunann asked, "How has the company been doing recently?"

Sighing deeply, the Lu family head shook his head, then realized Ling Chunann couldn't see the gesture and spoke, "The financial chain is completely broken beyond repair, banks refuse to lend us money, and companies within the same industry are kicking us while we're down, especially the Lin Corporation, which is eagerly eyeing our shares. At this rate, we can last at most... half a month."

Having invested his life's work in Lu Corporation, he couldn't accept such an outcome being caused by a young girl.

098: "Host, the Lu family head is crying."


Quickly regaining his composure, the Lu family head wiped his eyes as if nothing had happened, "Xiao Yan, you see the current state of the company. I'm afraid I can't keep the promise I made to you last time. I'm sorry."

Ling Chunann was aware the promise referred to his return as vice president, but he hadn't intended to take up the role again and didn't mind the family head's inability to fulfill his promise. Shaking his head, he said, "It's okay. I'm here today to discuss a matter with you."

"What is it?" The family head perked up.

"Wait, there's one more person who hasn't arrived."

After a silent ten minutes, the phone on the Lu family head's desk rang again. He answered immediately, and after a few seconds, said, "Please send him up."

After hanging up, the Lu family head looked at Ling Chunann, "Did you arrange for the CEO of Lin Corporation to come?"

"Yes," Ling Chunann nodded. "After all, he holds over twenty percent of Lu Corporation's shares."

The mention of shares made the Lu family head sigh again, his expression turning somber.

Lin Jinghai's past year had been anything but peaceful, seemingly by coincidence or perhaps fate, Lin Corporation found itself plagued with endless troubles. Though no major accidents or serious problems arose, these issues kept him so occupied that his intentions to pursue Ling Chunann had to be sidelined.

This time, targeting Lu Corporation was purely a business move for Lin Jinghai. He believed that Lu Corporation still had a chance to recover, but what he hadn't expected was that, aside from the initial shares he had purchased, the shareholders who had agreed to sell to him suddenly changed their minds and refused to sell. Later, he managed to gather some scattered shares from the market, barely accumulating 21%, just 1% more than the Lu family head.

Upon receiving an invitation from Ling Chunann, Lin Jinghai felt a surge of excitement, straightening his collar in the elevator and wearing a rare smile as he stepped out.

First, Lin Jinghai shook hands with the Lu family head for three seconds, and then with Ling Chunann. Five seconds later, when Ling Chunann pulled away, Lin Jinghai reluctantly withdrew his hand.

"Now that everyone is here," Ling Chunann started, "Mr. Lin, I'd like to ask if you'd consider transferring your shares?"

Lin Jinghai shook his head. "I have no such plans."

"Then, today will be Lu Corporation's latest shareholders' meeting." Ling Chunann opened the document he had been holding, "Mr. Lin, you've invested a significant amount in Lu Corporation's shares, obviously recognizing its potential. Surely, you wouldn't want to see it reach a dead end, right?"

"Of course," Lin Jinghai felt something was off in Ling Chunann's words but didn't think it would affect him until he saw the share certificate Ling Chunann placed before him.

Forty minutes later, Ling Chunann left with a clear conscience, followed a few steps behind by a defeated-looking Lin Jinghai. 098 couldn't help but laugh, admiring the host's brilliance. At the moment of agreement, Ling Chunann gained another ten thousand energy points, a fact 098 found even more delightful than Ling Chunann himself.

"098, laugh out loud if you're happy. I'm not the kind of host who forbids laughter," Ling Chunann said.

"Lu Jiayu."

As they approached the entrance of Lu Corporation's building, Lin Jinghai couldn't hold back and called out to Ling Chunann.

Ling Chunann slightly turned, "What's it?"

"You set a trap for me earlier. If I had sold the shares, you'd have taken them; if not, you'd have forced me to invest," Lin Jinghai said. "But how did you know my company recently has a liquidity of twenty billion?"

Ling Chunann simply smiled, not answering the first part. "Hmm? I didn't know. It just so happens I had that much to invest. Don't overthink it."

"Hopefully," Lin Jinghai expressed admiration for Ling Chunann's new role as the agent for a newly established foreign corporation in the country. Seeing Lu Linfeng approaching Ling Chunann, Lin Jinghai felt a tinge of sadness, "I have another matter to attend to, but let's have dinner another day."

After watching the dejected man leave, Lu Linfeng focused entirely on Ling Chunann, "Darling, did everything go smoothly?"

"Of course." Ling Chunann waved the partnership agreement and funding proof in his hand, handing it to Lu Linfeng, "Let's go back."

However, before they could get into the car, someone called out to Ling Chunann from behind.

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan!" A woman's voice, somewhat hoarse and distorted.

"098: "Host, it's Mrs. Lu."

Disregarding her previous fear of Lu Linfeng, Mrs. Lu pleaded with Ling Chunann, "Xiao Yan, please help me, save Yuanyuan."

"What happened?" Ling Chunann asked.

"She's been kidnapped. They're asking for five hundred million for her release. If we don't pay within three days, they'll kill her. I don't have that kind of money," Mrs. Lu cried heart-wrenchingly. She had indeed sold Lu Corporation's shares for billions, but all that money had gone to her maternal family. Now, with only tens of millions left, how could she afford five hundred million? With the Lu family head already indifferent towards Bai Yuanyuan and the corporation at a critical juncture, it was natural he wouldn't help, which is why she was so desperate upon seeing Ling Chunann.

Whether Ling Chunann or Lu Linfeng had the money, she didn't know. Despite her fear of Lu Linfeng revealing her past actions, Bai Yuanyuan was her only child; she couldn't bear to lose her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lu, but I'm quite poor right now," Ling Chunann shook his

 head. "Have you called the police?"

"If I report it, they'll immediately kill my daughter. I dare not," Mrs. Lu cried earnestly.

"Sorry, you should turn to the police for this kind of matter," Ling Chunann shook his head again.

Grasping Lu Linfeng's fingers, Lu Linfeng clasped his hand back, "Let's go."

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, please, save my daughter. She's innocent!" Seeing them get into the car, Mrs. Lu immediately knelt, "I was wrong back then. I shouldn't have tried to have you killed for fear you'd reveal my affair. But Yuanyuan is innocent, she's a good child, please save her!"

098, previously smug over its guess that Mrs. Lu had attempted to have Lu Linfeng killed for the sake of the Lu family head's position, was stunned by her audacity to confront them after so long.

Lu Linfeng paused, "I can save her, but I have a condition."

"Anything, just name it! As long as you save her," Mrs. Lu hurriedly agreed.

Bai Yuanyuan awoke tied to a chair in a dim, abandoned factory surrounded by rusted metal, the taste of iron heavy in her mouth and nose. Her eyes filled with fear, she called out, "Is anyone there? Let me out."

The door was kicked open, and a disheveled middle-aged man in barely recognizable blue clothes entered, "Shut up. Once the money arrives, you're free to go."

Bai Yuanyuan's pupils dilated in shock, her face turning pale, "You, how could you..."

The man grinned, revealing stained yellow teeth, "What, don't recognize me?"


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