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Chapter 173

098 glanced repeatedly at the person driving before quietly asking Ling Chunann, "Host, aren’t you worried this person might be bad news?"

"Why worry?" Ling Chunann countered, "He can’t beat me."

"…" That remained to be seen.

Ten minutes later, the car pulled over in a secluded alley, followed by a weight pressing down on Ling Chunann. "Handsome, fancy a quickie?"

Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow, "Sure, how do we do it?"

Before he could finish his sentence, his lips were sealed with a kiss.

After the kiss, Ling Chunann, catching his breath, pressed his knee against the man's aroused part. "Enough fooling around, I've got serious business to attend to."

"Baby, how did you recognize me?" Lu Lingfeng asked, a hint of grievance in his voice, having altered his voice on purpose.

"I'd recognize you even if you turned to ashes." Ling Chunann pushed Lu Lingfeng slightly, "Drive, let's head to the East City district."

Though his words were harsh, Lu Lingfeng was delighted to know his place in his beloved’s heart. He pecked Ling Chunann on the lips before happily returning to the driver’s seat and starting the car.

The East City district, in stark contrast to the West, represented the extremes of poverty and wealth. Narrow streets were flanked by dilapidated shanties, with a few concrete walls ominously marked with the character for "demolish" painted in blood-red. The air was thick with an odd, foul stench.

As soon as they got out of the car, Lu Lingfeng, noticing the garbage and sewage on the ground, frowned and walked over to the other side of the car to pull Ling Chunann's hand. "Baby, I'll carry you. Just tell me where to go."

Glad for the easy ride, Ling Chunann climbed onto Lu Lingfeng's back. "Look for a small church nearby, a three-story one, and below it, there should be a small bungalow covered in ivy."

"Alright." Lu Lingfeng adjusted Ling Chunann’s position and spotted the church at the end of the street. He carefully avoided the puddles and headed toward it.

The bungalow, shrouded in ivy, appeared somewhat eerie. Its old wooden door was tightly shut, but fortunately, the area in front of this door was kept clean. Following Ling Chunann’s instructions, Lu Lingfeng knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, light footsteps approached but didn’t open the door.

Lu Lingfeng knocked again. The person behind the door held their breath, creating a tense silence before finally asking, "Who is it?"

A woman's soft and pleasant voice answered.

Ling Chunann nudged Lu Lingfeng's shoulder, "Let me down."

Obediently, Lu Lingfeng set Ling Chunann down but kept hold of his hand.

Ling Chunann, not attempting to break free, simply knocked on the door again, "Sister, it's me."

The door creaked open, revealing Lu Jiayu, incredulous, "A-Ayan, how did you get here?"

"This is Uncle," Ling Chunann introduced, "Sorry, sister, for not visiting you in a while."

"It’s... it's okay. Just remembering me is enough," Lu Jiayu's voice choked up. Having always been timid and distant from Lu Jiayu since childhood, she was surprised Ling Chunann still wanted to see her.

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" Ling Chunann smiled.

"Sorry, I forgot, please come in," Lu Jiayu hastily invited, wiping her tears.

The living room had only one chair, and the table was missing a leg, propped up with a brick to keep it stable. Lu Lingfeng scanned the room, noting its bareness.

"I'm sorry, I don't have another stool," Lu Jiayu said, looking at the single chair.

"Xiaoyu, who is it?"

A voice called from inside the house.

"It's my brother’s... friend," Lu Jiayu replied, then smiled at Ling Chunann and Lu Lingfeng, "Ayan, Uncle, I'll go check on my mom."

After Lu Jiayu entered the room, Lu Lingfeng sat on the chair and pulled Ling Chunann onto his lap, "Baby, did you come here just to see her?"

"She has been my sister for over twenty years, it's only right to visit," Ling Chunann replied, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. If baby likes, we can buy her a new apartment and find her a job."

"That won't be necessary. Just help her find a cheaper rental place."

Lu Jiayu had changed a lot over the year. She found her paralyzed mother and used her savings for treatment, taking on the responsibility of caring for her while also cramming her studies to secure a decent job recently. It won’t be long before she moves out of the East City district.

Although Ling Chunann had a hand in securing her job through 098, it was largely due to Lu Jiayu's own improved capabilities. With her previously timid nature, she might not have even made it through an interview without this boost.

However, Ling Chunann's visit today had another purpose. He stood up from Lu Lingfeng's embrace just as Lu Jiayu wheeled her mother out of the room.

"These are your friends?" Bai's mother asked with a beaming smile. Despite her surprise at their attire and demeanor, considering Lu Jiayu's past status, she wasn’t too shocked. "Xiaoyu, why don't you offer our guests some water?"

"Sorry, my bad," Lu Jiayu responded.

"No need," Ling Chunann said. "I just came to see how my sister was doing. If there's anything you need help with, just let me know. I'll do what I can to assist."

Lu Jiayu glanced at Ling Chunann, hesitating before speaking, "Ayan, could we talk outside for a moment?"

Lu Lingfeng started to rise but was gently pushed back down by Ling Chunann, who followed Lu Jiayu outside. They stood face-to-face in the small courtyard.

"Ayan," Lu Jiayu finally broke the silence, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "Thank you for remembering me."

"You don't have to be so formal with me," Ling Chunann replied.

"It's about this," Lu Jiayu gathered her thoughts before continuing. "I recently consulted with the hospital. Although it's been over a year since my mother's spinal injury, there's still a chance to correct it and restore her health. I was hoping..."

"That's great news. How much will it cost?" Ling Chunann asked with a smile.

"The surgery will cost... about a million," Lu Jiayu said, then quickly added, "I'll treat it as a loan from you. I'll pay you back with interest."

"There's no need for formalities. Medical treatment naturally requires money. Here's a card with some funds, take it for now. If it's not enough, let me know." Ling Chunann handed her a card. "This place isn't safe. You should move out as soon as possible."

"I've found a job recently and am planning to rent a place near the company," Lu Jiayu said, her eyes reddening. "Thank you, Ayan."

"Energy points +15000."

098 was shocked. Just giving some money to the protagonist's sister boosted the energy points by so much!

Upon reflection, it realized that in the original story, Lu Jiayu never found work and lived here with her mother until their imprisoned father returned, unaware of Lu Jiayu's true identity, leading to tragedy. Ling Chunann's actions had completely changed Lu Jiayu's fate, hence the significant increase in energy points. The host was indeed clever!

This world had become a goldmine for Ling Chunann, surpassing the energy points earned in any previous world.

"Uncle, let's go," Ling Chunann called back into the house. "Auntie, we'll visit again."

"Won't you stay for lunch?" Bai's mother offered.

"No, thank you," Ling Chunann politely declined.

Lu Lingfeng nodded to Bai's mother and, taking Ling Chunann's hand, warned, "Baby, watch the step."

Noticing this, Lu Jiayu finally understood the discrepancy she felt seeing Ling Chunann again; although he appeared to "look" at her, his eyes had no focus. No wonder Lu Lingfeng had been holding him so closely. She opened her mouth, "A-Ayan?"

"Hm?" Ling Chunann, already stepping out, slightly turned, "What is it?"

"Your eyes..."

Ling Chunann smiled, "It's fine. Focus on treating Auntie, and remember to move out soon." Bai's father would be released from prison next month.

As Ling Chunann and Lu Lingfeng's figures disappeared, Lu Jiayu retracted her gaze. Over the past year, she had only caught glimpses of the news, knowing Ling Chunann had joined Lu's and launched successful projects, even becoming the new CEO. After that, she had no time for news and hadn’t heard about his blindness, assuming the minor car accident was long resolved.

With a lump in her throat, Lu Jiayu touched her somewhat sore nose and closed the door.

Earning 15,000 energy points left Ling Chunann in high spirits, but Lu Lingfeng felt the opposite. Previously, Ling Chunann had stopped him from acting against the woman who had his beloved's eyes, but now he considered reclaiming them.

"What are you thinking?" Ling Chunann


"Nothing. Are you tired, baby? If you're tired, sleep for a bit. We'll be home soon," Lu Lingfeng softened his voice.

"Don't even think about Bai Yuanyuan," Ling Chunann said.

Lu Lingfeng's grip on the steering wheel trembled, "Baby, do you still like her?"

Ling Chunann couldn't resist teasing, "If I liked her, would you help me pursue her?"

"…As long as baby is happy," Lu Lingfeng tightened his fingers, his gaze deepening.

...Host, you're playing with fire! 098 screamed internally at Lu Lingfeng's expression.

As the car's interior temperature dropped, Ling Chunann finally couldn't hold back his laughter. Lu Lingfeng was too adorable, easily jealous despite knowing he was being teased. Ling Chunann propped himself up, leaned towards Lu Lingfeng, and bit his ear, "Uncle, you're my favorite."

The sudden screeching of brakes followed, and the car came to a steady stop on the mountain road.

Watching Lu Lingfeng's innocent steering wheel suffer again, 098 couldn't help but comment internally, This man really can't handle being teased!


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